Conservative News Daily

Chris Christie’s campaign crashes as he insults Freedom Summit crowd, leading to boos and its demise.

Chris Christie’s Disastrous⁤ Appearance at the Freedom⁣ Summit

When former New Jersey Gov.‍ Chris Christie took the stage on Saturday at⁣ the Florida Freedom Summit, he ⁤was ​clearly expecting a bad ⁣reaction from the crowd.

But the way Christie crashed and burned was even worse.

He⁤ couldn’t ‍have killed his ⁢campaign better if he’d called them “deplorables.”

The man whose entire campaign​ seems to ‍be built on attacking former President Donald Trump — the GOP primary leader who’s supported ​by more than 45 percent of Republican primary ⁣voters, according ‍to ⁢the RealClearPolitics average ​on Sunday — stayed ‍true to⁣ form, opening with an ‍assault⁤ from the stage on audience members who had the ‌temerity⁤ to boo him.

He lectured them. He hectored them. ⁤He insulted them. And in the‍ process, he almost certainly killed whatever vestige of hope his campaign for the GOP ‍nomination ever might have had.

Check it out ​below. Christie spoke for 15 minutes, but it was the first five that‌ doomed him.

“Now look,” Christie said about 30 seconds in. “Every one of those boos. Every one of those‌ catcalls. Every one of‌ those yells will not … solve one ​problem we face in this country. And will not make⁢ this country ‍better.”

(The fact is, exactly those same things could be said ‌about the Christie campaign.)

And then ‍he got personal:

“Your anger,” he said,⁤ his⁣ voice⁢ beginning‌ to rise, the condescension‍ and contempt becoming more apparent. “Your anger … Your anger ‌against ⁤the truth is re-pre-hen-si-ble.”

The⁢ crowd responded ⁢about‍ as well as any crowd⁢ openly attacked from the stage⁢ would ⁢— with some members booing audibly to the point where Christie apparently ⁣felt the need to insult them‌ again.

“This type of pettiness is beneath, beneath​ the process of electing a president,” he⁢ said.

(Again, many‍ Republicans — and Democrats ⁤for that matter — might say the exact same thing about ‍Christie.)

“If your arguments are so ‍strong, if⁤ your arguments are so great, and⁢ mine are so‌ bad, then just ‍keep quiet,” Christie said. “Let me make my awful arguments and then you can just reject them out of hand.

“But the problem is, the problem is, ⁣the problem is, you ⁣fear the truth. The problem is, you want to shout‍ down any voice that says anything different than what you want to hear.”

Well, if‍ the audience at Gaylord Palms resort was in ⁢Kissimmee to hear a​ speech that was original, sincere and something that didn’t sound like a product ​of an AI program sorting through the politics of the past six weeks, Christie had⁢ a point. Because ​his speech ⁢after his ⁤diatribe was unoriginal, ⁢hackneyed, and sounded like the product of ⁤an AI program sorting⁣ through the politics of the past six weeks.

Christie said he ⁤was pro-Israel, pro-border security, and pro-engagement with the rest of the world‌ — it ⁤was political⁤ pablum that couldn’t even rise to the level of pandering.

From a⁤ moral point of view, basically any Republican — and decent human ⁢being — is sickened⁤ and infuriated by the Oct. 7 terrorist atrocities that occurred⁤ in Israel, ⁣and⁤ possibly more sickened ⁣and infuriated by the leftist response — which has attacked ​Israel for its very existence​ and glorified ‍the barbaric⁤ Hamas killers.

From a ⁢factual point of view, where Christie no ⁤doubt intended his speech⁣ to be a tour de force of American history, it came ‍across⁣ as trite. It⁤ could have been written by a⁣ sixth-grader with ‍a decent ear ​for⁣ rhetoric‌ and access to Google’s liberally⁤ slanted searches.

And from an effectiveness point of view,⁣ it was a ⁣disaster comparable to​ former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson’s appearance at the Freedom ‌Summit earlier in ⁣the day. (Hutchinson⁣ also ⁤attacked Trump, naturally.)

Among other things, Christie‌ helped⁢ propagate the great ‌liberal myth that the Trump presidency constituted​ some kind of “turning inward” on‍ the part​ of the United ⁣States, or turning‌ away from the‌ rest of the​ world.

It’s true​ that ⁢Trump changed the terms on which the ⁤U.S. deals with the rest of the world, and to the United States’ benefit.

An honest politician (and an honest establishment media) would ​also⁣ acknowledge that⁤ the world was largely ⁤at⁢ peace during ⁢the⁢ Trump presidency, that Vladimir Putin’s Russia didn’t invade⁤ Ukraine⁢ (until Trump successor⁢ Joe Biden basically invited it), ‍that it was the Trump-brokered ⁤Abraham Accords ‍that were responsible for real steps toward peace in the Middle East, ⁣and that the southern border was, if nothing else, far more secure than⁤ it is today,⁤ and heading⁢ toward and even more‌ secure future.

Christie — to his disgrace — acknowledged none of ⁢that, contenting himself with a grade-school sketch of American history,⁤ an implicit ⁤attack on Trump and an explicit attack ‍on his supporters that ranks with⁤ Hillary Clinton’s infamous ‍“deplorables” line as a memorable way ​to⁣ alienate Republican voters.

(It’s ⁤worse, actually, ⁣since Christie was in the process of attempting to court Republican ‌voters. Courting Republicans is ⁢one of the few things Clinton hasn’t ⁣ been accused ⁣of.)

“Thank you for having​ me today,” Christie said as he concluded his speech and the ​boos rained down. “I appreciate it very much.”

There’s no doubt he appreciated⁢ the ⁢stage time. It was ‍free PR, after all, for a⁣ dying campaign that was lingering at ‍2.3 percent support in the RCP average on Sunday.

But after that​ crash-and-burn appearance, that⁢ campaign deserves to be dead.

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The post Chris Christie Crashes ​and Burns‌ as Freedom Summit Boos Him,‌ Kills His Campaign​ by Insulting the ⁢Crowd’s ‘Reprehensible’ Beliefs appeared first on The‌ Western Journal.

How did Christie’s dismissive attitude towards the concerns ⁣of⁢ everyday Americans contribute to the perception that he is out of touch

Certainly missed the mark.

Christie’s attempt to paint himself as the voice of reason and unity fell flat.​ Instead of ‌inspiring the crowd with a compelling ‌vision for the future, he resorted⁤ to petty insults and condescension. This may have worked⁣ in the past, but in today’s political climate, it only⁢ serves to further divide.

It’s clear that⁢ Christie’s ‌strategy is to position himself as the ⁣antidote to Trumpism within ⁣the Republican Party. But attacking ​the frontrunner is a risky move, especially when that frontrunner has the support of​ a significant portion of ‍the party’s base. Christie’s decision to‌ double down ‌on ⁤his attacks ‍on Trump ultimately alienates him from ⁣the very​ voters he ⁢needs to win over.

Furthermore, Christie’s holier-than-thou attitude only serves to reinforce the perception that he is out ⁢of‌ touch with the ⁤concerns of everyday Americans. Instead of ⁢listening ​to their frustrations and engaging in a meaningful dialogue, he dismisses their anger⁣ as “re-pre-hen-si-ble” and accuses them of‍ fearing the‌ truth. This kind‍ of arrogance is a surefire way to⁤ lose‍ support, especially​ in a political landscape that values ⁣authenticity and a genuine connection ‌with voters.

It’s‍ also worth‌ noting that Christie’s appearance at the Freedom Summit was plagued by technical⁢ difficulties. His microphone cut​ out ​multiple times throughout his ‍speech, making it difficult ‍to discern his words. While this may seem like a minor issue, ​it adds to ‍the overall impression of ⁤a campaign in disarray.

In conclusion, Chris Christie’s disastrous appearance at the Freedom Summit only further solidifies the notion that his‌ campaign is ⁣in trouble. His attacks on ⁣Trump, condescending tone, and dismissive ⁢attitude towards the concerns of voters⁤ are a recipe for failure. Unless Christie can change course and offer a more⁤ compelling and inclusive message, his chances of securing the GOP nomination seem slim at ⁣best.

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