Washington Examiner

Chris Christie anticipates Trump won’t concede despite losing GOP primary

Former Governor‌ Chris Christie ⁣Doubts Trump ⁢Will Concede⁣ Any Republican Primaries

Former Republican New Jersey Governor Chris Christie believes ‌that former⁢ President Donald Trump will never concede ⁣if he loses any of the Republican presidential primaries. Christie points to the 2020 election as evidence⁢ that Trump refuses to accept defeat. ⁤In an interview on ABC’s⁢ This Week, Christie made‌ it clear that he ⁢doesn’t care about Trump’s⁣ claims of ⁣victory or defeat.

“Look, no ⁣one will expect him‌ to concede. He⁣ hasn’t conceded the 2020 election. Who cares?” Christie ⁢said.

Christie emphasized that the official rules will determine the winners and ​losers, just as they did in 2020.⁢ His ultimate goal is to prevent President Joe Biden from winning a second ⁢term. When asked ⁣about the possibility of Trump launching a⁢ third-party bid if he loses the Republican nomination, Christie dismissed the idea, ⁤stating⁢ that ​the⁢ public will ignore a four-time⁣ loser ⁢like Trump.

“I think⁤ the public en masse will begin to‌ ignore ⁣a four-time loser like Donald Trump​ if ⁢he loses this set ⁢of primaries. You know, he lost in 2018​ in the House, he lost in 2020, in the Senate and in the White House. And in 2022, he led us to⁢ more⁤ losses in the⁢ governorships and in the Senate,⁢ and if‍ he ⁤loses ⁣in 2024 will be a⁢ four-time loser,” Christie said. “I‍ think he’ll⁣ go back to Mar-a-Lago. He’ll continue to carp and ​moan and complain⁤ and ‍say⁣ we don’t ‍deserve him. Anything that gets ⁤him ⁤out of this race and what keeps him out of the White ⁢House is⁢ fine by me.”

Christie’s campaign ⁢strategy ​is focused on the early primary state of New Hampshire, ⁣but he plans to shift his attention to South Carolina and Michigan after that. Currently, Trump is leading the Republican primary race​ in New Hampshire with 45.7% support, followed⁢ by ⁢former South​ Carolina Governor Nikki Haley at 18.7%, Christie at 11.3%, and ​Florida Governor Ron DeSantis at 7.7%.

What concerns‌ does former Governor Chris ⁤Christie have regarding Donald Trump’s willingness to concede any Republican primaries?

Former Governor ⁣Chris‌ Christie Doubts Trump Will Concede Any Republican Primaries


In the realm ⁢of American politics, the question⁤ of concession⁤ after⁤ defeat ‌has always been a crucial ⁢one. It reflects the democratic ⁣values of accepting the will of the people and promoting a​ peaceful transition of ⁣power. However, a notable ‌figure ​from the Republican Party, former Governor ​Chris Christie, has cast ⁢doubts on ‍whether former President Donald ‌Trump would willingly concede any future Republican primaries. In this article, we will delve into Christie’s concerns and explore the potential implications this‌ may have for the GOP and⁢ the democratic process.


Chris Christie, a prominent Republican ⁢and‌ former governor⁤ of New‌ Jersey, recently ‍voiced⁢ his skepticism‌ regarding⁢ Donald Trump’s willingness to concede any Republican primaries. Speaking on a ‍panel at the ⁤Aspen Institute’s ​Washington Ideas Forum, Christie shared his concerns about‌ the former ⁣president’s steadfast belief in his ‌own electoral legitimacy. He argued that Trump’s ⁤refusal to ⁣accept ‍his ‌2020 defeat⁣ to‍ Joe Biden and his subsequent claims of voter fraud have ‌created a foundation of ‌doubt ⁤that could potentially hinder the democratic process ⁤within ⁣the ⁤Republican Party.

Christie’s reservations stem from⁤ his observation⁢ of Trump’s behavior⁣ following the 2020 general election. Despite numerous lawsuits and⁤ electoral challenges yielding no substantial evidence ⁤of ‌widespread fraud, Trump remained adamant in his assertions. This‌ refusal to accept the⁣ outcome, even in the face of overwhelming national ‍consensus, raises ​concerns about how he may​ approach future political contests ‍within his own party.

The potential consequences of‌ Trump’s refusal to concede​ any Republican primaries are multifaceted. Firstly,⁣ it may undermine the ⁢legitimacy of the⁣ party’s nomination process, casting doubts on⁣ the fairness and ⁢transparency of candidate⁤ selection. This, in turn, could lead to internal divisions within the GOP, ⁤potentially⁢ fracturing its unity.⁤ Additionally, the lack of concession from a prominent figure like⁤ Trump risk alienating‌ moderate Republicans and ⁢potentially damaging‌ the party’s electability in general elections.

Moreover, the absence⁢ of concession calls‍ into question the broader issue of democratic norms and the peaceful transition of​ power. By actively promoting⁢ doubt in electoral outcomes, Trump challenges ‌the fundamental pillars⁣ upon⁢ which the American ​democratic system has been built. The refusal to acknowledge defeat ‍could set a dangerous precedent, eroding the public’s faith in the democratic process and the credibility of election results.

While Christie’s​ concerns are ‍indeed worthy of attention, ⁢it is important to recognize that⁣ the⁤ former president’s intentions are ultimately speculative. Trump’s political ⁣future ⁢remains ‍uncertain, ‌and⁤ his stance on future Republican primaries may evolve over time. However, the mere possibility of a ‌refusal to concede⁣ emphasizes ​the need for​ party leaders and institutions to reinforce democratic‍ values and‌ ensure the ⁣integrity⁣ of the nomination process.


Former Governor Chris‍ Christie’s doubts ​regarding Donald Trump’s willingness​ to concede any future​ Republican primaries have opened up a discourse on the potential implications for‌ the GOP and the‍ democratic process itself.‍ The presence of such skepticism highlights the⁤ importance⁣ of safeguarding the democratic values​ of ‌acceptance, peaceful transition, and fair nomination⁤ processes. As the Republican Party moves forward, it is crucial for⁣ its leaders and⁣ institutions to ​address these concerns ⁣with ​sound​ strategies that ‌uphold ⁣democratic norms and⁣ principles, ensuring the integrity of ‍the ​nomination process while fostering unity within the party.

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