Washington Examiner

Chris Christie claims Trump abandoned him post-2020 election.

Chris Christie:⁢ Trump “Left” Me After 2020 Election

Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie revealed that it was former President Donald ⁣Trump who “left” him, rather than the other way around, after the 2020 election. Speaking​ with Christiane Amanpour on ‍CNN, Christie explained ‌his ‌decision to withdraw his ⁤support for Trump.

“I didn’t leave Donald Trump, Christiane. He left me — when he stood there on election ⁣night 2020 behind the seal of the president in the East ‍Room of the White House⁣ and⁤ said the election had been stolen ‍when he had absolutely⁢ no evidence to support that. We know now that was‍ a complete lie,” Christie said.

Christie emphasized that he could not support ​someone who would deceive the American people by claiming ‌the election was stolen without any evidence. He made this clear during ​his commentary on ABC that very night.

“When he ⁢did it that night, I was on ABC doing commentary, and I said that night that I cannot ‌support someone ⁢who would make the American people ‌believe that ⁤the election they just participated in was stolen when he had no‍ evidence to support it,” Christie added.

Despite trailing behind Trump and Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) in recent polls, Christie remains optimistic ​about his chances. He hopes to surpass‌ DeSantis‍ in ⁣New Hampshire and make it a head-to-head race between himself and Trump.

“That’s the first step for‌ me, is then to set this up as⁢ a ​race between⁢ me ‍and ‌Donald Trump in⁤ New Hampshire. If we do⁣ that, I⁣ believe we will beat Donald Trump in New Hampshire, and if we do, we’re gonna show the emperor has‌ no clothes, that Donald Trump, who many people ​thought​ was the inevitable ⁤nominee, will not be. And then I believe⁣ then I⁢ will be the nominee of the Republican Party, and I will ‌defeat Joe Biden,” ‍Christie ⁣said.

Christie will be among the candidates participating in the Republican presidential primary debate on August 23. It remains uncertain whether Trump will join the debate in Milwaukee.

According to the ‍RealClearPolitics polling average, Christie currently holds‍ seventh place with 2.3% in ‌the national polls for the GOP nomination. Trump leads the field with 53.7%, followed by DeSantis ⁢with 15.7%.

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