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Chris Cuomo alleges that ABC News prohibited the use of American flag pins following 9/11. We have evidence to support this claim.

Chris Cuomo Claims​ ABC ‌News Banned American Flag‍ Pins After 9/11 – We Found the Tape

Every so often, someone in America gets us a little closer to answering the⁣ question, “How did we get here?”

It’s no secret that the United States is​ a ​nation in decline with‍ its people increasingly divided, but it’s difficult to pinpoint exactly when we turned⁢ this corner.

Shockingly, NewsNation ‌star Chris Cuomo may have ⁤provided some insight when he confirmed ⁤a long-debated‍ fact about the mainstream media’s role in labeling patriotic symbols as divisive.

During ‌Wednesday’s broadcast⁣ of his “Cuomo” program, ​the former ‍ABC News and CNN host revealed to political scientist and commentator ⁢Ian Bremmer that ⁢ABC News banned any whiff⁣ of patriotism ⁣from the airwaves following the 9/11 attacks.

“It’s interesting,⁤ you know, I’ve had⁢ people — the first time since 9/11 and ⁣the war on terror⁣ — people have‌ been commenting on⁣ social media that I shouldn’t⁤ say ‘we’ when we talk about America,” Cuomo⁢ told his guest.

“I wasn’t allowed to say this then, but I just don’t ⁤care now: I am an American, and I report as an American, and I‍ think about America’s interests,”⁣ the⁤ host continued.

“Back on 9/11, they ⁣wouldn’t let us, at ABC News, wear a flag pin. I always thought that was wrong,” ⁤Cuomo said.

“I’m ​an American, I’m⁤ worried ‍about the American⁤ hostages, I’m worried about⁢ our interests, and that’s one⁤ aspect of why I care,” he said.

This clip made the rounds on ‌social media Thursday⁣ thanks to​ Nicholas Fondacaro, associate⁢ editor at the Media Research Center.

Cuomo’s assertion ‍about the ban checks‍ out to be true, even⁤ in‌ the hours of coverage broadcast on the day⁢ after the attacks,⁢ Sept. 12, 2001.

A video from the Television Archive ⁤Project with more than four‌ hours of ABC’s ‍coverage ‌of ⁤the terrorist attacks’ aftermath shows none of the hosts ‍wore flag pins:

However, the claim⁢ that ABC News specifically banned​ the patriotic symbol was declared ⁤debunked by several outlets, including USA⁣ Today, which⁤ took on the issue as recently as ‍2020.​ (The Western Journal⁣ reached out to ABC News for comment but did not‍ immediately receive a response.)

USA‍ Today’s report said⁣ the ⁤rationale from ABC News was a ‍blanket policy that‍ prohibited any displays ⁢that would compromise “neutrality” ‍at the network.

Even as the‌ nation — including many ⁢other newsrooms‌ — was awash with the stars and stripes as a display ‌of patriotism and solidarity following the terrorist attacks on‌ U.S. soil ‌that ​killed thousands of people, ‍the network apparently held fast to its‍ prohibition.

Does this change your opinion‍ of ABC News?

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That highbrow excuse got⁣ a ⁤boost once then-presidential candidate⁣ Barack ⁢Obama got on board during his 2008 campaign by ‌explaining that his ⁢patriotism was seen in his actions rather‌ than in⁢ a​ lapel pin.‌ (At‍ least he’s consistent: Glamour‍ swooned over Obama’s habit of slipping off his wedding ⁤ring for “safe keeping” while claiming to remain ⁤committed to wife Michelle‌ Obama.)

Perhaps ‌the⁢ network’s single-minded focus on neutrality could be forgiven — or at least believed — if its actions didn’t betray⁢ the truth.

When it comes to supporting the homosexual agenda, ABC proudly promotes its⁢ “Celebrating ⁤Pride” collection, which includes LGBT news shows⁤ and hosts.

Disney, which has been ABC’s parent⁢ company since its acquisition in 1996, slaps the colors of the “pride” flag on its most iconic characters with nary ‍a ⁤thought about ⁤throwing support behind a ​divisive issue.

Even if Cuomo has‍ a habit of stretching⁣ the truth that could undermine⁤ the veracity ​of his claim, it’s clear that ABC News has a left-wing bias in its reporting and skews against Republicans and traditional American values.

Before 2001, there was​ already an ⁤underlying suspicion that all of the establishment news networks were ‌anti-American, but a‌ thin veneer of patriotism was just enough for them to⁢ hold onto a shred⁣ of credibility.

That changed‍ following ⁣the attacks on 9/11 ‍when refusing to display patriotic symbols became a deliberate and conspicuous statement​ against America to the⁤ point ⁣that ABC News⁣ would be called out over it.

Of course, much has ⁣changed in the more than two decades since the attacks. The performance of “The Star-Spangled⁤ Banner” is now considered divisive, while the so-called black national anthem has a place of pride at​ American​ institutions such as NFL games.

Now, even a glimpse‌ of an American ⁢flag waving ‌on⁢ the back of a pickup truck is ‍triggering to some folks.

The LGBT “pride” and Black ⁣Lives ‍Matter flags are often more welcomed than Old Glory, with the latter ironically being called⁤ a ‌symbol of‌ hate ⁤and division.

In the face of what’s happened to American patriotism since ‌then, recalling the post-9/11 debate​ about flag lapel⁣ pins is like recalling ‌the halcyon days ⁤of one’s youth — it was ⁣a ⁣simpler time, and we​ had no idea how bad things would get.

Even if we can’t turn back the clock, at least Cuomo has shed a little light on where this ⁤sad decline in American ‌patriotism ⁤began⁢ to take hold.

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The post Chris Cuomo Claims ABC News Banned American‍ Flag Pins After 9/11 ​- We Found the Tape appeared first on The Western Journal.

How does ABC News’ blanket policy against ⁣patriotic displays, including wearing flag pins, raise ‌concerns about the interests of the American people?


The ⁢fact that ABC News had⁣ a blanket policy against patriotic displays, including wearing flag‍ pins, ‍is ​concerning. While the rationale given was neutrality, it is ‍important to question whether this⁤ policy truly served the interests of the American people.

Patriotic symbols, such as the American flag, represent unity, solidarity, and love for one’s country.⁢ In the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, when‍ the nation⁣ was grieving and searching for a sense of collective identity, the prohibition of flag pins by ABC News seems misguided and out of touch with the public sentiment.

It raises questions about the agenda and priorities of‌ the mainstream media. Are they truly‌ representing the views and values of the American people, ⁤or are they prioritizing a sense of neutrality that may actually be contributing to the division and decline of our nation?

The role ⁢of the media in influencing public opinion cannot be ⁢underestimated. By banning patriotic symbols, ABC News may have inadvertently contributed to the erosion of⁣ national pride and unity.​ It is important for the media to recognize their responsibility in promoting a sense of patriotism and shared identity.

Chris Cuomo’s revelation about the ban on flag pins at ABC⁢ News is a reminder of the power​ and influence of the ⁢media. ​As ​journalists and ⁣news organizations,‌ it is crucial to critically examine our ​policies and‍ practices to ensure that we are serving the best interests of the American people.

In conclusion, the⁤ revelation ⁤by Chris Cuomo about ABC News banning American flag pins after 9/11 raises ⁤important questions about the role of the⁤ mainstream media in shaping public sentiment. While the ‍policy may have been driven ⁢by a desire for neutrality, it ⁢is⁢ imperative to consider whether such decisions truly serve the interests⁢ of the ​American⁣ people. The media has a⁢ responsibility to promote ⁢unity, patriotism, and a shared sense of identity. ⁢Let us learn ‍from this revelation and strive towards a more responsible and inclusive media landscape ⁢that fosters patriotism and national unity.

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