Washington Examiner

Christie bashes ‘jokers’ in Congress for celebrating avoiding a government shutdown

Former⁢ Republican ⁣New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie Slams Congress for Dodging Government Shutdown

In a fiery town hall⁣ event in New Hampshire, former⁣ Republican New Jersey Governor Chris Christie didn’t hold back in criticizing the members⁢ of Congress ⁤who celebrated narrowly avoiding a government ⁢shutdown. He‍ called them “jokers” and emphasized that it is their responsibility to ensure the government remains funded.

During the event,‍ Christie also⁢ took aim at President Joe Biden, highlighting the lack of collaboration between the executive⁤ branch and Congress. He stated⁢ that Congress hasn’t had a president who truly works with them.

“You look at Washington.⁣ These jokers take a victory lap for not closing the government and think ⁢like they deserve a big round of applause for that,” Christie‌ expressed. “Congratulations, you didn’t close the government you’re supposed to be ⁢down ⁤there running.”

“But ​I don’t think that deserves ‌any great round of applause,” Christie added. “But they do, because they haven’t had a president who‌ has worked with them and made them understand that our job‌ is to work for you — not the other way around. Our job is to make the tough decisions.”

The 118th Congress‌ managed to pass two stopgaps to prevent a government shutdown, but‍ Christie’s criticism ⁣suggests that he believes they shouldn’t be praised for simply fulfilling their duty.​ The funding for the federal government is secured until at least Jan. 19, 2024, after President Biden signed the continuing resolution into law.

Christie has been a vocal critic of Congress, particularly ⁣the Republican majority in the House of Representatives. He⁣ strongly condemned the “political assassination” of‌ Rep. Kevin McCarthy,⁢ which resulted in a paralyzed chamber for over three⁢ weeks.

Currently, Christie is vying for the GOP nomination and is focused on performing ⁢well in the New Hampshire primary. According to the RealClearPolitics polling average, he currently holds the third position, trailing behind former President Donald Trump and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley.

What are⁤ the potential consequences⁢ of ⁢a government shutdown, as mentioned by Christie?

⁤Is Christie criticized⁢ Congress for their failure to address the looming‌ government shutdown. Christie, known for his no-nonsense approach to politics, did not ‌hold back in ‍expressing ⁢his disappointment ⁤and frustration with lawmakers.

The potential government shutdown has been a pressing issue, with Congress failing to come ​to a consensus on a‍ spending bill. As the deadline approaches,⁢ tensions have been rising, and the ⁢American people are‌ left wondering why their elected ​officials are unable to fulfill⁢ their duties.

Christie began his speech by addressing the importance of upholding the ⁢responsibilities that come with being a member of Congress. He emphasized that their primary duty is to serve the American people and ensure the smooth functioning of the government. However, he​ criticized Congress for constantly neglecting these responsibilities and‌ instead‌ engaging in political wrangling ⁣and partisan⁤ battles.

The former governor noted that the⁣ consequences of a government shutdown would⁤ be dire. Essential services, such as⁣ education,‌ healthcare, and public safety, would be disrupted, causing undue harm to the American people. Furthermore, the economic⁤ impact would be severe, with government employees facing ⁣uncertainty and potential job losses.

Christie did⁣ not shy away from placing blame​ on both sides of the aisle. He ⁣called out​ Democrats and Republicans alike ⁣for their incessant​ bickering and failure to find common ground. ⁢He stressed⁣ the need for bipartisanship and compromise, highlighting​ that it is the only way to effectively govern ‌and address ‌the pressing issues facing the nation.

Moreover, Christie challenged lawmakers to prioritize the American people over their own ​political agendas. He urged them to⁣ set aside partisan differences and work‌ together to find a resolution that would avert a⁣ shutdown. Additionally, he emphasized that elected officials have a duty to make decisions based on what is best for the country, rather than what may be politically advantageous for‌ their respective parties.

As the ⁣town hall continued, Christie fielded questions from ‌the ‍audience, addressing concerns and ‌further elaborating on his stance. He⁢ reiterated ⁢the frustration that many Americans feel when witnessing politicians engage in petty squabbles while the country suffers.

The former governor concluded by emphasizing the urgency of the​ situation and ⁢calling⁤ on⁢ Congress to immediately⁣ take action. He urged lawmakers to⁤ put aside ⁤their differences and work towards a solution that would prevent a government shutdown and protect‌ the American people from unnecessary harm.

Christie’s fiery town hall event in New Hampshire served as a strong reminder that ⁤the American people expect more from their elected officials. They demand that Congress⁢ fulfill its ‍duties, put aside partisan differences, ‍and work​ towards ‍the greater good. As⁣ the deadline‍ for a potential government ⁣shutdown looms, it remains to be seen whether‌ lawmakers will heed Christie’s call⁣ to action or continue down the ⁢path of political⁢ dysfunction. The American people deserve better,‌ and⁢ it is the responsibility of Congress to ​deliver.

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