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Jerusalem Church Official Volunteers to Swap Himself for Hamas’ Child Hostages.

Cardinal in ‍Jerusalem Offers to Exchange Himself for Child Hostages Held by Hamas

“Greater love has ⁢no one than this, that⁤ someone lay‍ down his life for his friends,” ‌John 15:13‍ proclaims.

During a video‍ conference interview on Monday, Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the Patriarch of Jerusalem and Pope Francis’ representative in‌ the Holy‍ Land, said that he was ‍willing to exchange‌ himself for the hostages in Gaza, according to Reuters.

“I am ready for an exchange, anything, ⁣if this ​can lead to freedom, to bring the children ⁢home. No⁢ problem. There is total willingness on my part,” ⁣he said.

“The first thing to ⁤do is to try ⁢to win the release of the hostages,​ otherwise there will be no way of stopping (an escalation),” the cardinal said.

“We are willing to help, even me personally,” he added,⁣ although he admitted, ‍”You‍ can’t talk to‍ Hamas. It is very difficult.”

Although⁤ Hamas is very unlikely to take him up on his offer, the desire of​ the cardinal to do whatever it takes ⁢to rescue the⁤ children, demonstrates the stark‍ contrast between a faith‍ that is rooted in love versus ⁤those who will willingly destroy ⁣innocent⁤ lives under cover of religious zeal.

Unfortunately, hate is easier to rile​ up, as we have seen in the anti-Israel, anti-Jewish protests even here in our own⁣ country. These events underscore the unfortunate reality that it is often easier to incite hatred than⁤ to promote understanding and love.

The joy at the killing‍ of 1,300 people just going along with their lives and taking nearly 200 hostages, ‌about a dozen of⁢ them children, ⁤is horrifying.

Christian history is‌ complicated, and we have not always done what⁣ our faith would⁤ require us to do.

While the story of Corrie Ten Boom is ‌widely published as an example of Christian love, countless⁢ others ‍chose to ​be ⁤silent while approximately⁤ six million Jews were exterminated ​in the holocaust.

As we reflect on these ​historical complexities, we are left with important questions: Will the Church ‌ and Christians, as a whole, respond differently if⁣ faced with similar challenges today? Will they stand​ up ⁤for‌ their Jewish ​brothers and sisters, even if ⁣it comes at a personal cost?

The cardinal’s commitment,‍ following the example of Christ’s willingness to lay down his life, offers a glimmer of hope.

It reminds us⁤ that, in the​ face of adversity and testing‌ times,​ there ⁢is an opportunity for selfless ⁤love to overcome hate.

The world ‍waits to see if the church and its ‍followers will‌ rise​ to the occasion when called upon to make such sacrifices⁢ in the name of peace and humanity.

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The post ‌ Church ​Official in Jerusalem Offers to Exchange Himself for Child Hostages Held by‌ Hamas appeared first on The Western Journal.

Dangerous and volatile world, there are ⁤still individuals who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the ⁢greater good, just as Jesus did on the‍ cross.

The cardinal’s offer to exchange himself for the child ‌hostages held by Hamas is a profound act ‌of love ‍and ⁢selflessness. It reflects the verse ‍from John ‌15:13, ‍which⁢ states that there is no greater love than laying down one’s life for their friends. In this case, ​the cardinal is ‍willing to give ‍up his own life to ensure the freedom and safety of innocent children.

While it is unlikely ⁢that Hamas‍ will accept his offer, the cardinal’s willingness to do whatever it⁣ takes ‍demonstrates the stark ‌contrast between a faith rooted in love and those who manipulate religion to ‌justify violence. It highlights the stark‍ difference

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