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Sources allege that fingerprints were found on a cocaine bag in the White House, contradicting the Secret Service report.

A Mysterious ⁢Bag ​of ⁣Cocaine Found⁣ at‍ the ​White⁢ House Sparks ⁢Controversy

A ‌recent report has ⁢ignited a firestorm‍ of speculation after ​claiming ‍that ⁢fingerprints were discovered on a​ bag of⁣ cocaine found ‍at the ⁤White‌ House. ⁢However, despite the Secret Service’s efforts, the ⁤identity of the owner remains ‍a ‌mystery.

The magazine ​Soldier ⁢of Fortune published an ⁤article stating that‍ the‍ owner of the cocaine⁤ had been identified through fingerprint analysis. The report, citing ⁣”sources with‍ direct knowledge of ‍the⁤ investigation,”⁢ also mentioned ⁢an⁣ unnamed “security source.”

According to the‌ report,⁢ the ⁣magazine ‌was ⁤provided with ‍the name of⁣ the alleged culprit but ⁤chose⁤ not ​to disclose it. In ⁢an attempt to⁤ gather​ more ‌information, ⁣Soldier of Fortune has filed‌ a ​Freedom of Information request⁤ to obtain ⁢details about the ​fingerprints​ in question.

The⁤ day ​after the report⁣ was published, ⁤the ‌Secret Service released a‌ news⁣ statement​ stating that⁤ the investigation had been closed​ due ⁣to a lack of ⁣physical evidence.

According to⁢ the ​statement, the substance ⁣and its⁢ packaging underwent ⁢extensive forensic testing, including⁢ advanced fingerprint and‌ DNA‍ analysis. ⁢However, ⁤no ⁤conclusive evidence was ​found ​to link the cocaine to any specific ‌individual.

The​ Secret ⁢Service’s⁢ statement further ⁢explained that the FBI’s laboratory ​results ⁢did not yield any usable⁣ fingerprints ‌or​ sufficient DNA for comparison. As a ‍result,‌ the investigation ‍was⁣ unable to identify‌ any potential⁤ suspects.

The ⁢release⁤ also ⁣mentioned‌ that investigators ⁣had compiled‍ a⁣ list‍ of ⁤several ⁣hundred‌ individuals who ⁢had ‍access to the⁣ area where the cocaine⁣ was found. However, ⁣without physical evidence, it was impossible to ​single ⁤out a person of ​interest from this⁣ extensive pool ‍of individuals.

Anthony ⁢Guglielmi, ⁣a ⁣spokesperson for the‍ Secret Service, ‌vehemently‌ denied the⁣ claims made⁣ by Soldier ⁣of​ Fortune.‌ He⁣ stated that‍ the ⁤FBI’s⁤ independent testing ​of​ the ​cocaine’s packaging ⁢did not‌ reveal⁣ any⁢ identifiable ⁤fingerprints or‍ DNA.

Guglielmi explained ​that the lack ⁢of‌ physical ⁣evidence, combined⁢ with the absence of⁢ investigative‍ leads⁣ from⁤ video surveillance, ⁢hindered the ability​ to question‌ individuals present ‌at the White⁤ House ​on that ‍day. Without reasonable suspicion or ‌physical​ evidence, the Secret Service had ⁢no basis to identify a​ person​ of ⁤interest.

Guglielmi ⁣revealed ⁢that ⁢approximately ⁢500 ‍people had ⁤passed through the area‌ where the ​cocaine was discovered ​between June 7 and ⁣July ⁤2. He ​expressed‌ the Secret Service’s interest in any information that‍ Soldier ‌of‍ Fortune ⁤may have regarding the ⁣identity of ⁤the ⁣individual responsible‍ for ‌bringing ‌in the ‌cocaine.

As the ‍controversy​ continues‌ to unfold, ⁣the truth behind‍ the mysterious bag of ‌cocaine found ‌at ‍the ⁢White House remains⁣ elusive.

The post Claim: ⁤Fingerprints​ Were Found⁤ on WH‍ Cocaine Bag⁣ Despite​ Secret ‌Service Report, ‍Security​ Sources‍ Allege⁣ to⁤ Mag appeared⁤ first​ on ⁣The Western⁤ Journal.

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