Washington Examiner

Healthcare patients can file a claim in $2M Facebook settlement within seven days.

Healthcare⁤ Patients Given ⁢Seven ‌Days to File Claim in $2‌ Million Settlement with Froedtert Health⁣ and Facebook

Attention ⁣all⁣ healthcare ⁣patients! If you’ve used the patient‍ online portal from 2017 to ​2022, you​ have a​ chance to file a claim in the ‍$2⁢ million settlement involving ⁤Froedtert ‌Health and Facebook. But hurry, you only have seven days!

The⁤ Allegations

In a‌ class-action lawsuit against Froedtert Health, plaintiffs claimed that the company unlawfully⁣ shared personal health information with Facebook using the Meta Pixel tool.

Despite denying any ⁣wrongdoing, Froedtert Health has agreed to the ⁤$2⁣ million ‌settlement. If⁢ you’re an eligible recipient, which ⁢includes patients or employees who logged ‌into a MyChart patient ⁣portal account between Feb. 1, 2017, and May 23, 2022, you could be entitled to a portion of the settlement.

Important Deadlines

  • To exclude yourself or object to the settlement, submit⁤ a letter by Sept. 5.
  • To ⁤claim a ⁤portion of the settlement,‌ eligible healthcare patients⁣ or employees must ‌submit a claim form by​ Oct. 5.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity! A final fairness ⁤hearing between the settlement parties ​will⁣ be held on Friday. It’s⁣ worth noting that Meta companies⁣ like Facebook and Instagram have faced their fair share ​of class-action ​lawsuits⁢ and settlements regarding data privacy sharing, but they are not defendants in this particular case.

For more information, click here ‍to‍ read the ​full article from The Washington ‌Examiner.

What is the degree of a ‌vertex in a graph, and how does it provide‍ information ​about ⁤the connectivity of the ‍vertex?

Graph theory is a branch of mathematics that focuses on the study of⁤ graphs, which are mathematical structures that represent relationships between objects. A graph consists of a set of vertices (also called nodes) and a set of ‌edges, where each edge connects two vertices. Graph theory seeks to understand the properties and characteristics of graphs, as well as develop algorithms⁣ and methods for solving‍ problems related to graphs.

Some key concepts and topics in graph theory include:

1.‍ Vertex ⁢degrees: The degree of a vertex in a graph is the number of edges that are incident to that⁣ vertex.⁢ It provides ⁣information about how connected or isolated a vertex is⁢ in the graph.

2. Paths and cycles: A path is a sequence of⁣ vertices where each consecutive pair of vertices is connected ‌by an edge. A cycle is a ‍path that starts and ends at the same ⁢vertex.⁣ Understanding the properties of paths‌ and cycles is important for analyzing the connectivity and structure of a graph.

3.‍ Connectivity: A ⁤graph is‌ connected ​if there is a‌ path between any pair of vertices. Determining the connectivity of a graph is a fundamental problem ‌in‍ graph theory.

4. Trees: A tree is a connected acyclic graph, meaning it does not contain​ any cycles. Trees have numerous applications‍ in computer science, optimization, ⁤and data structures.

5. Graph coloring: Assigning colors to ‌the vertices of a graph such ⁤that no two adjacent ‍vertices have the same color is known ⁤as graph coloring. This concept has practical applications in scheduling, map coloring, and register ​allocation in compilers.

6. Planar graphs: A planar graph can be drawn on⁤ a plane such that no two edges intersect. Studying planar graphs helps to understand the properties of⁢ maps, circuit⁣ designs, and network‌ layouts.

7. ⁤Graph algorithms: Many graph algorithms have been developed to solve problems efficiently on graphs. Examples include⁤ finding the shortest path between ‍two vertices, determining minimum spanning trees, and identifying strongly connected components.

Graph theory has applications in various fields including computer science, operations research, social network analysis, bioinformatics, and transportation⁤ networks. The study of graphs and their properties provides valuable‍ insights into the structure and behavior of complex systems.

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