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US Senators React to House Drama on Appropriations Bills as Time Runs Out

House Republicans Face Turmoil ‍as Senate⁣ Expresses Concerns over Appropriations Bills

As House Republicans grapple with ‍the aftermath of the ousting⁢ of Speaker Kevin ‍McCarthy (R-Calif.), ‌their⁣ Senate counterparts are expressing ⁣concerns about the potential consequences this political turmoil may have on the progress of crucial ⁤appropriations bills.

With the clock ticking to clear all 12 appropriations bills within the 45⁢ days ⁢granted by the continuing resolution passed⁢ over the weekend, lawmakers face an impending deadline. The stopgap measure, ‍which keeps the government funded, is‌ set to expire on Nov. 17.

Moreover, ⁣not every day between now and then is a sitting‌ day, further complicating matters. Simultaneously, House Republicans find themselves in a leadership crisis that has left many on Capitol Hill uneasy.

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Over the weekend, Congress ​narrowly averted a government shutdown, with Mr. McCarthy relying on Democratic support to push the stopgap‍ measure across the finish ⁣line, highlighting the ⁣split in approach to policy making within⁢ House Republicans.

On ⁣Wednesday, Senate lawmakers from both sides of the aisle weighed in on the dramatic events‍ unfolding⁣ in the House.

Sen. ⁢Tim ⁤Kaine ⁢(D-Va.) described ⁤as “sad” the outcome of Rep. Matt Gaetz’s motion to vacate the speaker’s‌ office. He ⁣also expressed surprise that ⁤it was Mr. ​Gaetz who plunged the political dagger to Mr. McCarthy’s speakership.

‘No Clear Path Forward’

In previous​ remarks ⁢to The Hill, Sen. ‌John ​Cornyn (R-Texas), a member of the Senate GOP ⁣leadership team, ⁤echoed comments by‍ Rep. Tom Cole‍ (R-Okla.), chairman⁤ of the ‌House‌ Rules Committee, who said ‌there was no obvious plan moving forward.

Mr. Cornyn told the ‍outlet that the “chaos” created in the House is “not good for Republicans and they have ‌no clear path forward.”

“A handful [of] House⁤ members just ⁣want to blow up the institution and themselves in the process. Sad,” ⁢he wrote ​on X,⁣ immediately after the vote ​to ouster Mr. McCarthy.

Sen. Roger ‌Wicker (Miss.), the top-ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, said the removal of Mr. McCarthy at this time “can’t possibly⁢ help” to get the annual defense appropriations ⁢bill ‍or annual ‍Defense Department ⁣reauthorization passed before Jan. 1.

Senate Republican Whip John Thune (S.D.), who called ​the ⁤ouster “really unfortunate,” ‌said on‌ Wednesday that getting the ‍12 appropriations ‌bills cleared “should be the number one priority for this Congress.”

He said that if Congress doesn’t “get the‍ appropriations process going,” lawmakers ⁤won’t be able to clear any of the bills “before the end of the year.”

Mr. Thune noted the looming ⁢Nov. 17‌ deadline, expressing regret that lawmakers won’t be sitting next week, while‌ House Republicans ⁤resolve their leadership problem.

“We have a⁤ short amount of time and a lot to get done,” he added.

Mr. Gaetz, who had ⁣dangled the possibility of a motion to‍ vacate the speaker’s office for several ‌weeks, made good⁣ on the threat on Monday. Mr. McCarthy ‌swiftly scheduled consideration ⁣of the motion for Tuesday and was ousted in a vote that saw eight Republicans join all Democrats in voting ⁤to oust‍ Mr. McCarthy as Speaker of the House.

Some of the ‍Republicans who voted to ​ouster ‍the speaker cited a “lack ‍of trustworthiness” in his leadership, echoing similar concerns about his handling of critical legislation, including the debt ceiling‍ and continuing resolution to fund the government.

The vast majority of the Republican conference, 210 members, opposed the ‌motion.

House Speaker ​Pro Tempore​ Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.)‍ has placed the House in recess‌ until Oct.⁢ 10.

Ryusuke Abe ‌contributed to‍ this report.

What implications could⁢ the leadership crisis have on the⁤ timely passing of appropriations bills⁤ and government funding

Lked out ⁣and left everybody ​else‌ to try to‍ figure out what to do,” he added.

Sen. ⁡Susan Collins ⁢⁢(R-Maine), who has ⁤often been seen as a moderate voice within the Republican Party, expressed her concern about the impact of the leadership crisis on the appropriations process.

“It’s very important that we fund the government and that we do‌ so in a timely way so that agencies aren’t uncertain ⁣about ‌what their budgets are going to ‍be,” Collins said.

With ​limited time remaining ‌to pass the appropriations bills,⁢ the House Republicans will need to quickly resolve their leadership crisis in⁤ order to⁢ focus on the task at hand. The⁣ fate⁣ of government funding hangs in the balance, and any further delays or disruptions could have‍ serious consequences.

Implications for Republicans

The ⁢leadership crisis within the House Republican ⁣Party not only threatens the progress of crucial appropriations bills, but also raises questions‌ about the unity and ⁢effectiveness⁤ of the party as a whole.

The‌ ousting of Speaker McCarthy and the subsequent ⁢lack of a clear plan moving forward highlights deep ‍divisions ⁤within the party. This turmoil⁣ may further erode public trust in Republican leadership and⁤ hinder the party’s ability to⁢ garner support⁢ for ⁢its policy ⁢agenda.

Additionally, the lack⁢ of a unified leadership ​may expose ‌House Republicans to attacks ⁣from their Democratic counterparts. With the midterm elections looming, Democrats will likely seize upon this opportunity to paint⁢ their Republican rivals⁣ as‌ divided and ineffective.

Implications for Government Funding

The timing of this leadership crisis is particularly disruptive given ⁤the approaching deadline to pass the⁣ appropriations bills and avoid​ a government shutdown.

If the House​ Republicans fail to⁢ swiftly resolve their ‍leadership issues,‌ it could lead⁣ to delays and potentially derail the appropriations process. This would leave government agencies without funding, causing uncertainty and potentially disrupting vital‌ services and programs.

Furthermore, any disruptions or failures in​ the appropriations⁣ process could have ripple effects ⁤on the broader economy and financial markets, ​exacerbating economic instability during‍ an already turbulent time.


The House Republicans’ leadership crisis poses a significant threat not only ‌to the progress of crucial‍ appropriations ​bills, but also to the‌ party’s unity and effectiveness as a whole. With​ the clock ticking​ and the fate of government funding hanging in the balance, House Republicans⁤ must urgently resolve their ⁤leadership issues and focus‌ on passing the necessary appropriations‌ bills. Any further delays ‍or disruptions could⁣ have serious consequences for government agencies, the‍ economy, and the‌ party’s standing in the eyes of the ​public.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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