Conservative News Daily

CMT bows to pressure, removes Jason Aldean’s latest music video.

The Never-Ending Search​ for Racism: ⁣Jason Aldean’s Controversial Music⁣ Video

The ⁣issue with searching for racism in every nook​ and cranny in⁣ 2023 is that,‌ invariably, you‍ will eventually find‍ it⁣ —⁢ regardless of‍ whether ‌or not ⁢it’s actually ‌racist.

Case in ​point, ‌just ‍look​ at the ⁢latest ‍hit ⁤from country superstar⁢ Jason Aldean, “Try ⁣That in a Small Town.”

Polarizing? ‍Sure. Aggressive? ‌Absolutely. ⁢Unapologetic?‍ Unequivocally.

But​ racist? ‌Really? This song ⁣isn’t‌ exactly “One in a⁣ Million” by⁢ Guns N’​ Roses.

WARNING:⁢ The ‍following video ‍below ​contains vulgar language‍ that some ‌viewers may find offensive.

The ​music‍ video, which dropped​ Friday, appeared⁣ to spark ⁢a fresh,⁤ new ‌wave of⁣ controversy‌ despite the⁢ song ⁣having ⁢been out since ⁤May.

The ⁢video⁣ itself​ was⁢ accused of being “pro-lynching,” but it’s worth⁢ noting that most of the ⁣crime being perpetuated in the⁤ video ​(the crime that the​ lyrics are so ​vehemently ⁢fed ⁤up⁣ with) is being ‍committed by‍ white‍ people.

In fact, comb⁣ through the‌ entire song and ​you’d ‌struggle to ⁢find⁢ anything ⁤really pertaining to race in ⁢the song. There⁢ are ​pro-police and pro-Second ‍Amendment sentiments expressed throughout the song, but ⁤neither of ⁢those has anything to ⁢do with skin color.

Making ‌this entire “controversy” infinitely more aggravating⁤ is the fact ⁣that ⁢the utterly hyper-reactionary​ response to⁢ the ​months-old‌ song‍ was ​enough⁤ to scare Country Music ⁤Television⁢ (CMT) from dropping Aldean’s song.

Deadline ⁢is⁣ reporting ​that​ CMT is pulling ‌“Try That⁤ in ​a Small Town” from its⁣ airwaves because of⁢ the perceived ‌offensiveness​ of‌ the ‌song.

Yes, ‍the​ very same music⁢ channel‌ that ostensibly ⁤wants ⁢to capture the ⁢spirit ⁢and ‍soul of⁢ the ​Western ⁣frontiersmen is ​apparently quivering in ⁢its⁢ fake⁤ cowboy boots ‌because leftists are ⁣apparently mad ⁢about ‌Aldean’s song.

(It’s worth noting ‍that Aldean’s ongoing⁤ “Highway Desperado Tour” has the ⁤full-throated endorsement‍ of‍ former ‍President Donald Trump, ⁢perhaps ​explaining some​ of this ⁣newfound leftist⁤ ire.)

So⁤ many people accused⁣ the video ​of being‍ racist ⁣and ‌“pro-lynching” that ​Aldean​ himself‍ responded to that backlash on social⁢ media.

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