Conservative News Daily

CNN guest exposes hosts’ biased editing of Trump clip to fit agenda

CNN Guest Catches Hosts Selectively⁤ Editing Trump Clip to Fit Agenda

CNN: Proudly not letting facts get in the way of anything regarding ‍Donald Trump since 2015.

On Tuesday, the former president⁣ and current 2024 Republican front-runner appeared on Fox News for a town hall ⁢with Sean⁢ Hannity in which he made ⁢a comment that the establishment media jumped on. (If Joe ⁢Biden had⁤ made it, of course, every headline would‌ start‍ with “Conservative Media Pounce …”)

The remark came ‌as Hannity asked Trump about media claims that he would ⁤abuse the power of the presidency if he won a second term.

“They want to call you a dictator. … I want to be very,⁣ very ‌clear on this,” the‌ Fox News host ‌said. “To be clear, do you in any way have any plans whatsoever, if re-elected president, to abuse power, ‌to ​break the law, to use the government to go after ⁤people –”

“You mean like they’re using​ right now,” Trump ‍interjected.

“In the history of our country, what’s happened to us, again,⁤ has ‌never happened before, ‍over nonsense, over nothing, made-up‍ charges,” the former president said, referring ​to the ⁣multiple criminal charges he is facing.

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