The federalist

CNN Hosts B-List ‘Republican’ Coward To Push Voting Democrat

Former Georgia Lieutenant Governor Geoff Duncan recently ‍suggested in an interview with CNN’s Jim Acosta that Republicans⁣ should consider voting for Vice President Kamala Harris‌ in the 2024 election, claiming it‌ would not signify ‌a shift‍ to the ⁢Democratic side. Duncan‍ framed this‌ potential vote ⁣as an act of‍ patriotism, arguing it could help reclaim the nation’s future. The⁣ article‌ criticizes Duncan and his stance, framing him as a “Never Trumper” and accusing him⁢ of misrepresenting ‍Harris as a capable⁣ leader despite her ⁢perceived ​political shortcomings.‍ The piece further​ highlights Harris’s​ controversial record, ⁤particularly regarding immigration and‍ her active political campaigns that the author argues undermine foundational liberties, ‌including issues surrounding free speech. The‌ overall tone ⁤of the piece is critical⁣ of both Harris ⁢and Duncan, portraying them as part‌ of a ⁤misguided ⁢effort⁣ to shape the political landscape in favor of perceived ineffectual leadership.

Former Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan this week told fellow useful idiot, CNN’s Jim Acosta, that Republicans should get comfortable with the idea of voting for Kamala Harris.

“It’s important to reinforce the fact to Republicans around the country that just because you vote for Kamala Harris in 2024, doesn’t mean you’re Democrat,” the Soviet-style Republican told the CNN faux journalist on “Laura Coates Live.”

Duncan claims voting for the puddle-deep vice president and chief benefactor of the leftist-led soft coup is an act of patriotism. 

“You’re doing your duty as an American to step up to the plate and reclaim this country’s future,” Duncan told Acosta. 

The Never Trumper, of course, is drinking from the same purple Kool-Aid that makes such useful idiots believe that: A) Joe Biden is the George Washington of his time. B) The incoherent president was political leadership’s answer to Albert Einstein until the propaganda snapped under the weight of its absurdity. C) Biden’s bubble-headed stand-in is the second coming of the previous Joe Biden the accomplice media falsely sold us. 

Would the Real Kamala Please Stand Up?

Never Trumpers, the Trotskyites at the Lincoln Project, the uniparty superfriends at No Labels, and the general support group for mean tweet victims are working overtime to elect an intensely unpopular vice president with a painfully laughable political record. They’re working almost as hard as these self-proclaimed protectors of democracy do to put former President Donald Trump — the left’s Public Enemy No. 1 — behind bars and off the ballot. 

It’s taking some serious sweat equity to pull off perhaps the greatest ruse perpetrated on U.S. politics and the American voter: that Kamala Harris is a strong and capable leader, not a perpetual word salad buffoon.  

“Border Czar” Harris has presided over an unprecedented failure in U.S. homeland security with nonstop hordes of illegal border crossers. Ask the family of Laken Riley, the 22-year-old Georgia nursing student who police say was brutally murdered by an illegal immigrant, or the communities ravaged by the deadly fentanyl flowing into the Biden-Harris open border, about the bang-up job the “Border Czar” has done in handling one of the top issues in this election. 

The useful idiots won’t tell you the vice president has a long record of support for decriminalizing illegal immigration and for U.S. taxpayers paying the costs of health care and other government subsidies for illegal aliens. She has boasted that as California attorney general she issued a “directive to the sheriffs of my state that they did not have to comply with [deportation] detainers.”

“When local law enforcement officials are seen as de facto immigration enforcers, it erodes the trust between our peace officers and the communities they serve,” Harris wrote in a 2014 bulletin. “Federal immigration detainers are voluntary and this bulletin supports the TRUST Act and law enforcement leaders’ discretion to utilize resources in the manner that best serves their communities.”

‘Unrelenting Attack’ on Liberties

White dudes for Harris like Duncan apparently think it’s patriotic to sacrifice foundational liberties at the Altar of Stopping Trump. As City Journal noted this week, in her failed bid for the Democratic Party nomination in 2019 Harris pushed a Second Amendment-smashing, mandatory gun “buyback” plan. Five years later, falsely trying to paint herself as a born-anew moderate, Harris is walking back her support.  

As vice president, Harris has been a cheerleader for arguably the most anti-free speech campaigns in U.S. history, including the Biden-Harris administration colluding with Big Tech to do what the government cannot: Silence speech — by any means necessary. She has praised talk of shutting down Trump’s Twitter account.

“For over three years, the Biden-Harris administration has sustained an unrelenting attack on the freedom of speech, from supporting a massive censorship system (described by a federal court as an “Orwellian Ministry of Truth“) to funding blacklisting operations targeting groups and individuals with opposing views,” wrote Jonathan Turley in an op-ed this week.   

Kamala’s running mate, the socialist Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, alarmingly told his fellow leftists at MSNBC that, “There’s no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech, and especially around our democracy.” Someone should inform the useful idiot that free speech is a guarantee of democracy. Walz used his First Amendment rights many times in his political career to lie about his rank and service in the National Guard, after abandoning his war-bound unit to run for Congress. 

‘Unburdened By What Has Been’ 

Harris has shown herself to be a faithful and dear friend to the pro-Hamas radicals that have lifted up brutal terrorists as they’ve called for the annihilation of Israel and Jews. Meanwhile, she has been a fervent feeder of the modern-day Democratic Party’s extreme identity politics that has torn her own country apart.  

Duncan and the Never Trumper clan are willing to forgive the far-left agenda, the corruption, the tyranny of a Harris executive branch, and more, all to sate their hatred for a former president and opposition leader who has literally been hunted down by his political enemies. And they’re willing to accept four more years of the misery that Biden and Harris (or the shadow leftist government pulling their strings) have unleashed on a prosperous, free nation. 

“There’s some lifelong Republicans like me that are extremely conservative, but just have seen Donald Trump act in ways that should never be rewarded with another job called ‘president,’ and some folks that are just moderates and everything in between,” Duncan said in the CNN interview. 

It would seem these great “patriots,” useful idiots like Duncan, are “unburdened by what has been” a disastrous public service record for Kamala Harris. 

Matt Kittle is a senior elections correspondent for The Federalist. An award-winning investigative reporter and 30-year veteran of print, broadcast, and online journalism, Kittle previously served as the executive director of Empower Wisconsin.

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