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CNN Insider Claims Former Network President Ordered Staffers To Dismiss COVID Lab Leak Theory As ‘Trump Talking Point’

An insider at CNN claimed that Jeff Zucker, the former network president, ordered his staff to ignore the COVID origins laboratory leak theory. He said the discussions would be pointless and served no purpose. “Trump talking point.”

“People are slowly waking up from the fog,” Insider’s story Fox News Digital. “It is kind of crazy that we didn’t chase it harder.”

Zucker’s hatred for former President Donald Trump made the network an anti-Trump operation almost eight years ago when he announced his candidacy for the White House. Since then, many false accusations were made, facts misapplied, or misrepresented, and pertinent information was left out about Trump’s first term.

COVID was discovered in third-world countries three years ago. There was a coordinated effort from public health officials, legacy media and Democrat Party leaders to stop or discredit the notion that it may have leaked from central China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Zucker and other CNN executives played an important role in trying to discredit such stories about the pandemic.

Unter Zucker’s supervision, CNN’s Oliver Darcy published an article headlined. “Here’s how to debunk coronavirus misinformation and conspiracy theories from friends and family,” On March 28, 2020. This attempt was to provide advice for the network’s falling viewership about how to talk with friends and family members who refuse to believe mainstream media’s COVID view.

“While the coronavirus pandemic has isolated family and friends inside their homes, it has in many cases increased online or over-the-phone communication with loved ones,” Darcy wrote. “But, in some cases, relatives and friends share poor information – whether it is bad science related to how to prevent the virus, debunked rumors about cities being put on lockdown, or conspiracy theories about the origins of Covid-19.”

Darcy added the so-called misinformation related to a public health crisis poses a risk to those who fall victim to it — one of the many reports to come out of the network dismissing anything that goes against the mainstream narrative.

Fareed Zakaria, CNN’s host, stated during an interview that “the far right has now found its own virus conspiracy theory” When discussing the laboratory leak.

Tom Elliott is an independent journalist who compiled a twitter thread with receipts that featured footage of reporters and legacy media pundits from CNN, and others dismissing the laboratory leak. “conspiracy theory.”

Zucker resigned from his post last year after an internal investigation into disgraced former CNN anchor Chris Cuomo revealed that the former network president had an ongoing consensual relationship — with top marketing officer Allison Gollust — at the media network that he had failed to disclose to the company.

Chris Licht replaced Zucker later by CNN officials. Licht almost immediately made changes to the cable channel in an effort to rebuild trust. “by being an organization that exemplifies the best characteristics of journalism.”

It “well-known” CNN insider accuses Zucker of not understanding the controversy surrounding the origins of COVID. The accusations come as the U.S. Department of Energy & the Federal Bureau of Investigation have recently confirmed that the virus came from the Chinese laboratory.

The Wall Street Journal reports that Department of Energy officials have revised an earlier document, which was deemed unacceptable by the judge. “low confidence” The virus was discovered in a Chinese lab.

The White House received new classified intelligence that showed Energy Department officials had changed the way they viewed the source of the pandemic. This was revealed in a 2021 update by Avril Haines’s Office Director of National Intelligence. This updated classified report confirms that COVID didn’t stem from any biological weapons program. The Journal stated that the absence of a reliable animal source led U.S. officials and researchers to believe there was a leak coming from Wuhan’s collection of laboratories.

Christopher Wray, FBI Director, also stated that COVID was most likely a leak from Wuhan’s lab.

According to the Journal, officials from four of these agencies and the National Intelligence Council still hold firm belief in their existence. “low confidence” The natural emergence theory. According to reports, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and two additional agencies have yet not reached a decision.

Members of the U.S. House of Representatives subcommittee investigating COVID’s origins and federal government function-research gains pushed Sunday a new memo claiming that Dr. Anthony Fauci has new evidence. “prompted the drafting” This is “Proximal Origins” To disprove the theory of lab leakage

“From CNN Insider Claims Former Network President Ordered Staffers To Dismiss COVID Lab Leak Theory As ‘Trump Talking Point’

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