Conservative News Daily

CNN admits to blindly repeating terrorist propaganda, issues embarrassing correction.

CNN Issues Humiliating Correction, Admits to Unquestioningly Parroting Terrorist Talking Points

The disinformation operation known​ as CNN has issued a correction to a story that claimed Israel had bombed a hospital in Gaza, a claim ⁤that has since ⁤been proven false.

In the correction, the far-left, low-rated network essentially admitted⁤ that ‍it had breathlessly parroted Hamas’ narrative without a‌ second thought.

CNN was among numerous establishment media outlets (and elected officials) that jumped on claims that Israel targeted a hospital in Gaza last week.

An archive of the network’s‌ initial story on the blast shows a headline blaring, “Israel ⁢hits hospital and school in Gaza as blockade puts healthcare system in state of ‘collapse.’”

“A school and a hospital in⁢ Gaza were among the places lethally blasted by Israeli airstrikes on Tuesday ‍as humanitarian concerns mount ⁣over ongoing deprivation of food, fuel and electricity to ⁤the isolated population,” CNN irresponsibly reported.

“The strike on ⁢Al-Ahli‌ Baptist Hospital in Gaza is likely to have killed⁣ hundreds, the Palestinian Health Ministry said in a statement, adding that there ⁤are still many people under the hospital rubble. CNN ⁤has asked the IDF for comment on [the] hospital strike.”

Those lines were the opener of a lengthy report ‌on the plight of Gazans⁣ “under siege” by Israel, which is retaliating ‌against Hamas ‍after⁤ the terrorist group killed, wounded,‍ raped and kidnapped thousands of Israeli civilians on​ Oct. 7.

Naturally, there was much more to the ‍story than what ‍CNN reported, including⁣ the​ fact that​ the Palestinian Health Ministry — the source of the inflammatory claim that Israel bombed the hospital — is controlled by Hamas.

It⁤ turns out that Islamic militants ‍fired the‍ rocket that hit the hospital, not Israel.‍ That rocket was probably intended to kill Israeli civilians⁢ but instead killed Palestinians — and much fewer than Hamas claimed.

That’s exactly what Israel‍ said had happened, and what it presumably would have told CNN had the network ⁣waited for a comment instead of rushing to publish fake news on‌ the word of terrorists.

CNN⁤ Isn’t Sorry for Reporting Fake ⁣News

CNN isn’t sorry for reporting fake news. It is not apologizing for carrying water for people who ⁢murder women and children.

Instead, it​ quietly issued a correction that is highly‍ unlikely to reach as many readers as its initial, false reporting did.

The correction reads:

CORRECTION: This article ‍on the Gaza hospital blast initially did not clearly attribute claims about Israel’s⁤ responsibility to the Hamas-controlled Ministry of ⁢Health​ in Gaza. Israel later said a ‘misfired’ rocket by militant group Islamic Jihad caused the​ blast and produced evidence to support its claim.

US President Joe Biden said the⁢ Israeli⁢ position is backed⁣ by US intelligence. CNN’s forensic ‌analysis of⁣ images and videos suggests a rocket fired from within Gaza caused the blast,‍ not an Israeli airstrike.

CNN’s decision to correct the record is,⁣ of course, better‌ late than never. But the damage has already been​ done.

The ⁣saga goes ⁢to show just how much resistance Israel is facing from all⁢ sides as ⁣it tries to prevent its ‌citizens ‌from being annihilated by jihadists.

The ‍country can’t even count on ‍the American media to sort out the facts before​ making​ itself a ⁢megaphone for people whose sole goal in life is to wipe Israel off the map.

There is simply no bottom to how low the‌ far-left media will stoop.

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How did CNN’s reporting on the rocket fired from Gaza hitting the hospital contribute to misinformation?

Hows the rocket fired from Gaza that hit the hospital was indeed misfired by militants.

It is important ‌to note that this correction does not include an apology for spreading false information or‌ for failing to verify the ‌claims made by Hamas before⁢ reporting them as fact.

This is not the first time that ‍CNN has been caught spreading propaganda ⁤and promoting the agenda of terrorist organizations. In fact, it has become⁣ a ‌recurring pattern for the network.

Just a few months ago, CNN was forced to settle a lawsuit with Covington Catholic High School student Nicholas Sandmann after the network falsely portrayed him as the aggressor in a confrontation with a‌ Native American activist. The incident showcased CNN’s blatant bias and eagerness to push a narrative without proper fact-checking.

It is deeply troubling that a so-called news organization would ​unquestioningly parrot the talking points of terrorist groups without conducting thorough research or providing proper context. This not only erodes ‌trust in the media, but⁢ it also perpetuates a dangerous narrative that demonizes a democratic​ nation⁢ defending itself against acts of terror.

The responsibility of a ⁤news network is to report facts, not to serve as a mouthpiece for propaganda. CNN’s lack of journalistic integrity and its willingness to prioritize sensationalism over accuracy is a disservice to its viewers and⁣ to the principles of journalism.

In a time when⁣ misinformation and disinformation are rampant, it is more important than ever ⁢for the media to be diligent in fact-checking and providing unbiased and accurate reporting. The public relies on news organizations to inform​ and ​educate them, and they deserve to receive information that⁢ is truthful and trustworthy.

CNN’s failure to ‍uphold these standards is not only a disgrace to the field of journalism, but it also poses ‍a threat to⁢ the democratic values we hold dear. The spread of ‌false information and propaganda only serves to fuel division and undermine ‍the foundations of a free society.

It is crucial that news organizations take their role ​seriously and ⁤commit to upholding the principles of ‍journalism. The public deserves nothing‌ less than ​accurate, objective, and reliable reporting.⁣ It is time for CNN to reassess​ its priorities and reflect on the damage it has done to its reputation and to the trust of its viewers.

As consumers of news, it is ​important that we remain vigilant and discerning. We must demand accountability from news organizations and hold them to‍ the highest standards. In a world filled with information, we must ‌strive for truth and rely on reliable sources that prioritize journalistic integrity ‌and the pursuit of truth above all else.

CNN’s humiliating​ correction is a stark reminder of the consequences of careless reporting and the dangers of unchecked propaganda. It ​is a call for all news organizations to reevaluate their practices and to prioritize accuracy, transparency, and the public⁤ interest.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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