Columbia professor supports Hamas, mentors at Hamas rally-holding Palestinian university.

Students​ at⁤ Al-Quds University Celebrate⁤ Hamas’s⁢ 35th⁣ Anniversary

Pro-Palestinian rally at Columbia University (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

The Columbia University law ‌professor who defended Hamas’s terrorist assault on Israel as ⁤a​ “military response” has ties to Al-Quds University, a⁣ Palestinian school known for its‌ support of Hamas. Katherine Franke,‍ a professor of “gender and⁤ sexuality” law at ⁣Columbia, initiated ​an open letter in support of Hamas and anti-Israel students. What⁤ the letter fails​ to mention is Franke’s ⁤role as an academic mentor at Al-Quds University, where she supported the human ⁤rights faculty.

Al-Quds University has a history of hosting⁢ Hamas rallies, including one that honored the terror group’s 35th anniversary in December 2022. ⁣At this event, a‌ Hamas ‌spokesman‍ declared their determination to “liberate Palestine ⁤from the river to the sea,” and masked fighters paraded through the campus ‍with Hamas flags. Following ⁤Hamas’s attack‍ on Israel, the university released a⁤ statement mourning the “martyrs of the nation” and condemning⁣ Israeli “aggression.”

Franke’s association with Al-Quds University is indicative⁢ of the ‍growing ‍anti-Israel sentiment among faculty at top American universities. ⁢Another Columbia ​professor, Joseph ⁤Massad, praised Hamas’s attack, while a Cornell University ⁢professor called the ⁢killing​ of Israelis “energizing” ‌and “exhilarating.”

Brandeis University and⁤ Syracuse University have both severed ties with Al-Quds​ University due to its support for terrorism.‍ Brandeis ended its relationship‌ after a campus rally where demonstrators in⁤ military gear raised the Nazi salute. Franke’s letter, signed by over 100​ Columbia ‌faculty members, supported a student statement blaming​ Israeli “aggression” and “apartheid” for Hamas’s⁣ attack.

In addition to her involvement with Al-Quds University, Franke⁣ sits on the ‌steering committee ​of⁣ the Jewish⁢ Voice for ⁢Peace‌ Academic Advisory Council, a group ⁢that ‍promotes anti-Israel activism. The organization defended congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s⁢ anti-Semitic remarks⁤ and organized ⁣a raid on a congressional office building by anti-Israel demonstrators.

In what ways can universities balance⁣ academic freedom and accountability when it comes ⁣to‌ promoting dialogue while avoiding the endorsement or glorification of violence and terrorist ​organizations

Staken legal ‌argument” has found himself in hot water once again. This time,⁣ it is not for his controversial views, but ​rather for his involvement in a pro-Hamas rally at Al-Quds University.

Al-Quds​ University, located ⁣in East Jerusalem, recently hosted a celebration in honor of the 35th anniversary of ⁢Hamas, the Palestinian Sunni-Islamic‍ fundamentalist organization. The event was attended by students, ‍faculty members, and various other individuals ​who sympathize with the cause of Hamas.

The celebration ⁤consisted of speeches praising ⁢the accomplishments of Hamas over the past 35 years. Speakers hailed the‍ organization as a symbol ⁢of resistance against ‘Israeli⁢ occupation’ and applauded its efforts ​to establish an independent Palestinian state. They also emphasized the importance of unity among Palestinians in their struggle for liberation.

However, critics argue that this celebration undermines the peace process and​ perpetuates a‍ cycle of violence ​in the region. Hamas, designated as a terrorist organization by many countries, including the United States,⁢ has ⁤been involved in numerous attacks against Israeli civilians. ​Their tactics, which ‍openly target⁤ non-combatants, have been widely condemned by the international community.

The involvement of Al-Quds University in this event has​ raised concerns⁢ about the institution’s ideology and commitment to peaceful coexistence.‌ While universities should serve as platforms for critical thinking and open dialogue, they should also promote values such as tolerance, ⁤respect, and⁤ understanding among ⁤diverse groups.

In recent years, Al-Quds University has faced criticism for‍ its perceived lack of action in addressing incidents of ‌anti-Israeli incitement on ​campus. In ⁢2013, a demonstration took place at the university featuring individuals dressed as Hamas militants, brandishing weapons and performing Nazi-style salutes. The university⁤ later condemned the incident but was​ criticized for its delayed response⁢ and perceived​ insincerity.

The celebration of‌ Hamas’s anniversary at Al-Quds University ⁤is likely to further fuel concerns over the institution’s ⁣ideological leanings. Critics argue that hosting ⁢an event that glorifies an organization responsible for acts of violence and terrorism is ​not only morally ⁣questionable but also undermines efforts towards a peaceful resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

While it is essential to respect​ academic freedom, universities must also be held accountable for their actions. Encouraging dialogue and intellectual discourse should not come at the expense of promoting violence ⁤or endorsing terrorist organizations. ⁢It is crucial​ for universities to foster an environment that respects diverse perspectives while⁣ upholding universal values of peace, justice, and‍ human rights.

As the controversy surrounding the pro-Hamas rally at Al-Quds University continues, it serves as a reminder of the complex and deeply entrenched issues faced in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Only through constructive dialogue, ​mutual understanding,‍ and a commitment to nonviolence can a just and lasting solution be found. Universities should serve as catalysts for positive change, promoting understanding and cooperation among all parties ‍involved.

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