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Companies must pick a side in the US-China tech rivalry, says cybersecurity analyst.

American Tech Companies Face a Choice in US-China ​Tech Competition, Says⁤ Cybersecurity​ Analyst

American technology⁣ firms will increasingly be forced to ​decide whether their interests are in line with U.S. national security or with maximizing their profits in⁤ Chinese markets,​ according to homeland and cybersecurity ⁤analyst Paul Rosenzweig.

In ‌an interview with NTD’s “Capitol Report” on Monday, ⁢Mr.‍ Rosenzweig said U.S. policy is increasingly forcing a “decoupling” between the United States and the⁣ People’s ⁤Republic of China (PRC) in an effort ‌to ⁢reduce security risks. Mr. Rosenzweig,‌ who​ served as the deputy ‍assistant secretary⁤ for​ policy in the Department of ​Homeland Security ⁤and ​who continues​ to consult and lecture on cybersecurity and technology, said U.S. firms will have to ​increasingly reassess their business models to match​ evolving U.S.-China relations.

“Increasingly, I‌ think American companies are⁣ going to ⁢see that they have to ⁢pick a flag, so to speak, choose a side, not because of principle, but because the law is going to increasingly require them to decouple and most American tech companies have yet to​ really come to grips ​with that. They haven’t yet done a​ risk assessment of what​ they should be ⁣doing,” he said. “They‌ don’t understand yet how deeply embedded ⁤they are in China and how much it’s going to hurt⁤ when some event compels them to decouple.”

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Mr. Rosenzweig ‍said continued ⁤U.S. economic sanctions could drive a wedge between U.S. firms and ‍their Chinese partners, as could growing concerns about China’s human rights record or a military ‌conflict ​between China and Taiwan.

Taiwan governs itself as an independent nation, ​but the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regards the island as a ‌part of its territory and has increasingly called for “reunification” with⁤ Taiwan, including through military force. The United States maintains‍ a relatively ambiguous policy on relations between China and Taiwan, but has ​regularly approved‌ arms transfers to Taiwan ‌and could intervene on Taiwan’s behalf if it is attacked.

The homeland security⁤ analyst said he doesn’t blame U.S. firms‍ for​ wanting⁤ to maximize their profits in China, but warned that pursuing business interests in China will eventually prove to ‌be not only “a bad⁢ thing on principle, but it’s going to be bad economics as well.” ​

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Last year, the U.S. Commerce Department introduced ‌a rule intended to limit ⁣U.S. individuals and firms from exporting‍ to China certain high-end chips ​that may be used in military‌ applications or in ‍the development of artificial intelligence (AI) ⁣models.‌ The 2022 ⁤rule specifically regulated exports ⁢of ⁤computer components with⁣ a data transfer rate of 600 gigabytes per⁢ second ⁤or higher.

As the new regulation went into effect, the U.S. technology⁣ company⁢ NVIDIA began⁤ marketing its A800 computer chip as an alternative for​ Chinese ⁤buyers that offered powerful computing‍ abilities while staying below the 600GBps data transfer rate threshold.

“The Nvidia A800 GPU, which⁤ went into production in ‍Q3, is​ another alternative⁤ product to the Nvidia A100 GPU ‍for ⁢customers in China. The A800⁣ meets the U.S. Government’s clear⁢ test​ for reduced export control and⁢ cannot be‌ programmed to exceed it,”‍ an NVIDIA spokesperson told ‍Reuters last year.
Last⁣ week, the Commerce Department announced revised rules regarding high-end computer chips, which Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said will “shut off pathways to evade our restrictions.” Ms. Raimondo said ⁤ the export controls will‍ likely​ have to be updated ‍annually to reflect the workarounds and changes in technology.

Mr. Rosenzweig welcomed the ‍tightened export restrictions‍ but raised concerns about other ways China​ can continue to expand its AI technology even ⁢without U.S. ​technology exports.

“We’re at ⁣the start of a process right now. I think that the Biden administration’s decision to further restrict exports​ is a good‍ thing,” Mr. Rosenzweig told NTD News. ‌”One of the as yet unexamined questions is the nature of ⁤American technology⁣ companies’ interactions in China already, which doesn’t involve​ the export of technology, but involves cooperative ventures with them.”

Mr. Rosenzweig said the value⁤ of the Biden administration’s⁢ policies will come down to how well they are implemented and enforced.

“It will require, frankly, a concerted effort by the administration and Congress to talk to the American ⁢tech companies—the Microsofts, [Amazon Web Services], Oracles, and Metas who are still deeply embedded [in China]—and tell them⁤ that ⁤they need⁤ to get kind of their⁣ act⁢ together,” he ‌said. ​”But I actually am moderately optimistic at the ⁤possibility of effective ⁤action ⁤on⁣ this issue.”

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As⁤ tensions between ‍the United States and ⁤China continue to escalate, American tech companies are increasingly finding‍ themselves caught in the crossfire. The US government’s ⁤push to decouple⁤ from China,⁣ driven by concerns over national security and intellectual property theft, is forcing these companies to choose between their interests in China’s⁢ lucrative market and their allegiance to US ‍national security.

According ⁢to cybersecurity ⁢analyst Paul Rosenzweig, American companies will inevitably have to pick a side as the law increasingly requires them to decouple⁤ from China. Many ‍tech companies⁣ are‌ not fully aware of the risks involved in their extensive business ‌interests ‍in China and do‌ not​ understand the potential consequences ⁣of being compelled to sever ties.

China‌ has been a key market⁣ for American ⁣tech⁣ companies, offering a⁣ large consumer base and an advantageous manufacturing ecosystem. However, recent⁣ developments‌ such as increased scrutiny on Chinese‍ investments and⁣ trade ⁣restrictions ⁢have made it harder for American companies to navigate this complex landscape.

The US government’s concerns are not unfounded. China has a ⁤track record of intellectual property theft and cyber espionage, posing significant ⁢risks to American businesses operating in the country. By aligning themselves too closely⁤ with Chinese partners or relying heavily on the Chinese market, American tech companies ⁣expose themselves to vulnerabilities that can ​undermine national security and damage ‌their reputation.

As a ⁢result, American tech companies are‍ facing a difficult decision. By choosing to prioritize their profits in China, they risk ​compromising national security and becoming entangled in potential legal battles. On⁣ the other hand, if they opt to⁢ align​ themselves with US interests and reduce their‌ dependence on the Chinese market, they may face financial losses‌ and miss out on significant opportunities.

This dilemma‍ highlights the broader tension between ​economic interests and national⁢ security in the US-China tech competition. The ongoing ⁤trade⁤ war and technology race between ⁤the two countries have created a challenging environment for American tech companies, ⁣requiring them to carefully assess the risks and rewards of their​ business decisions.

As American companies navigate ‌this complex landscape,​ it​ is crucial​ for them to conduct thorough risk assessments and develop proactive strategies⁤ to mitigate potential security threats. This includes‌ ensuring ⁤strong cybersecurity measures, safeguarding intellectual property, and diversifying their markets and partnerships.

The US⁢ government also plays a vital ‌role in supporting American⁣ tech companies in this challenging ‌environment. It⁤ must provide clear guidance and policies that prioritize national security while also fostering‌ innovation and ‍competitiveness. Collaboration between government agencies, industry leaders, and cybersecurity experts is essential to formulate effective strategies to ‍protect‍ American‌ interests.

In conclusion, the escalating US-China tech competition presents a critical choice for‍ American tech companies. ​Balancing their interests⁢ in the profitable Chinese market with concerns over national ​security ⁤is becoming increasingly challenging. ‍Strategic planning, risk assessment,⁢ and collaboration with relevant stakeholders are necessary to navigate this complex landscape and ⁤ensure the long-term success​ of American tech ⁣companies.

Read More From Original Article Here: Companies Will Have to ‘Choose a Side’ in US–China Tech Competition: Cybersecurity Analyst

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