Conservative News Daily

Infant killer’s execution halted, moved to women’s prison, awaiting taxpayer-funded trans surgery.

A Shocking⁢ Case of Compassion: Convicted Infant⁤ Killer⁤ Receives Taxpayer-Funded Trans Surgery

In⁤ a bizarre twist of events, ⁤a man who sadistically murdered ‍two innocent babies has been granted a shocking gift by California Governor Gavin Newsom and your hard-earned tax ⁣dollars. This is​ the left’s warped concept‌ of compassion.

Jason ⁤Michael Hann, now known as Jessica Marie Hann, was sentenced to‍ death in 2014 for the gruesome murders of his own infants, Montana and Jason, in 2001 and 1999 respectively. These ⁣innocent babies were still of breastfeeding age when Hann committed these heinous acts.

Montana was just 10 weeks old, and Jason was a mere 2 months old when their lives were tragically cut short. Montana’s body was discovered in an advanced state of decay, abandoned inside an RV trailer that had​ once belonged ⁣to Hann. Her hand was tightly‍ encased in multiple layers of duct tape, completely covering her head.

An autopsy revealed that Montana​ had suffered severe blunt force‍ trauma, including skull fractures and a fractured ​tibia. The investigation led to the discovery of another corpse, Hann’s 6-week-old⁣ son, ​who had been murdered by head trauma in 1999.‍ It was ⁢later revealed ⁤that Hann had kept and traveled with both deceased infants before ultimately storing their bodies.

In 2019, Hann, a convicted baby killer, claimed to⁤ have “found transsexuality”⁣ and began ⁤identifying as a woman. As a result, he was​ transferred to the Central California Women’s Facility ⁣(CCWF) ⁢after⁢ Governor Newsom signed an executive order ​suspending ⁣the death penalty in the state.

While incarcerated, Hann is now ⁢awaiting breast augmentation surgery, a ⁣procedure that ‌will be funded by taxpayers. This shocking turn of events has raised concerns about the safety and well-being of the female inmates at CCWF.

Amie Ichikawa, ​an incarcerated women’s ‌advocate, ⁣has been vocal about‍ the dangers of the gender self-identification policy in prison placement. Since ​the policy ⁢was‍ implemented, 357 male inmates, including registered sex offenders, have requested transfers to women’s prisons. This has created an‍ environment of fear and sexual violence for female inmates.

Ichikawa has also highlighted the disparity ⁣in treatment, with male transfers receiving cosmetic ⁢procedures such ⁢as facial feminization surgeries, laser hair removal, and Adam’s apple reductions, ⁢all at the expense of taxpayers. She argues that these procedures are not life-saving and that the focus should be on the safety‌ and rehabilitation⁣ of female ​inmates.

The consequences of California’s gender‌ self-identification policy are devastating, with women in prison living in constant fear and experiencing trauma. The government’s blind adherence to an agenda ‍has resulted in the celebration ​and facilitation of predators like Hann, while disregarding the well-being of their victims.

It is a chilling reminder that evil exists in the world, but it is even​ more disturbing when society enables and rewards it. The true victims in ​this tragic story are the innocent babies⁣ whose lives were brutally taken and the women who ‌now live in fear within the walls of the California prison ⁣system.

It ‌is crucial ‍to question the wisdom of those in power who believe⁤ that filling out a questionnaire can ‍change a person’s biological reality. The consequences of‍ such misguided policies‍ are ​far-reaching and deeply troubling.

As‍ we grapple with the⁢ shocking case ‌of⁢ Jason Michael Hann​ and the ‌taxpayer-funded trans ⁤surgery he is awaiting, we ⁣must not forget the true victims and the ​urgent need for ⁣justice and protection for those who are vulnerable.

Source: The Western Journal

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