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Country singer criticizes liberal-run America, fears for daughter’s future.

Country​ Singer​ of Hit Woke-Bashing Song: ‍’I⁤ Don’t Want⁢ My Daughter⁢ Growing Up in Liberal-Run America’

As ⁤he looked ‌around at⁤ a⁤ woke-infected nation that ​was ‌not his⁣ America,‍ Austin Moody had ‌something ‌he ⁤wanted ‌to say.

And ⁣a⁣ whole‌ lot of⁢ Americans⁤ wanted to hear it, which is ‍why ⁢Moody’s song⁢ “I’m Just‍ Sayin’” ‌hit number ‌7 ⁢on ‍the ⁤iTunes country⁤ chart as of ‌Monday‌ evening.

Moody said‍ the ⁣song he ⁣wrote with​ Mike ⁣Loudermilk⁣ and Wynn Varble came out⁣ of a⁢ desire‌ to speak up, according ‍to Breitbart.

“Over ⁤the ​past couple years, I’ve been ⁣convicted. Seeing a⁣ lot⁣ of things happening ‍in ​this ‍country ​that I‌ don’t ‌agree‌ with. ​You ⁢sit⁢ back and think,‌ ‘what can I do about ⁤this?’”⁣ he said.

“All ‌I ⁤could​ hope for is ⁤when people ‌hear ‘I’m Just Sayin,’’ they just‍ know it was​ written to ‍say we’ve had​ enough. ​We live⁣ in a ⁢society‍ bent on⁤ the ‌destruction ​of the individual. If you ⁢don’t fall in​ line​ you’ll ‌be cancelled ⁤or destroyed.”

Moody ​had managed‍ to‌ tune‍ out ​the clanging of American⁤ politics until⁣ his daughter‍ was born.

“In today’s world,​ what we’re ​dealing ‌with,‌ it’s not‍ just‍ about politics. It’s about⁢ a darkness​ that’s‌ now coming for our children. ‌I’ve ‍got⁤ a 15-month-old daughter. ​I ‌don’t‍ want⁢ her growing up ​in a ⁣liberal-run​ America.”

Making ⁤an openly conservative ‍song connects with​ some Americans,⁣ but⁤ leaves Moody ‍open⁤ to blowback, which he⁣ shrugs ​off.


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“There’s⁤ no doubt about ​it. I knew fully what I was ⁣doing. I ⁣thought⁤ to ‍myself,​ if⁢ I’m going to⁣ continue being an⁣ artist,‍ releasing⁣ songs,⁣ am⁣ I ⁤just going to‍ put⁢ my​ head ⁣in the sand or ⁤am​ I⁢ going ​to say ‍something. Having‍ my‍ daughter definitely changed‍ something in‍ me. ⁣When she looks back at her dear ‌old dad‍ one day, ⁢she ⁤can ​be proud — ⁤knowing ⁤he​ stood up‍ for⁣ something,” he ‍said.

“I’m going ​to use ‍what​ God​ gave me​ to try ⁢to say ⁤the ⁤right thing. So far, the response has‍ been⁤ positive,”‌ Moody‍ said.

“I’m‌ just‍ singing what ‌your ⁣thinking,”​ the lyrics ‍go, as posted ⁤by

“Well ‌they ‍call ​themselves enlightened ‍/ But cancel those who​ don’t agree / I wish all these folks /⁢ Who ‌claim ‌they’re ⁢woke ⁣/ ⁢Would just go⁣ back ⁣to‍ sleep,” the song ⁢says.

“I ‍believe⁤ in live ​and let live /⁢ We’re all ‌free to ⁤each their ⁣own ⁢/ ⁢If ​you⁤ were ‌born a he / But ​wanna be a she ⁣/ ‌Do your thing ‌but⁣ leave‌ my ⁤kids alone,”⁢ another​ verse​ of ⁣the song⁣ proclaims.

“I am‍ absolutely ⁤floored ​by the response I’ve‍ gotten ​on ⁢the‍ song,”‌ Moody told ⁤Breitbart.

“It‍ just proves to ⁢me there’s‍ still⁣ a strong​ moral compass in this⁤ country and it means ⁣that⁢ honesty and freedom cannot be ‍independent. You have to⁢ be honest even ​if ‍it⁤ costs you,” he⁣ said, ⁣also ‍saying, ‍“This⁢ country is about​ to ​roll up ‌its‌ sleeves.”

The ⁢post Country Singer of Hit Woke-Bashing Song:⁤ ‘I Don’t Want‍ My ‍Daughter Growing ​Up⁣ in ⁤Liberal-Run America’ appeared ‌first on The⁣ Western Journal.

Read More From Original Article Here: Country Singer of Hit Woke-Bashing Song: 'I Don't Want My Daughter Growing Up in Liberal-Run America'

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