Conservative News Daily

Trump’s trial held in ‘disgusting’ courtroom reflects our legal system perfectly.

The Soul of‍ America Under Attack: A Disgusting Representation of Our Legal System

That the soul of America is ​under attack‍ is evident from‌ the decay of her body.

Nothing could symbolize this more effectively than the New York courthouse‌ where the civil financial fraud trial of former President Donald Trump is unfolding.

“The courthouse I was ⁣in today, it was disgusting,” Trump’s son Eric said in a Wednesday interview⁢ with Newsmax. “It smells. You had cables running across all the walls. It’s​ a disgrace. … That’s a representation of our legal system.”

Most Americans agree that the legal system stinks. According to a 2022⁢ Trafalgar ⁤ poll, almost 80 percent believe there is a two-tiered​ system of justice in America. If something looks (and smells) like it’s dying, it probably is.

“You see the same thing at airports,” ⁣Eric Trump continued. “How often do you fly through an airport and you’ve got [ceiling tiles] that ⁤are ⁣falling down, right?”

It’s not ⁣just airports.

“We’re running a $2 ⁢trillion deficit and our bridges are falling down and our roads suck⁤ and our trains are‍ antiquated,” he said. “You look at China where they’re‌ building these bullet trains that go 300 ​miles an ‍hour. We’re falling behind the rest of the world.”

Exactly. That’s what the globalists want and need — for America to fall behind.

Equity demands equal outcomes for everyone, no matter your God-given abilities. If the scrawny kid wants to be on the football team, he must⁤ get equal playing time with the ⁣natural athlete who can lead the team to victory. That’s equity. It’s self-defeating.

We’re​ seeing it‌ play out in America with mediocre minds⁢ running the show in our institutions. The ‍outcome is a cancer-like decay ‍ that’s plain to see ⁣in cities and⁤ small towns alike.

Eric Trump went on to say, “Every single day we’re sending another $100 billion over to Ukraine to fight these wars and protect other ⁣people’s borders.”

He is, of course,​ exaggerating, but the point is that ​Democrats (and many‌ Republicans) are focused on all the wrong things.‍ Putting America first is the last thing on their minds.

The U.S. spent $6.72‌ trillion in 2022 and has spent “$1.52 trillion more than it has ⁤collected in fiscal year (FY) 2023,” according to the Treasury. On what?

Apparently not the courthouse where the former president of the United States is on trial on bogus, politically motivated charges.

So where’s the money going ⁣other than to foreign countries? Well, heaps of it is conveniently lost.

According‌ to Richard Stern of​ The ⁣Heritage Foundation, “The government has just lost — as if you dropped it on the sidewalk — trillions and trillions ‌of dollars over the⁢ last ‍few decades. … That ⁣is money that was stolen from‍ hard-working Americans to just simply get wasted,” CNBC reported.

If the feds don’t lose it, they squander it on ⁣insane left-wing projects.

According⁢ to Open the Books, in recent years they’ve spent $478,188 to turn monkeys “transgender,” $550,000 on Russian zombie cat experiments,​ and $6.9 million on toilet cameras to identify your “anal print.”

Meanwhile, a lot of us are dodging potholes and⁤ wondering​ if the next bridge we drive over might collapse.

Eric Trump’s right. It smells.

But don’t lose heart. That’s not what patriots⁤ do. The country might ⁢outwardly be wasting away, but inwardly‍ it was built on a Christian foundation that can ‌renew the American spirit ‍day‍ by⁣ day.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:

I walked into the office one morning ⁣and noticed something strange. Half of The Western Journal’s readership was missing.

It ⁢had finally happened. Facebook had flipped THE switch.

Maybe it was because we wrote about ivermectin. Or election​ integrity. ⁣Or the Jan. 6 detainees. ‌Or ballot mules.

Whatever the reason, I immediately knew what to do. We had to turn to you because, frankly, we know you are the only ones we can trust.

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Can I count on you for a small ​donation? We operate on a shoestring compared to other news media companies, so I ⁣can personally promise that ⁢not a penny of your donation will be wasted.

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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The ‌Western Journal

The post ⁤ Courtroom Holding Trump’s Trial in ‘Disgusting’ Condition: Perfect ‘Representation of Our Legal System’ appeared first on The Western Journal.

What steps can be taken ​to address the perceived two-tiered system ​of justice in America and restore ‌public trust in the legal system?

‍He U.S. spent ​$6.8 trillion in the fiscal year 2021, with a large portion going towards military expenses and foreign aid. While it is ⁣important to maintain a strong defense and support our‍ allies, it ⁣should not come at the expense of neglecting our own citizens and crumbling infrastructure.

The degradation of our legal‍ system is a symptom of a larger problem. ⁢The two-tiered system of justice that the majority⁢ of Americans perceive contributes to a sense of injustice and inequality. When those in power ⁣are treated differently under the law, it erodes public trust and undermines the very foundation of our democracy.

But it is not just the legal system that is failing us. Our airports, bridges, and⁤ roads are in dire need of repair and modernization. Meanwhile, countries like China are investing heavily in ‍cutting-edge infrastructure,⁤ leaving us further ‍behind in the⁣ global stage.⁢ This ⁤is not by accident; it is a deliberate strategy by globalists who seek to diminish America’s influence and power.

Equity, as advocated by these⁣ globalists, may sound fair in theory, but it‍ is ultimately counterproductive. Equal outcomes ⁢do not account for individual merit and effort, which are ‍essential for progress and‌ innovation. When everyone is guaranteed the same rewards regardless ‍of their abilities, it disincentivizes hard work and stifles excellence.

This ideology has infiltrated our institutions, resulting in mediocre minds occupying positions of power. The consequences of⁢ this can ‌be seen in the decay of ‌our cities and towns. Crime rates are soaring, drug addiction is rampant, and ⁢the quality of life for ordinary Americans is declining. This is not the America we should be proud​ of, nor is it the America we should accept.

While it is⁢ important to address global issues⁣ and support other nations, ⁤our priority should‍ be on ⁢putting America first. We cannot continue to pour billions of dollars ‍into foreign⁣ conflicts while neglecting‍ our own people. We must invest ​in our infrastructure, education, and healthcare systems to ensure the well-being of our citizens.

The trial of former President Donald Trump in the New York​ courthouse is not just about him; it is a reflection of the state of our legal system. It highlights the need for ⁤reform ‍and the restoration of public trust. We must work ​towards creating a system that is fair, impartial, and upholds the principles of justice.

The soul of America⁣ is indeed under attack, but we ‌have the power to fight back. We must‍ demand accountability⁢ and transparency from ‌our leaders. We must challenge​ the‌ status quo and work towards a better future for ourselves and future generations.​ It is time ⁤to restore the integrity of our legal⁣ system and ‌prioritize​ the needs of our own ⁤citizens. Only then can we ‍truly claim to ‍be the land of the free‌ and the home of the brave.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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