Cover-Up After Journalist Found With Israeli Hostages in Gaza Home

The article discusses a significant incident involving Palestinian journalist Abdullah⁤ Al-Jamal, who ⁢was reportedly involved with Hamas ‌and‍ was killed during ‌an Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) operation in Gaza. Al-Jamal, ⁣who wrote for ⁢Al Jazeera ⁢and The‌ Palestinian‌ Chronicle,⁣ was found to have ⁣been harboring hostages in his ⁢home. This revelation has embarrassed both media outlets, ⁣which have tried to distance themselves ⁢from him. Al Jazeera‌ has denied employing him, stating he only ‌contributed an⁤ op-ed in 2019. The situation has sparked‍ debate⁣ and criticism about the credibility of these media outlets and their possible ⁢connections to Hamas operatives. The raid ⁢on ‌Al-Jamal’s home also underscored claims by the Israeli government ⁣that Hamas uses civilians as human shields.


By Allison Anton June 10, 2024 at 9:39am

The credibility of the Palestinian media has taken yet another hit with a truly horrifying discovery that was made in the home of one Palestinian journalist.

This journalist had contributed to the Qatari-controlled media outlet Al Jazeera and U.S.-based The Palestinian Chronicle, and both outlets have desperately been trying to cover up their connection to him.

Abdullah Al-Jamal was one of many civilian Hamas operatives neutralized by the Israeli Defense Forces in a weekend rescue mission in Gaza.

As reported in the Jewish Chronicle, when the IDF raided Al-Jamal’s home, they found three hostages — Almog Meir, Andrey Kozlov and Shlomi Ziv — that he had been keeping in his home.

The 36-year-old journalist, his wife, Fatima, and his father, Dr. Ahmed Al-Jamal, were killed during the rescue mission, and his daughter Zainab, 27, was injured by the gunfire.

An innocent doctor and an innocent journalist were killed by Israel yesterday. Dr. Ahmed Al-Jamal (right) and journalist Abdullah Al-Jamal (left) were brutally murdered.

Their only crime was holding Israeli hostages in their home.

— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) June 9, 2024

Though Al-Jamal was, apparently, far from the only civilian housing hostages for Hamas, his position as a journalist for pro-Palestinian media outlets made things a trifle awkward for those companies.

Before the raid, and the discovery of Israeli hostages housed in his home, Al Jazeera and The Palestinian Chronicle happily listed Al-Jamal as a contributing writer — under the name Abdallah Aljamal, the Chronicle reported.

Should Al Jazeera and the Palestinian Chronicle come clean on Al-Jamal?

Indeed, as X user Jordan Schachtel noted on Sunday, “This morning, the Palestine Chronicle website changed his bio from ‘correspondent’ to ‘contributor,’” including screenshots from the website from 6:30 am ET and 11:50 am ET.


The US-based Palestine Chronicle (a 501c3 nonprofit based in Washington State) is attempting to cover up evidence of its ties to a Gaza terrorist and Hamas spokesperson.

Its staffer in question, Abdallah Aljamal, took 3 Israelis hostage before being neutralized by…

— Jordan Schachtel @ (@JordanSchachtel) June 9, 2024

Al Jazeera PR likewise took to the social media platform X to face this PR nightmare head-on, releasing a lengthy piece of historical revisionism.

The X account of the Israeli Ministry of Defense, and some Israeli websites, quoted the name of a Palestinian journalist from Gaza called Abdullah Al-Jamal and claimed that he works with #AlJazeera, and that his name was linked to what happened in the Israeli army’s liberation of…

— Al Jazeera PR (@AlJazeera) June 9, 2024

The Jerusalem Post reported, Al Jazeera strenuously denied they ever employed Al Jamal.

Instead, they claimed that he has “never worked with the Network, but had contributed to an Op-ed in 2019 and that these allegations are completely unfounded.”

Al Jazeera further called the accusations “slander” and “misinformation,” which was rich coming from an outlet that has dutifully spread the Hamas lies regarding Israel’s civilian casualties.

The Jewish Chronicle noted, the raid on Al-Jamal’s home was yet more confirmation of what the Israeli government has long maintained: Hamas has been using civilians as human shields — and reportedly paying civilians ($19 a day) to house captives, according one freed hostage.

Clearly, Al Jazeera and The Palestinian Chronicle have been working overtime to cover-up the terrible optics created by this situation.

But, as the good folks on X reminded everyone, the internet is forever, and people can still easily find the receipts proving that Al-Jamal was listed as a contributing journalist on both sites.

Try as they might, the truth is still out there for anyone to find.

And it does not reflect well upon Al Jazeera or The Palestinian Chronicle, if they employed a journalist who turned out to be a Hamas operative.

How many more of their contributors might have actively helped Hamas?

Al-Jamal’s collusion with Hamas has opened a Pandora’s box for the pro-Palestinian media that they will be forced to reckon with — and it’s not going to be pretty.

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Allison Anton dabbles in fiction, as well as commenting on depressing modern trends and media. She calls the metro Atlanta area home, and when she’s not writing, she’s creating a loving home for her amazing husband.

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