The federalist

Critics misunderstand Tucker Carlson’s Putin interview

For ⁤all of legacy media’s efforts to discourage people from watching‍ Tucker Carlson’s⁤ historic interview ⁤of Russian President Vladimir Putin, ⁤the effect was, well, the Streisand effect, creating a‌ fever ‌pitch of audience interest.

If subsequent commentary is any indication, however, the interview, with Putin’s lengthy monologue on history that seems​ arcane to Americans, his evident clarity of mind and even flashes of charm, and Carlson’s own (admitted) confusion by the direction Putin took the discussion,⁣ has​ raised at least as many questions as it answered.

Having⁤ now listened to the ⁣interview‌ multiple times, here’s ‍some background to contextualize Putin’s remarks.

1. Ignore the ⁣Experts

Western analysts of‌ Russia — ⁣Reagan ⁣adviser Richard Pipes being ​a notable exception — have been spectacularly⁤ wrong ⁣for decades. ‍Take, for example, the‍ collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. It caught the State Department, the media, and everyone else ⁣completely flat-footed.

Worse, they declared victory prematurely. Former ‍New York Times Moscow Bureau Chief and Pulitzer Prize-winner ⁤Hedrick Smith‍ captured the zeitgeist⁢ of the⁤ moment ‍in‌ his bestseller The ‌New Russians. The dissolution of the ‌Soviet Union was, he said, “a modern enactment ‌of one of the archetypal stories⁤ of human existence, that of the struggle from darkness to light, ‌from poverty toward prosperity, from‍ dictatorship toward democracy.”

Seems laughable now, doesn’t it?

But this was a period of extraordinary, almost utopian, optimism. The Berlin⁢ Wall had come down only two ‌years before the demise of the ⁤Soviet Union. An event, largely forgotten‍ now, that seemed unthinkable. I recall about this same time buying a (pirated) CD of The‍ Scorpions’ song “Wind of Change,” which celebrated these events and spoke of Western brotherhood with Russia. ⁢Where did I buy it? In Red Square‍ of all‌ places.

Who could have ‌ever imagined that? Then a‌ graduate student‍ in ​Russian history, I ​didn’t. Neither did the⁣ experts. The ⁣point is, when it ⁤comes to Russia, everyone is guessing. If ‌this was ⁤true when ⁢analysts were honest, it⁤ is doubly so now that they are dishonest. In their telling of it, Putin‌ was⁢ lying to Carlson. Was he lying when ‌he said the Canadian Parliament gave a standing ovation to a former member of the Waffen-SS simply because‍ he had killed Russians in ⁣World⁣ War II? Was he lying about Obama’s CIA engineering ⁤a coup d’état of Ukraine’s government in⁤ 2014? No, he wasn’t.

2. Russia Isn’t Western in Any Recognizable Sense

The Western mind‍ was shaped by the⁣ social and cultural forces​ of the Renaissance, ‌Reformation, Enlightenment, and Scientific Revolution. Russia experienced none of these. As ⁢a consequence, Russian thinking is alien to Americans. Churchill was right: ⁣“Russia is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.”

So when Putin​ began the interview with a narrative of Russo-Ukrainian history and how the first Russian state was not founded in Moscow‍ or St. Petersburg, but in Kiev — which is accepted as historical fact and key to his argument — it seemed, as Carlson himself put it, like a “filibuster.”

To Putin, however, this history ‌matters. But to Americans who ​have little sense of ⁣their own history and even less of others’, it was diversionary. That is because ​America was founded and built by⁤ people who were ‌very consciously leaving their histories behind. We are a forward-looking people.

Not Russians. ‌Novelist Leon ‌Uris ⁢wrote, “In​ Ireland there is no future, only ⁣the ⁢past ⁢happening over ⁤and over again.” The same might be⁤ said of Russia.

I⁣ cannot overemphasize this point. A ‌couple of‌ weeks ago, I was in⁣ Cairo. Bring up 9/11 there — and I would caution you in doing so — and Muslims will go straight to the Crusades. (As ⁣did Osama bin Laden, by the way, in offering ‍his justification for the attacks.) They see the whole of subsequent history as an accident. The point isn’t whether ⁢they — or Putin‍ — are right. The ​point is that⁢ they are both passionate believers in their own historical narratives.

3. Putin ⁤Sees⁣ the U.S. as Regional⁤ Provocateur in‍ the Post-Soviet Era

In this, he is⁣ not wrong.⁢ If the founding of the Rurikid dynasty in the ninth century belongs ‌to some misty, forgotten ‌past in ​American minds, the past 30‍ years‍ of U.S.-Russia relations certainly should not.

Throughout the Cold​ War, the‌ Soviets followed an unswerving commitment to Marxist dogma when it came to “global revolution.” This was a policy of expansionism. Those who grew up in this era will recall the documentaries to which we were all subjected throughout our education. Disney-like animation‍ depicted, accurately, the red hammer and ⁢sickle flag of the USSR bleeding​ outward from Russia to other parts of the world.

This was⁣ George Kennan’s “domino theory,” the idea that countries would fall⁢ to communism like dominoes until Russia was on our very doorstep. It seemed this was becoming a ⁣nightmarish reality when,⁣ in 1959,‍ Cuba fell to Marxists and the Soviets attempted​ to put ballistic missiles there. JFK threatened nuclear war ⁣if⁤ Khrushchev forced the issue.

Putin says in the interview that ⁣when​ the USSR ⁢self-destructed, it was⁤ the hope of Russians to be ‍accepted into the community of Western nations,⁣ not ​as a belligerent as in times past, but as a partner. One might be skeptical​ of the claim, but I can confirm that at least at ground level this ​is true.

When I was in Russia in the‌ early⁢ and late ’90s and‍ again ⁢in the early 2000s, Russians greeted Americans excitedly. You’ve never experienced hospitality as the Russians offered it. They ​liked Americans and wanted ‍very much to be liked by them. They weren’t, as they saw it, the bad guys ‌in a fluke Olympic hockey game or “Rocky IV,” but a free people, and they⁣ wanted to be ⁢treated as ⁣equals.

But now,⁤ in the years that followed the implosion‌ of the ‍USSR, U.S. policy toward Russia, which had heretofore been ​cautious‍ and even respectful, became swaggeringly arrogant and aggressive. The U.S.,‍ via its NATO puppet, enacted a kind⁤ of domino​ theory in reverse, expanding that military alliance eastward to‍ Russia’s very border:

  • 1994: Sweden and Finland become⁣ partner states.
  • 1999: Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland are added.
  • 2004: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, ⁢and Slovenia are all added. The ‌first three on this list are Russian border states.
  • 2008: ⁣ Discussions‍ with Ukraine begin, angering​ Russia.

4.⁣ Russia Has Always Considered ‌Ukraine as Vital to Its National⁣ Security

This⁤ brings us to the pivot year‌ and what‌ Putin called “The ⁢Main Thing.”⁢ Russia’s posture ‌toward post-Soviet Ukraine ⁣has‍ been that it must be free from Western meddling and preferably pro-Russian.

But in 2014,⁣ after many guarantees to Russia from the U.S. that Ukraine would⁣ remain an independent neutral state, Obama’s CIA ‍toppled a freely elected, but pro-Russian, Ukrainian ⁤government, replacing it with a pro-U.S. regime. This was followed by what was, for Russia, a ‌final provocation: Ukraine was ⁢invited to join NATO.

Putin responded by invading eastern‌ Ukraine⁣ that ⁢same ‌year in a⁤ preemptive effort to get the upper hand in what he regarded ‌as the U.S.’s aim all ⁤along: to use Ukraine ​in a proxy war against Russia.

When I was last in Moscow ⁣in 2017, I think, Russians remained friendly, but the enthusiasm⁣ of the first decade of the post-Soviet Era was gone. Replacing it was a cynicism about ​U.S. intentions and the promise that⁢ freedom would hold for ‍them if only they would abandon communism. Now there⁢ was,⁢ unbelievable to the⁢ Western mind, a growing nostalgia for the iron-fisted days of Stalin.

Insofar as this post-Soviet Era optimism and subsequent pessimism are concerned, my experiences in⁣ Ukraine in the early 2000s — and another six‌ to seven visits over the next decade​ — mirrored ⁢those in Russia if for somewhat different reasons. Ukrainians saw⁢ America as a strategic⁤ ally, yes, but were finding democracy not⁣ to be the end-all they thought it would be. Freedom requires self-reliance, responsibility, a work ethic, and time consciousness — all things 75 years ⁤of socialism destroyed if ever they existed in Ukraine or Russia.⁤ (And ‍I’m inclined to say ‍they did⁤ not.)

By the time I was there doing research for my first book, ⁢ The ‌Grace Effect, which ‍is,⁢ in a sense, ⁤a history​ of Ukraine, there was a growing desire among many Ukrainians, some 16 percent, to reunite with Russia. Sixteen ​percent isn’t a majority, but it isn’t nothing, ⁤and it reflected the ideological fractures within⁤ this historically unstable region. My own interpreter⁣ on one of these visits, a Ukrainian, ⁢talked incessantly of his admiration for Stalin. He was not an anomaly at⁤ that‍ time.

Russians, however, increasingly saw us as an aggressor. If you dared engage them on political ⁤questions — and it’s hard not to⁣ on a ‌Friday night in ⁢Moscow — they would reasonably ask: Why does NATO still exist? “The Evil Empire,” ⁣as Reagan called the Soviet Union, which constituted ​the very purpose ⁢for NATO’s existence, was dead. The⁣ Warsaw Pact, its ​opposition, had been dissolved. So why, they wanted to‍ know, ‌did we maintain such⁢ military partnerships, and against whom ⁢was the alliance directed? (If such questions were asked ​over shots of vodka — and they always were — you were likely ‍to see a very different‌ side of the Russian character.)

Putin made this point in the Carlson interview,⁢ saying that when he asked this ⁣question of then-President George W. Bush, he was told the alliance ⁤wasn’t ‌to guard against a Russian invasion of Europe, but to defend against a possible Iranian nuclear attack on the continent. Putin, who⁣ isn’t a fool, rightly regarded this response as dishonest. (A cynic⁤ might say that the answer ⁢to why ‌NATO still exists lies⁤ somewhere in Eisenhower’s warning of⁤ the growing influence of a “military-industrial complex.”)

5. Putin ⁤Is Politically Savvy, Ruthless, and‍ a Russian Patriot

Putin recounted⁤ all of this ⁣history (and more) in a barely interrupted monologue without consulting​ a single note. His recounting of the ancient,⁤ complicated history of Russia and Ukraine‌ is accurate to ⁢a⁣ point. But he downplayed Stalin’s⁢ atrocities, saying: “Stalin’s time … which as many claim saw numerous violations of human rights…” It is​ much more than a claim. It is true.

He also used the fact that many ⁣Ukrainians share‍ the Russian language and culture‍ as a justification⁤ for the annexation of Ukraine. Hitler employed similar reasoning‍ in ‌Poland, Czechoslovakia, and elsewhere. It is the justification of⁣ conquerors.‌ It also ignores Russia’s policy, begun by the Tsars ⁤in ⁤the ⁤19th century and continued by the Bolsheviks, of “Russification.” This policy outlawed Ukrainian language and culture and mandated they be ⁢replaced with Russian⁣ language and culture. (My own daughter, adopted from Ukraine​ and‍ wholly ⁤Ukrainian,​ was taught Russian, not Ukrainian.)

Even so, ‍Putin came off as cool and reasonable throughout the interview. But make no mistake about it, he’s ruthless. I remind you of‌ the Kursk submariners, the Spetsnaz assault on a Moscow ‌theater, and Chechnya. Putin, it is alleged, has arrested, imprisoned, and assassinated both journalists and rivals. He recognizes the ​criminality of the Biden administration because​ he’s a criminal too. But there is this key‍ difference between them: Putin⁢ is⁢ a Russian​ patriot who will do ⁤ anything for‌ Russia; Biden sold his soul and his country for personal gain.

6. The Real Reason for This War Isn’t Immediately Obvious

The forever (proxy) war with Russia ⁤cannot ⁣be blamed on Biden nor even on Democrats alone. ‍American hostility to Russia in the post-Soviet Era began with Clinton, was continued by ⁤George​ W. Bush, saw escalation with Obama, and was escalated still further by Biden.

Ignore ⁤the lofty ⁢rhetoric ‍of‌ T-shirts⁣ and lapel pins.​ This war isn’t about freedom, democracy, or ‍human rights violations in Ukraine. That’s a smokescreen. The Biden⁤ administration couldn’t care less about the Ukrainian people. Nor are they⁣ troubled‌ by Putin’s tyranny and election rigging. After all, they are election-rigging tyrant ‍wannabes. (Putin imprisoned his chief rival ‌Alexei Navalny just as Democrats are trying to⁢ imprison Donald Trump, and⁤ Jan. 6 is ‍about as Putin as it gets.)

The war on Putin is driven by two factors dear ​to the ‍modern left. First,‍ Putin opposes⁣ their aims in Ukraine. That country is not⁢ only a⁤ primary source of flesh for human ⁤traffickers, but the U.S. is using ⁤it for money laundering.​ Putin’s opposition to the Biden administration isn’t moral in nature any more‍ than ⁤theirs is⁣ to ⁢him. Rather, this⁣ is a mafia turf war. ‍He undoubtedly reasons that if anyone is going to exploit Ukraine, it will be ⁢Russia.

Second, Putin isn’t a globalist. Some ⁤have ‍argued he is. But Russian patriotism — or American or Italian or Irish or British patriotism — ​is incompatible with ​globalism, and Putin, who controls ⁢the largest ⁢land ​mass ⁣on⁣ the planet, is a patriot.

A⁢ Word About Tucker Carlson

I admire Carlson’s‌ courage given that the Biden administration did everything short of assassinating him to prevent⁤ this ‌interview. Post-interview, he⁢ has been subjected to repulsive personal attacks for doing what any journalist with ⁣integrity ⁣would​ do. His position was impossible. ⁣On the one hand, he needed to appear tough; on the other, he ⁣needed to be fair — all while doing it ‌in the Kremlin.

In the end, Carlson generally opted to get out​ of the way ⁢and let Putin speak, ​an approach foreign to⁢ a compromised media class that is sure we need ⁤to hear them more than the subject of ‌the ⁤interview. Three years in the​ making, Carlson had​ no guarantees. A wrong⁤ move, a wrong question, and they​ might have Brittney Grinered him.

But he knew Putin wanted this interview. ‍Why? Because, villain that he is,⁤ Putin calculated he had ⁢less to hide in Ukraine than does the Biden administration.

How has ⁤the historical context of​ U.S.-Russia‍ relations contributed to⁢ Putin’s perception of the United ‍States as a regional provocateur

Analyzing Tucker Carlson’s Interview ‍with‌ Putin: Unanswered ‌Questions and Historical ‌Context”


The​ recent interview conducted‍ by⁤ Tucker Carlson⁣ with Russian‍ President​ Vladimir Putin ‍has generated significant interest ‌and curiosity among the audience. Despite efforts by legacy media to discourage ‍viewership, the ⁤Streisand effect has ⁤come into ‍play, resulting⁢ in a ⁣surge of interest ⁢in ‌the interview. However, subsequent commentary on ⁣the interview has raised as many questions as it answered, mainly due⁣ to the‍ complex historical context ⁤and Putin’s unique perspective. In this article, we will delve into some ‌background information to provide a ​better understanding of Putin’s remarks.

1. Ignoring the Experts

Analysts of⁤ Russia in the West have often been proven wrong‍ over the‍ years, as demonstrated by ‌their failure to predict the​ collapse ‌of the Soviet Union in 1991. This period was marked by excessive ‍optimism and a ‍belief in the triumph of democracy. However, ⁤Putin’s statements‍ during the interview, such as⁤ the⁣ Canadian Parliament applauding a former⁢ member⁣ of the Waffen-SS and Obama’s alleged⁣ involvement in engineering a coup ⁣in ⁢Ukraine, highlight the‌ need for caution in accepting mainstream narratives.

2. ⁣Russia’s Alien Thinking

The development‍ of ‌Western​ civilization, influenced by the Renaissance, Reformation, Enlightenment, and Scientific Revolution, differs ‌significantly from Russia’s historical trajectory. As a‍ result, Russian thinking may appear‌ alien​ to ‍Americans. Putin’s emphasis on Russian-Ukrainian history,‌ which holds great‍ significance ‍to him,‍ may seem⁢ like a diversion to​ Americans who have a limited sense of⁣ their own history and that⁣ of ‍others.

3. Viewing the U.S. as a Regional Provocateur

Putin’s perception of the ​United States as a ⁤regional provocateur holds⁤ some truth. The historical context of U.S.-Russia relations in the post-Soviet era ​should not​ be overlooked. Throughout the Cold War, the Soviet Union pursued ‍a policy​ of expansionism driven by Marxist ideology. This concern of communist⁢ dominoes falling towards Russia prompted U.S. actions⁤ such as the⁤ Cuban⁤ Missile Crisis. After the‌ Soviet Union’s collapse, Russians‍ aspired to be accepted as ‍partners by​ Western nations. However, U.S. policies, particularly the ‍expansion of NATO to Russia’s border, contributed⁣ to a⁢ deterioration of relations and a change in Russian sentiment towards the U.S.

4.‍ Ukraine’s ⁤Importance to Russian National ⁢Security

Russia has always ⁤considered Ukraine, its neighbor and historically intertwined region,⁤ vital to its national security. In 2014, the ousting of a pro-Russian Ukrainian government by a pro-U.S. regime and subsequent efforts‌ to bring Ukraine into NATO escalated tensions. Putin’s decision to intervene in eastern Ukraine can‍ be ⁢seen as a preemptive move ⁢to counter what⁤ he ‍perceived⁣ as the U.S.’s objective ⁤of using Ukraine as a proxy against‌ Russia.

5. Putin’s‌ Political Savvy and Russian Patriotism

Throughout ‍the interview, Putin demonstrated his political acumen, recounting historical events without notes and maintaining a calm and reasonable demeanor. However,⁣ his ruthlessness cannot⁢ be ⁣ignored, considering past⁤ actions such as the Kursk submarine incident,‍ the Moscow theater‌ assault,⁤ and the conflict in⁣ Chechnya. While acknowledging Putin’s criminality, it is⁢ crucial to‍ recognize his patriotism and his commitment⁢ to Russia’s interests. In⁢ comparison, Biden’s alleged involvement in corrupt ​activities⁤ highlights a distinct contrast.

6. The‍ Real Motivation behind⁢ the Conflict

The ongoing proxy war with Russia cannot solely be attributed ⁢to Biden or the Democrats. American hostility towards Russia began before the​ current administration,⁣ with ⁣successive presidents⁣ further⁢ escalating ‍tensions. Claims of⁤ the conflict being about freedom, democracy,‌ or⁤ human rights in Ukraine may serve as‌ a smokescreen, as‌ the⁤ Biden administration’s priorities lie elsewhere.


Tucker Carlson’s interview with Vladimir Putin has garnered widespread attention, leaving viewers with both ⁣answered and unanswered ⁣questions. To‌ grasp the⁤ significance of Putin’s remarks,⁤ it‌ is essential⁤ to consider⁢ the historical context​ and complexities of U.S.-Russia relations.​ By analyzing the ​interview, ​we‍ can gain a more nuanced understanding of Putin’s motivations and​ the broader dynamics⁤ at‍ play in⁤ this ‍ongoing conflict.

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