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Cruz urges impeachment of Garland and potential Biden bribery if evidence supports it.

Sen. Ted Cruz⁤ Calls for Impeachment ⁣of Attorney ⁤General ⁤Merrick Garland and ⁣Possibly President Joe Biden

Over the weekend, Sen. Ted⁤ Cruz (R-TX) ‍made a⁤ bold statement, urging ⁣for ⁤the impeachment of Attorney General Merrick‌ Garland and potentially⁢ even ⁢President ⁢Joe ⁢Biden.

Speaking at a captivating event ⁤in ⁤Florida, ‌Cruz⁢ emphasized ⁢the significance of⁣ IRS whistleblower testimony to Congress, asserting that it “absolutely”​ puts ⁤Biden’s⁢ presidency ⁣at risk.

“What makes‌ this testimony⁣ particularly compelling⁤ is that it doesn’t come ‍from right-wing Republicans‍ or ‌individuals with ‍a personal ‍vendetta ⁢against Joe Biden,” Cruz passionately explained. ‌”These are career IRS ​employees, including Gary Shapley, a ‍senior supervisory ‌agent,​ and⁣ an anonymous whistleblower known⁣ as Mr. X. ⁣It’s‌ worth noting ​that ​Mr. X ⁢is a gay Democrat, ⁤married ⁣to⁣ a⁣ man,⁢ and a ​dedicated IRS employee.”

Cruz continued, “Now, this‌ self-identified information alone ‌doesn’t suggest‌ a ⁢right-wing activist‍ out to‍ get Joe Biden. Instead, it​ suggests someone who‌ has examined ⁣the⁤ situation​ and concluded that ⁢it ‍is fundamentally‍ corrupt. ⁢These ⁣whistleblowers​ have ⁣testified that Merrick Garland, ⁣the Attorney​ General, ⁣lied under ⁣oath ⁣to Congress⁢ in‌ response ⁢to my questioning.”

The‍ Texas⁣ senator⁣ revealed that he had ⁤questioned​ Garland‌ under oath in the ‌Senate ⁢Judiciary​ Committee, during which Garland ⁤claimed there was no⁢ political‍ interference in the investigations ​involving ​Hunter Biden and ⁢Joe Biden.

“Let me⁤ be clear​ about what needs⁤ to happen next,” Cruz‌ asserted.⁢ “Firstly, ⁢the ⁢Department‍ of Justice must ‌appoint​ a ​special‍ counsel ‍to ⁤thoroughly ‌investigate ‌and prosecute ⁤Merrick Garland⁣ for⁢ perjury⁣ and obstruction of ‌justice. Secondly, ⁢the ​House⁤ of ‌Representatives should proceed‍ with⁤ the‌ impeachment‍ of Merrick Garland.”

He ​added, “And‍ finally,⁣ if the​ evidence⁤ substantiates the claims made ⁤by the whistleblowers that the President of the‌ United‌ States ⁣accepted bribes ⁤from foreign nationals,⁤ then ​the House ‍of Representatives should‌ also impeach Joe Biden. It’s‍ important to note that ‍impeachment‌ is not ‌solely for ​high‌ crimes and misdemeanors. The ‌Constitution⁢ explicitly includes bribery as a⁤ valid reason ⁤for ​impeachment.”

Watch ‌the video​ below:

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