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Biden’s failure: Cyber personnel shortage jeopardizes national security.

The Cybersecurity Crisis in‍ America: A ‍Looming Threat

President Joe Biden’s spin​ doctors continually try‌ to put a good‌ face on America’s ongoing cyber crisis,‌ like when they⁢ had first lady, Dr. Jill Biden, kick-off the White House’s back-to-school cyber safety summit and ⁢tout a new “formal, ongoing collaboration” between ‌all levels of government and school districts. But the ​truth is, cybersecurity is just another major issue where America is lagging under the stewardship of Biden.

As of the⁤ end of 2022, way past the point ⁣where Biden could blame this crisis on former President Donald Trump, there was a ‍ labor ‍shortage of cyber personnel to the⁢ tune of approximately 700,000⁢ unfilled⁤ positions ⁢throughout ‍the job ‍market.

The Dangers of⁤ Understaffing

  • America’s understaffing in the cyber profession poses significant‍ dangers in both the public and private sectors.
  • In today’s ⁣interconnected climate, cyber threats and the demand‌ for skilled ⁤cybersecurity ⁤professionals has ‍never been higher.
  • A shortage of proficient cybersecurity personnel ‍poses dire consequences‌ for national security and privacy protection.

In the public⁢ sector, under the unthinkably incompetent‍ leadership of Alejandro Mayorkas at the top of the‌ Department of ‌Homeland Security (DHS), federal and state level government agencies and critical infrastructure assets face countless cyber threats from state-sponsored threat actors ⁣and cybercriminals.

The ‍Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), a sub-agency under DHS, has ​put out far more than enough taxpayer dollars over the past‍ 2-plus years to have made major strides⁢ in the cybersphere, but positive results have eluded them two-thirds of the way through Joe Biden’s current ‌term.

Just ⁢weeks ago, ⁣there ‌was a joint ⁣cybersecurity advisory from CISA, the ⁢FBI, the Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center (MS-ISAC),⁢ and the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (CCCS), regarding a spike in Truebot⁤ malware, a botnet that is often utilized ⁣by Russia-backed cyber gangs like CLOP.

Chinese threat actors were also just ‌reported to be ⁤behind an attack that led to⁤ the⁤ breach of​ an email account linked ⁣to the U.S. Ambassador to China, Nicholas Burns, as part of a larger ⁢targeted intelligence-gathering initiative.

Without adequate cyber personnel, government ‌entities will always struggle in responding to hacks effectively. This will lead to more data breaches, disruptions of essential services, and ⁣other dangers to ​national security.

In the⁣ private sector, businesses‍ across⁢ various industries continue to be targeted by threat actors seeking to ‌steal valuable intellectual property, consumer⁣ information, and financial data. These ⁢kinds⁢ of breaches are regularly executed​ by countries like China, Iran, North ‌Korea, and Russia.

Maintaining an⁢ understaffed private sector will⁤ slow incident response times, leaving entities exposed to prolonged hacks. The results of which will ​likely be larger financial ⁢losses, ‍reputational damage, and legal liabilities.

Moreover, interconnectedness​ between ⁢the private‌ and ⁢public sectors ‍makes them interdependent. ​So cyber-attacks that target private companies increasingly have ripple effects on ⁣critical infrastructure and public services, including energy, transportation, and healthcare.

This only emphasizes the ‍importance of​ having a deep cybersecurity workforce in both the public and‌ private sectors, as it can more effectively collaborate to defend against threats effectively.


To address these challenges, America needs to invest in ⁢robust ⁢cybersecurity education, training,‌ and recruitment efforts. One program that hopes ⁢to achieve this is Florida International University’s (FIU) cybersecurity⁣ workforce training program. This ⁣program provides free ⁤cyber training to veterans and first‍ responders.

We must also encourage younger students to pursue⁢ careers in cyber fields and launch a consistent ⁤plan for doing so year-round,‌ and not just trotting out Jill Biden types one week out of⁣ the⁢ year for awareness. This, in ⁢addition to offering better salaries and benefits packages, should attract the talent needed to fill critical cybersecurity roles.

This extended‍ years’ long‍ understaffing epidemic in the cybersecurity sector continues to pose significant risks for the ​United States, leaving it vulnerable ‌to hacks on ⁣multiple fronts. At this point, a substantially larger commitment must be made towards‍ building the well-equipped cybersecurity‍ workforce of the⁢ future.

If we do so, ⁣it strengthens our cyber defenses, protects sensitive data, safeguards national interests,‌ and establishes a resilient and secure cybersphere. Whether or‍ not the 46th President and his cabinet are up to the task remains to be seen.

Julio Rivera is a business and ⁣political strategist, cybersecurity researcher, Editorial Director⁤ for Reactionary Times, and a ⁣political commentator and columnist. His writing, which is focused on cybersecurity and politics, has been published by many‍ of the most respected news organizations in the world.

The views expressed‌ in this piece are those of‍ the author‌ and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

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