Conservative News Daily

Chinese money linked directly to Biden’s bank account raises concerns of potential blackmail.

Damning: ⁢Direct Line Between Chinese Money and​ Biden’s Bank Account Drawn -⁢ ‘Future Blackmail’

House Oversight ‌Committee​ Chairman James ‍Comer⁣ has released a video that could potentially lead to the⁢ impeachment of⁢ President Joe Biden. In the video, Comer, a Kentucky Republican, connects money⁤ from communist China directly to⁢ Biden’s bank ​account, ‌raising concerns ‍about potential ⁢foreign blackmail of the president.

Check out⁣ the video here:

Comer refers to a 2017 WhatsApp exchange ‍between Hunter Biden, Joe​ Biden’s son, and an associate of the Chinese energy ‍company CEFC. ‍In the exchange, Hunter demanded $10 million from the company⁣ and implied ​that his father’s political influence would be⁤ used ⁢as leverage ‍if the‌ demand‍ was​ not‌ met.

Comer states in the video,⁤ “The extortion scheme ​worked.” He ⁣reveals that $40,000⁢ in laundered China money ended up in Joe Biden’s bank account,⁤ labeled as a “loan⁤ repayment.” While ⁣it is‍ possible that‍ this payment was a legitimate loan repayment, it still shows how⁢ Joe Biden benefited ⁤from his family’s questionable financial dealings with China.

Comer⁢ emphasizes ​that these efforts to secure funds from a Chinese‍ company began when Joe Biden was vice president, exposing him⁤ to potential future blackmail and ‌putting ‍America’s interests ‍behind his ​own desire for money.

The evidence presented ‌by Comer’s committee‌ raises serious concerns about the integrity and​ influence of ​the president. It adds undeniable weight ⁣to the ongoing House impeachment ‍inquiry. It is time ‍for the media and the Democratic Party to⁣ take these allegations seriously.

While Trump ⁢faced‍ impeachment based ⁣on flimsy ​allegations, the evidence against‍ Biden and his family involves suspicious money transactions and potential‍ crimes. The House investigators are⁢ diligently building a case, and every American should be paying close attention.

It is only a matter of time before Biden faces impeachment for his​ actions.⁤ Let’s not be caught ⁣off guard.

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The post ‌ Damning:​ Direct⁣ Line Between‍ Chinese Money and‌ Biden’s Bank ‌Account Drawn – ‘Future Blackmail’ appeared first on The Western Journal.

What steps should​ be taken to conduct a thorough ⁢and transparent investigation into ⁣the allegations of Chinese money being connected to President Biden’s bank account, in order to ensure the integrity and influence of the president

Allegations seriously and thoroughly​ investigate the potential connections between Chinese money and President ‍Biden’s bank account.

The video released by House Oversight Committee Chairman‌ James Comer is indeed damning, as it directly links money from communist China to President Biden’s bank account. This raises⁤ serious concerns ‍about the possibility of foreign blackmail of the president.‌ The video, which can ⁢be viewed on Twitter, reveals that Joe Biden received $40,000 in laundered China money from his brother James Biden and his sister-in-law Sara Biden.

Comer’s video refers to a 2017 WhatsApp ⁣exchange between⁣ Hunter Biden and an associate of​ the Chinese energy company CEFC. In the exchange, Hunter demanded $10 million‌ from the company ⁤and implied that his⁤ father’s political influence would be‌ used as leverage if the demand was not⁢ met. This suggests a direct connection between Joe Biden’s political position​ and ⁣the financial gain of his family.

While it is possible ‍that the $40,000 labeled as a “loan repayment” was indeed a legitimate transaction, it still highlights the questionable financial dealings between‍ the‌ Biden family and China. These​ efforts to secure funds from a Chinese company began when Joe Biden was vice president, further exposing him ⁤to potential future ​blackmail and raising concerns about his priorities and allegiance.

The revelation of this evidence calls into question the⁤ integrity and influence ​of President Biden. It underscores‌ the necessity of the‌ ongoing House impeachment inquiry ⁢and demands a thorough investigation⁣ into these allegations. It⁤ is crucial for the​ media and the⁤ Democratic Party to take these allegations seriously and conduct a ‌transparent investigation to ascertain the veracity of the claims.

The potential direct ​line between Chinese ‌money and President Biden’s bank account poses a ‍significant threat to national security and the interests of the United States. ⁣If true, it would be deeply concerning ⁢that the president would prioritize‍ personal financial gain over ⁢the welfare ‍of the nation.​ Therefore, it is imperative that this matter is treated with‌ utmost seriousness and urgency.

In conclusion, the release of the video ​by Chairman James Comer highlights the need for a thorough investigation into the⁤ potential connections between Chinese money and ‌President Biden’s bank account. The evidence presented raises serious concerns and warrants the attention ⁤of the media, the Democratic‍ Party, and the American public. The integrity‌ and influence ⁢of the president must be ‍rigorously examined to ensure the security and well-being of⁤ the ⁣nation.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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