Dan Crenshaw denies scientific support for child gender transitions.

Rep. Dan Crenshaw Highlights Lack of‍ Research Behind Gender Transition Therapies for Minors

During an appearance on ‍Fox News’s America Reports, ​Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) discussed the recent⁤ enactment of bans on‍ puberty blockers and gender transition procedures for minors in his state. Crenshaw⁤ commended the new law, emphasizing the absence of research-backed benefits associated with these therapies.

“So, let’s start with the so-called science of transitioning a minor into a different gender.‍ There is no science backing that‌ up. There is no science showing that there’s these benefits associated with doing these ‍therapies, whether that’s blockers, ‌hormone therapy, or ‌actual surgical ⁤interventions. In fact, it’s quite the opposite,” Crenshaw said. “All ⁢the systematic reviews, which is that the gold​ standard of ‌evidence-based care which ⁢looks at all of the different studies in person together⁢ and analyzes ‍them properly,‌ show that there is little to no evidence that there’s any benefits to this whatsoever.”

Crenshaw emphasized the significant ​and⁣ permanent physiological changes imposed⁢ on children through⁤ these therapies without any demonstrated ‌benefits. He expressed his satisfaction with the⁤ Texas law but acknowledged the need for a federal-level bill, which he has‍ introduced in the House. His proposal aims to defund children’s ​hospitals that‌ provide gender-affirming care. Crenshaw ‍has previously voiced his skepticism ⁣about the effectiveness of such care in preventing suicides among minors.

In an editorial, ⁤Crenshaw delved⁢ further into the topic, highlighting ⁢the⁣ prevalence of psychiatric comorbidities among those ⁣seeking treatment at gender clinics. According to his sources, 70% ⁤of individuals seeking‌ treatment at these clinics have other diagnoses.

Crenshaw ⁣has ‍also met with individuals who have detransitioned from gender-affirming therapies, including Chloe Cole, whom he claims were influenced by “pseudoscience studies” to pursue therapy.

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