The epoch times

Data Breach at DC Health Link Exposed Personal Information of House Members and Staff

The Chief Administrative Officer of the House of Representatives, (CAO), sent out a letter stating there had been data breaches affecting members of Congress and staff.

Catherine Szoindor, CAO stated In a letter, she stated that DC Health Link and the U.S. Capitol Police had informed her of an a “significant data breach” That occurred prior to March 8.

Reports indicate that the security breach resulted in the disclosure of personal identifiable information (PII), for thousands of DC Health Link subscribers.

“As a member or employee eligible for health insurance through the DC Health Link, your data may have been comprised [sic],” Szoindor wrote the following in her letter addressed to House Members and Staff.

“Currently, I do not know the size and scope of the breach but have been informed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that account information and PII of hundreds of member and House staff were stolen.”

Szoindor stated that she would compile a list soon of all those who were affected and contact the people whose data was stolen. DC Health Link will likely reach out to enrollees.

“It is important to note that at this time, it does not appear that Members or the House of Representatives were the specific target of the attack,” Szoindor stated. “Speaker McCarthy and Democratic Leader Jeffries have formally requested additional information from DC Health Link on what data was taken, who was impacted, and what steps they are taking—including providing credit monitoring protections—to protect House victims of this breach.”

Szoindor advised House employees and House members to apply for credit freezes at all three credit bureaus. “out of an abundance of caution.”

A spokesperson for the CAO told The Epoch Times that more information was available upon request. “We are deeply concerned about DC Health Link’s data breach and the impact on our Members and staff. We will continue to communicate any updates we receive from law enforcement to impacted Members and staff.”

The letter concluded with an assurance from the officer that recipients will be updated as soon as more information becomes available.

The Epoch Times reported that within days one another, there were reports that the FBI and Pentagon had suffered data leaks.

The FBI informed The Epoch Times, Feb. 19, in a February 19th statement. report It is. “is aware of the incident and is working to gain additional information.” Then, they claimed that it was “an isolated incident that has been contained” And that was the reason there was “ongoing investigation” In the matter.

It will be in effect from February 22nd. was reported The email server of the Department of Defense reportedly allowed internal military communications to be leaked over the internet almost for two weeks, before an independent cybersecurity researcher found it.

28 February report The United States Marshals Service was notified that they had suffered an injury “major” Security breach: Hackers gained access to sensitive information regarding employees and investigation targets through the hacker’s computer network.


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