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DC Bar Panel suggests revoking Rudy Giuliani’s law license due to election fraud allegations.

Former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani Faces Disbarment Over Election Lawsuit

A District of Columbia disciplinary panel has recommended that former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani should be disbarred over a lawsuit he filed challenging the 2020 election results.

The panel’s decision, outlined in a 38-page report, accuses Giuliani of election fraud allegations.”>violating legal ethics rules and describes his lawsuit as “frivolous.”

Giuliani’s lawsuit, which aimed to invalidate hundreds of thousands of votes in Pennsylvania, was rejected by multiple courts. The panel found that he made sweeping claims of voter fraud without evidence, undermining the democratic process.

The panel’s report states, “Mr. Giuliani’s effort to undermine the integrity of the 2020 presidential election has helped destabilize our democracy. He claimed massive election fraud but had no evidence of it. By prosecuting that destructive case, Mr. Giuliani, a sworn officer of the Court, forfeited his right to practice law. He should be disbarred.”

The recommendation for disbarment will be reviewed by the full board and ultimately decided by the D.C. Court of Appeals.

Giuliani’s lawyer plans to seek review and potentially appeal the decision. A spokesperson for Giuliani called the panel’s decision an injustice and urged members of the DC Bar Association to speak out against it.

Despite the ruling, Giuliani maintains that the federal courts in Pennsylvania ruled incorrectly on Trump’s legal challenges and continues to claim that the 2020 election was “rigged.”

More Details

In December 2022, the panel heard evidence in the case against Giuliani, who was accused of breaching ethics rules and harming the administration of justice with his claims of election fraud.

Hamilton “Phil” Fox, a disciplinary counsel, argued that Giuliani’s actions were tantamount to “harming the country” and constituted misconduct.

Giuliani’s attorneys argued that he had valid reasons to believe the claims in the lawsuit and relied on information from others working with the Trump campaign.

The final decision on Giuliani’s disbarment or other penalties will be made by the D.C. Court of Appeals.

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