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DC Council Member Who Claimed Jews Control Weather Calls Into Legislative Meeting While Driving

Washington, D.C. Council ‌Member Criticized for Driving During Virtual Meeting

Trayon White driving during a D.C.⁣ council meeting (YouTube)

A ‍Washington, D.C. city council member notorious for⁤ making anti-Semitic comments attended part⁤ of a virtual council‌ meeting on Tuesday while driving in his car.

Democratic councilmember Trayon White apparently operated a moving car during a ‌legislative meeting of the Council of⁤ the District of Columbia, which he attended virtually via Zoom.⁤ During the meeting, White glanced ⁤between a phone and the road while moving ⁤his arms as though he was maneuvering a steering wheel, a video recording of the meeting shows. White can be seen in his car for about eight minutes during the meeting before apparently arriving ⁢at his destination.

White’s office did not respond to a request for comment. Patrick ⁤DeGrasse, CEO of Unite, a group ⁤that works to combat distracted driving, criticized White’s decision to ‍drive during a Zoom ​meeting ‍as a “dangerous” and potentially deadly move. DeGrasse manages Unite’s Arrive Alive Tour, which educates young people on the dangers ⁢of distracted⁢ driving.

“This type of behavior behind the wheel is exactly ⁤what the Arrive Alive⁤ Tour is trying to prevent,” DeGrasse told the Washington Free Beacon. “We can all do a better job of not engaging in dangerous behaviors⁣ such as Zoom meetings, texting, FaceTiming, etc., while behind the ‍wheel.”

DeGrasse added ​that he hopes White “will take⁤ the Arrive Alive Tour pledge to drive SAFE—Sober And Free of Electronics.”

White is ⁣no stranger to controversy. The Democrat came under ⁣fire ‍in ⁤2018 for anti-Semitic comments ​he made after it snowed in D.C., alleging the weather was controlled by Jewish financiers.

“Man, it⁣ just started snowing out ⁣of nowhere this morning, man,” ⁤he said in a video ⁤uploaded to his Facebook page. “Y’all better pay attention to this climate control, man, this climate manipulation. And D.C. keep talking about, ‘We a resilient city.’ And that’s a model ‌based ​off the Rothschilds controlling the climate to ‍create natural disasters they can pay for to own‍ the cities, man. Be​ careful.”

White filmed the video ⁢while driving on the freeway, the Washington Post reported at the time.

The Rothschilds are a wealthy Jewish family and the ‌subject of conspiracy theories that claim its members and other rich Jewish people influence world events for their gain, according to the Post. White later apologized for the​ comments.

White is not the first Democratic lawmaker⁢ to face criticism ‌for distracted driving. Safe‍ driving advocates last year denounced Rep. Susan Wild (D., Pa.) after​ the Free Beacon reported that she called in on Zoom to virtually attend an​ event‌ for⁤ the Jewish Democratic Council​ of America while driving.

“This is a congresswoman. She is​ running‍ for⁣ office. She should be setting an example, and she’s setting an example⁣ of ‍a deadly behavior,” president and CEO ​Jennifer Smith said. ⁤”And for all the families that have lost loved ones … due to distracted driving crashes, I think⁢ she⁣ needs ‍to realize the danger in what she did‍ and make sure⁣ that she doesn’t do it again.”

How can awareness campaigns like⁤ the Arrive ⁣Alive Tour help address the issue‍ of distracted driving among public officials and the general ​public

In 2018 after he made anti-Semitic comments suggesting that the Rothschilds were controlling the weather as a means of manipulating urban areas. He later apologized for his remarks and claimed that⁣ he did not realize they were offensive.

The incident of⁣ White​ driving during the virtual council​ meeting has raised concerns⁢ about his ability to focus and prioritize important ⁣matters while on the road. Driving requires full attention and any form of ‍distraction, such ‍as attending a virtual meeting, can potentially lead to accidents and endanger ⁣the lives of others.

Furthermore, White’s actions send the wrong message to the public, particularly young ⁤people⁤ who look up to public officials as role models. By driving while participating in a Zoom meeting, White is setting a dangerous example⁣ and normalizing distracted driving.

It is essential for public officials to adhere to the highest ethical standards and prioritize public safety. White’s decision to‍ drive ⁢during a virtual meeting demonstrates a lack of judgment and disregard for the potential consequences of‍ his actions. As a council member, White should be fully committed to serving the best interests of his‍ constituents, and that includes conducting‌ himself responsibly both inside ⁣and outside of the‍ council chambers.

The criticism from ​Patrick DeGrasse, the CEO of Unite, highlights the importance of raising awareness about the dangers of distracted driving. Organizations⁢ like Unite work tirelessly to⁢ educate young people about the risks‍ associated with distracted driving and encourage them to make safer‍ choices while behind the wheel.

It is hopeful that White will reflect on his actions and recognize the⁢ need to lead by example. Taking the Arrive Alive Tour pledge to drive safely would be a ‍positive step towards ‍acknowledging the seriousness of his behavior and the potential harm it could cause.

In conclusion, the sight of a city ​council member driving during a virtual​ meeting raises ‍significant concerns about the individual’s ability‌ to prioritize public safety and responsibly carry ‍out their duties. Trayon White’s decision to drive‌ while participating in a⁤ Zoom meeting demonstrates a lack of judgment and sets a dangerous example for others.⁢ It is crucial for public officials ‌to uphold high ethical standards and act⁣ in the⁢ best interests of their constituents.⁣ Awareness campaigns ​like the Arrive Alive Tour play a vital role in educating the public about the dangers of distracted driving. It is hoped that White ⁢will take this opportunity to reflect on his actions and make a commitment to drive safely in⁢ the future.

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