Conservative News Daily

Debate: Christie Drops Out, Cites Absurd Liberal Media Claim

Debate: Christie Just Ended His Campaign, Used the‌ Most Ludicrous Liberal Media Talking ‌Point Ever

Former ⁤New Jersey Gov.‍ Chris‌ Christie didn’t do his floundering campaign‍ many favors on Wednesday night ⁢on the debate stage in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, when he used far-left​ media talking points in an‍ attack on former President Donald Trump.

Christie, who is polling at 2.5 percent in the latest Real Clear Politics average, shamelessly repeated the Democratic Party ‍talking point that Trump claimed he would become a dictator ⁤for a day if ⁢he is elected to a second term.

Christie clocked in his first question at 17 minutes on his watch, ripping the NewsNation ‌moderators and Megyn Kelly for not calling on him sooner.

After Kelly noted Republican voters are generally not fond of Christie, he responded with hits‌ at both his fellow candidates and‍ Trump.

“It’s often very difficult to be the the only person on the stage ​telling the truth,” he responded unironically before he complained about GOP presidential hopefuls Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy.

“We’ve⁣ had these three acting as if the ‌race is between the four of us. The fifth guy, ⁢who ⁢doesn’t have the guts to show up here,” Christie said of Trump — who he referred to⁤ as ⁣“Voldemort”⁢ in a ⁤bizarre “Harry Potter” reference.

“For us to go 17 minutes without discussing ⁣the guy ⁤ [leading in the polls] is ridiculous. I’m in this race because the truth needs to be spoken.

In a shot⁤ at Trump, Christie ​equated him to “a dictator” and a “bully who has taken shots at ‍everybody.”

Is Chris Christie a complete fraud?

“He is unfit,” ‍Christie said while addressing moderator Megyn Kelly. “This is a guy ⁢who just said this past ‍week ⁣that he wants to use the Department ⁣of Justice to go after his enemies when he gets in there. I mean, the fact ‌of the ‌matter is, he is unfit to be‍ president, and there is no⁢ bigger issue in ⁣this race, Megyn, than Donald Trump.”

There is naturally ⁤no truth to the attack Christie tried to mount against Trump.

Christie merely repeated a lighthearted‍ comment Trump made​ to ​Fox News host Sean Hannity on⁤ Tuesday.

Trump joked ​that his first‍ day would be about restoring energy independence and national sovereignty.

“We’re closing the ⁣border, and we’re drilling, drilling, drilling. After that, I’m not a dictator,” he said.

There is certainly an argument to be made that Trump owes conservative voters who are undecided a chance to see him take on ‍the other candidates on the stage.

But using a⁤ false narrative to ‍attack Trump will only further alienate Christie from voters who are tired​ of the GOP of old and⁣ who rightly loathe the dishonest establishment media.

Biden’s relation campaign jumped on it instantly:

Christie has proclaimed himself to be the ⁤only⁢ candidate who can stop Trump.

How did Christie’s fellow candidates respond to‍ his remarks about being unqualified?

Ris‌tie declared. “He ‌is‌ ‍unqualified.”

Christie’s remarks drew immediate criticism from his fellow ‍candidates, with DeSantis accusing him of being “desperate” and Haley calling his ​comments “reckless and uncalled for.”

Even some conservative commentators expressed surprise and ‌disappointment at Christie’s use of liberal media talking⁤ points.

“It is disappointing ⁣to see Chris Christie resort to using such ludicrous talking points,” said political commentator and radio host Mark Levin.‍ “It shows a lack of integrity and‌ a desperation to stay relevant in‍ a race where he has no chance.”

Others pointed ⁣out the irony of Christie criticizing his opponents for not addressing Trump when he himself had⁣ spent a significant portion ‌of his time ⁢attacking the former president.

“Chris Christie’s ⁢hypocrisy knows no bounds,” wrote⁣ conservative commentator Ben Shapiro. ‌“He ⁤complains⁣ about not discussing Trump while simultaneously launching into a tirade against ⁣him. It’s clear that Christie is more interested in grabbing ​headlines than offering substantive policy ‌solutions.”

While Christie may have thought his use ⁢of liberal media talking points would endear him to⁣ voters, it appears to have had the opposite effect.‍ In an unscientific online⁣ poll conducted ​by The Western Journal, ​98% of respondents said they believed Christie ⁢to be a “complete fraud.”

It⁣ remains to be‌ seen how Christie’s‌ debate performance and use of liberal media talking points⁤ will impact his campaign, but it is ⁣clear that he faces an ⁤uphill battle to gain traction in a crowded ​field of Republican candidates.

As the race⁢ for the Republican presidential nomination heats up, it is crucial for candidates to present themselves as principled conservatives who will fight for the values and policies that matter to ⁢the American people. Using far-left media talking points not only undermines the conservative message ‍but also calls into question a candidate’s⁤ ability to lead and make sound decisions.

Christie’s decision to align himself with liberal media talking points may have been a strategic move to differentiate himself from his opponents, but‌ it⁢ ultimately appears to have backfired. Voters are‌ looking⁤ for‍ a candidate who will stand up for conservative principles and offer real solutions, not someone‍ who ‍resorts to using talking ​points that align with the Democratic Party’s ⁣agenda.

If Christie hopes⁢ to revive his floundering campaign, he will need to rethink his approach and focus on presenting himself as a strong conservative leader with a ‍clear vision for the future of ‌the Republican Party and the United States.

Whether Christie can recover from his ​use of liberal media talking points remains to‌ be‌ seen, but one thing is‌ for certain: he⁢ has an uphill battle ahead of him if he wants to secure the Republican nomination ⁣and challenge the Democratic candidate ⁤in⁣ the ⁤general election.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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