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Democrat Pramila Jayapal invests $50K in home security amid ‘Defund the Police’ movement.

Democratic Leader Spends $50,000 ⁤on ⁢Home ⁣Security While Advocating‌ to Defund Police

Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D., Wash.), ⁤who‌ has led efforts to ‍defund the police, reported spending nearly $50,000 in campaign donations so‌ far this ‍year to secure her home in​ crime-plagued Seattle.

Jayapal, the head of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, paid‍ more than $23,000 from ⁢her campaign ⁢coffers to ⁢a ​high-end Seattle home⁢ renovation contractor and more than ⁣$17,000 to a ‌fencing⁢ company, ⁢according to her latest Federal Election Commission ⁢filing. ⁣She also reported paying $4,784 to an alarm ​system ‍company and $562⁢ to a security camera provider. The expenses, which ⁢came between January and June, were ⁤all recorded as security-related.

It’s just the latest example of a Democratic leader spending⁣ extravagantly on personal security while⁢ advocating to slash funding for law enforcement. Progressive “Squad” members, including Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ⁢(N.Y.), Cori Bush (Mo.),‌ and Ilhan Omar (Minn.) have together funneled more than $1 million from their campaigns toward security costs while they push ⁣to defund the police, the Washington‌ Free Beacon reported.

Advocating for Police Reform

Jayapal has gone even further ‌on ⁣police ‌reform than many of her left-wing⁤ colleagues. In May 2020, at the height ‌of⁢ the Black Lives Matter fervor, Jayapal told Seattle’s NPR affiliate that “we ⁤have to completely reimagine​ what⁤ community safety looks like.” She called to “shift ⁢significant resources from‌ law ⁤enforcement” and replace some⁤ police officers with “community support people.”

“I think if that were to happen, ⁤then ‍you would see a ⁤smaller ‌police force, you would‍ see a better investment in the things that really matter to take on anti-Blackness and white supremacy,”‍ Jayapal said.

Later that summer, ‍Jayapal praised the ‍protesters of Seattle’s CHAZ—a self-declared “police-free ⁤zone” that quickly descended into⁣ deadly violence—for​ “standing up and speaking out against police brutality, racism, and anti-Blackness.” In⁤ 2021, Jayapal cosponsored a bill to order a federal intelligence probe of “White supremacy in law enforcement,” and last year, she helped⁤ water ‍down⁤ legislation that increased​ funding to police, though she‍ ultimately voted for ​it.

Investing in⁣ Personal⁣ Security

Jayapal, ‍who earlier this month denounced Israel⁢ as a “racist state,” also voted to ​cut military ​spending ​by 10 percent.

Meanwhile, Jayapal⁤ has invested significant campaign funds in personal security since⁢ at least 2018, according to FEC‌ filings. The expenditures⁤ ramped up late last year, when she began making ⁤payments to the alarm company,⁣ ADT, and ⁣the security⁣ camera company, ​Arlo, that totaled $7,099.

More‌ recently, Jayapal appears to have upgraded her home with donor funds marked⁢ for security. In April,‌ her campaign‌ shelled out $23,164 to Inspired ⁣Home, a high-end ⁢Seattle home ‌renovation contractor. The business owner declined ⁣by phone to ‌discuss his services. But on the company’s website he says: “Whether you want‌ your ⁣dream kitchen or a simple kitchen change out, ⁤you’re ready to finish ‍your basement, finally add a master suite or remove walls⁤ to create an open concept living space, I am happy to⁣ conceptualize and deliver a quality project.”

In⁢ March, Jayapal’s campaign paid $17,432 ​to West Seattle Fence,​ a custom cedar fence ⁣contractor.

Altogether, Jayapal was on ‌track to spend ‌more on personal ⁤security this year than ‍all‍ but a ‍handful of⁤ her congressional⁤ colleagues did in 2022. Her office did ‌not⁣ respond to a ⁣request for ‌comment.

Concerns for Personal Safety

A possible ⁣explanation for Jayapal’s stepped-up security spending is an‌ incident last ⁤July where an armed man shouted‌ at her and her husband ‍outside their Seattle home. She called the ⁣police and‍ had ​him⁤ arrested.

“We felt threatened,” Jayapal later told the Washington ​Post. “We still do.”

“The house looks different now—she ⁣and Williamson ​see ​all the ways it needs to⁣ be ‘hardened,’” the Post reported in the lengthy​ profile‌ about her ​”triggering” experience.⁤ “So did⁣ the neighborhood. The block ‘had been such a safe space,’ ⁣Jayapal ⁤said. Now it ⁤was ‘tainted.’”

Jayapal has since become an ‍advocate‌ for greater⁣ protections for members of Congress. Yet after an assassination attempt‍ against ⁣conservative Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh last⁢ June, she was⁤ one of just⁢ 27 lawmakers ⁣who voted against giving the justices extra security.

Increasing Crime‍ Rates

Many of Jayapal’s constituents have⁣ also felt less safe lately. Seattle and the rest of Washington State have seen crime surge‍ since 2020 ⁤when the⁤ anti-police uprising began. Last year, property crimes increased by 9.8 percent while violent ⁣crimes increased‍ by 8.9 percent in Washington, according to state⁣ data. The quantity of police ⁢statewide hit the lowest rate‌ on ⁣record in 2022.

Similar trends have ‍played out across the United States, and black Americans’⁤ safety has been hurt the​ most.

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