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Governor sued for law concealing child sex-change surgeries from parents.

Washington Governor‍ Sued Over⁣ Law⁤ Allowing Hidden Child⁢ Sex-Change ‍Surgeries

In a bold⁣ move, nonprofit ​legal group American ‌First ⁢Legal, led ⁢by former Trump adviser Stephen Miller, has ‍filed a lawsuit against Washington Democratic‌ Governor ‌Jay Inslee. The⁤ lawsuit aims to stop the enforcement of a controversial law that allows ​the state to ⁤hide ⁢child sex-change surgeries from parents.

The law in question,‌ Senate Bill 5599, ​was recently‍ signed ‍into law ‍by Inslee⁤ and has sparked significant ⁤controversy. It was pushed by leftist lawmakers as​ a means of protecting trans-identifying youth. However, it allows “host homes”‍ to keep parents uninformed about their child’s sex-change procedure. This has raised concerns about the potential ⁢for minors to run away from home‌ to seek ‌gender-affirming care⁣ without ‌their parents’ knowledge.

According to American First Legal, the legislation “creates‍ a dangerous incentive for ⁤minors who⁤ disagree with ⁤their parents on ‘gender-affirming⁢ care’ ​to run away to a ⁢shelter or host home.”

Under the new⁣ law, shelters or “host homes” are not required to inform parents if a‍ runaway child claims to be fleeing due to disapproval of a ⁢sex-change procedure or an abortion. Instead, they are obligated to⁣ notify the Washington Department of Children, Youth,​ and Families. This has raised concerns about the potential ⁣for parental ​rights to be undermined.

The legislation also includes abortion as a “compelling ⁤reason” for licensed shelters and host homes not to inform parents if a⁣ runaway child is seeking such a procedure. The bill‍ easily passed through⁣ the Democrat-controlled legislature, with the Senate voting 29-20 and the House voting 57-39 in favor. It was sponsored by ‌state‌ Sen. Marko Liias, a Democrat and co-chair of the LGBTQ caucus.

When signing⁢ the ⁤bill, Governor Inslee described it as⁣ a​ “compassionate, developmentally appropriate,‍ and reasoned​ approach to support these youth as they access gender-affirming treatment and reproductive health ‍care ‌services.”

The lawsuit also targets Washington Attorney General Robert ⁤Furguson and the secretary of the Washington Department of ‍Children, Youth, and Families, Ross‍ Hunter. American First Legal ‌argues that the new statute “deprives certain parents of their⁤ fundamental rights under the United States Constitution to direct the care and​ upbringing of ⁢their children.”

“America First Legal is proud ​to⁤ defend parental rights and stand up against‍ the insidious ‘gender-affirming‌ care’ agenda, which promotes using experimental medical procedures⁤ and drugs on minor children – potentially altering their lives forever,” said Stephen Miller.

Leif Le Mahieu contributed​ to this report.

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