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Democrat Representative Jasmine Crockett loses composure, screams during Biden impeachment hearing.

Democrats Avoiding the Elephant in the Room During Biden Impeachment Hearing

During the first impeachment hearing against President Joe Biden,⁢ Democrats seemed determined to divert⁤ attention away from the glaring issue ‍at hand. They either refused to acknowledge it or denied its existence, all while staring ⁢it in the face.

One particularly intense ⁢moment came ​from ⁣Democrat Rep. Jasmine ⁣Crockett of Texas, who went on a wild rant⁣ about the criminal ⁣charges against former President Donald‍ Trump. It had nothing ⁤to ​do with ⁣the ​matter​ being ‍discussed. Crockett​ then brought⁣ up a talking point of the day, claiming that Biden’s only guilt was loving his child unconditionally. She expressed her hope ⁣that her own parents would love her as much as Biden loves his child.

It’s unclear whether Crockett considers using one’s child as a front for a pay-for-play scheme an act of love, or​ if she simply​ wishes her own parents knew how to⁣ exploit⁤ the system for ‍millions of dollars.‌ The evidence presented⁤ during the hearing‍ clearly⁢ indicated that ⁤Biden was involved in such activities.

Fox News’ Jesse Watters referred to the‍ Democrats’ strategy as “ridicule and ⁢repetition.”​ They aimed⁢ to mock ‍the process⁤ and continuously claim that there was no evidence.

The​ Democrats seem to have mastered a playbook for this ⁣game. Both politicians and media repeated ​the same line: “Joe⁢ Biden’s ​only crime was‌ loving his‌ son⁢ too much.” Democrat Rep. Max Frost of Florida even stated during the inquiry ⁣that it was all about⁤ Hunter ⁣Biden, ‍and the only guilt the‌ president could have was⁤ being a father.

Democrat Rep. ​Dean Phillips ⁣of Minnesota even tweeted, “The evidence suggests Joe⁤ Biden is guilty of absolutely nothing⁤ more than being a father.”

On ⁢The View, ​Ana Navarro delivered a dramatic performance, declaring that the ‍Hunter Biden‍ story was not just a scandal, but also⁢ a story of a father’s love. She emphasized that Joe Biden would never give up on his‍ son and ‍would always‌ treat him ⁤with ⁤utmost care.

Despite the overwhelming ⁣evidence linking Joe Biden to his son’s activities, ⁤the Democrats continued to downplay it. Texts and emails, which have not been refuted, clearly show ‍Joe‍ Biden’s involvement as the “big guy.”

Furthermore, ​Joe Biden ⁢himself claimed in August 2019 that he never discussed his ‍family’s business with them,‍ but WhatsApp messages revealed Hunter Biden‍ pressuring his business⁢ partner while being with ⁤his father, as ⁢reported by Fox News.

CBS News⁤ also⁢ reported ‍that Hunter Biden received wire transfers totaling over $250,000, with his father’s address on them.

Miranda Devine, a columnist for the New York Post, pointed out the obvious, stating ⁢that Hunter Biden was⁣ merely selling the illusion of access, while‌ Joe ⁢Biden ⁢claimed ignorance about who he was​ speaking ⁢to during ⁣phone calls and dinners.⁤ Devine ​sarcastically highlighted ​that Biden’s only​ guilt was being ‌a ​loving father who calls his⁣ family ⁣every day.

So, it seems that the Democrats ​are determined‍ to divert attention from the mounting evidence⁣ against Joe Biden. ⁤They continue to repeat the narrative that he is​ simply a father‍ who loves his son, while conveniently ignoring ​the facts.

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​How does the repeated insistence on ‌Biden’s love for his child undermine the seriousness of the allegations and manipulate public‌ perception

Rats’ refusal to address the actual issue at hand ⁤raises serious concerns about their ‌commitment to justice and accountability. Rather than engaging in a substantive‍ discussion about the ‌alleged wrongdoing by President Biden, Democrats resorted to deflecting and diverting attention to irrelevant matters.

This avoidance ⁤of the ⁢elephant in the room was ‍evident throughout the ⁣hearing. Instead of addressing‍ the evidence presented against President Biden, Democrats focused on⁢ attacking former President Trump and ⁣using emotional pleas to distract from the real issues. Representative Crockett’s rant about Trump’s criminal charges had ⁤no relevance to the ⁤discussion and only served to muddy the waters.

Moreover, the ‍repeated insistence that Biden’s only guilt was loving his child unconditionally is a⁣ desperate attempt to paint him as ‍a⁣ victim rather ‌than a‌ potential ⁣wrongdoer. It is important⁢ to note that the ‌impeachment ‍inquiry is not about Biden’s love‌ for his child, but about his alleged involvement in questionable ​activities.

Fox News’ Jesse Watters aptly described the Democrats’ strategy as ⁢”ridicule and repetition.” By continuously mocking the process and denying the existence of ⁣evidence, ‍Democrats sought ⁢to delegitimize‍ the inquiry and avoid addressing the serious allegations against President‍ Biden. ⁢However, ‍the mounting⁤ evidence, including new texts ⁤and emails, suggests⁤ that there may be more to the Biden family business than meets ⁤the eye.

It is⁢ disheartening ⁢to see ‌elected officials and media outlets perpetuating these diversion tactics. By⁢ repeatedly claiming that Biden’s only crime ‌was ‍loving his son too ​much, Democrats are attempting ⁤to⁣ downplay ⁣the seriousness of the allegations and manipulate public perception. This⁣ strategy‌ undermines the principles of fairness⁢ and transparency that should guide an impeachment inquiry.

The American people deserve answers and accountability from their leaders. It is crucial⁢ for Democrats to⁢ put aside their political agendas and address the evidence​ presented during the impeachment hearing. Ignoring the ⁣elephant ‌in the room ‌only undermines the integrity of the ⁤process and‍ raises doubts about the commitment to justice.

In conclusion, ‌the Democrats’ avoidance of the elephant in ⁤the room during the ⁢Biden impeachment hearing is a blatant ‌disregard for accountability and justice. By refusing to acknowledge or address the allegations against President Biden, Democrats have shown a willingness to prioritize political narratives over⁣ truth and the rule of law. It is imperative for a fair ⁣and impartial ‌investigation to take place, where the evidence is thoroughly examined without diversion and deflection.‌ The American people deserve nothing less than a transparent and accountable government.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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