Dem Representative Calls Trump ‘the Devil’ Hours After Assassination Attempt

The summary is about ⁤recent reactions on social media following an assassination attempt on former President Donald‌ Trump.‌ Colorado state Rep. Steven Woodrow made a controversial post that was condemned by fellow Democrats. Other leftists expressed similar sentiments, with some even lamenting the unsuccessful attempt on ‍Trump’s life. The summary⁢ also highlights the‍ importance​ of the upcoming 2024 election and the ​commitment of The⁤ Western Journal⁤ to provide truthful coverage despite facing challenges from ⁤big​ tech and elites.


By Michael Austin July 14, 2024 at 2:36pm

Trump Derangement Syndrome has yet again reared its nasty head only one day after an assassination attempt on former president Donald Trump’s life.

Of course, as is often the case with TDS, this isn’t coming from some random fringe actors on social media.

It’s coming from a sitting state representative in the Democratic Party.

The man in question, Colorado state Rep. Steven Woodrow, posted the following on X (of which a screen shot was taken before being taken down) Saturday just after former President Donald Trump was shot.

During the shooting at a Pennsylvania rally on Saturday, a bullet struck Trump’s ear, per the Associated Press. Two were killed — the shooter and an attendee — and two others were critically injured.

Colorado State Rep (D) 👇🏻

Sick and twisted.

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) July 14, 2024

“The last thing America needed was sympathy for the devil but here we are,” Woodrow wrote.

Woodrow appears to have deleted his account shortly thereafter.

Steven Woodrow is up for reelection in November. Remember this!

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) July 14, 2024

According to the Denver Gazette, fellow Denver Democrats promptly condemned Woodrow’s post.

“This is a regrettable tweet and @coloradodems condemn it,” said Shad Murib, chair of the Colorado Democratic Party.

Woodrow wasn’t the only TDS-riddled leftist to take to social media shortly after the assassination attempt.

A shocking number of leftists spent Saturday night and Sunday lamenting the fact that the Trump assassination attempt was not successful.

This sentiment is best exemplified by the streamer Steven Kenneth Bonnell, who goes by Destiny.

Destiny is a popular political commentator representative of the young American progressive left.

Just look at what he had to say about the shooting.

A person in a crowd cheering for and supporting a traitor to this country caught a stray? I’m so sad, please.

— Destiny (@TheOmniLiberal) July 14, 2024

If I’ve offended anyone with my recent tweets, I’d like to make things right, DM me and I’ll buy you front row seats to the next Trump rally.

— Destiny (@TheOmniLiberal) July 14, 2024

If you want to take any lesson from all that has transpired over the last few days, let it be this:

When the left tells you who they are, believe them.

They want your candidate dead. They think Trump’s policies — reasonable, mainstream, conservative policies — are akin to Hitlarian authoritarianism.

They don’t hate Trump because Trump’s rough around the edges.

They hate Trump — and want him dead — because they hate you.

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