The federalist

Democracy Isn’t At Risk, Democrats Are

Last week confirmed the “democracy at risk” theme will serve as Democrats’ closing argument heading into Tuesday’s midterm elections.

“If you’ve got election deniers serving as your governor, as your senator, as your secretary of state, as your attorney general, then democracy as we know it may not survive in Arizona,” Obama proclaimed at a Phoenix rally, punctuating his point by declaring, “That’s not an exaggeration. That is a fact.”

On Wednesday evening, President Joe Biden repeated the mantra at an event hosted by the Democratic National Committee at Washington’s Union Station. “In our bones, we know democracy is at risk, but we also know this: It’s in our power to preserve our democracy,” Biden told the audience. The president then connected the supposed threat to democracy with the upcoming midterm elections, entreating the audience to “make the future of our democracy an important part of your decision to vote and how you vote.” 

The Washington Post on Sunday provided Biden and his fellow Democrats an assist in pushing the “democracy at risk” closing narrative, headlining a Sunday column, “Midterms Pose Fresh Test for American Democracy After Two Years Under Fire.”

It’s difficult to say whether the “democracy at risk” pitch speaks more of desperation or of stupidity, but either way, the promotion of this buzz-phrase in the final days of the election season proves an implicit acknowledgment that it is Democrats who are at risk in Tuesday’s election.

Democracy Isn’t on the Ballot — It is the Ballot

In our constitutional republic, Tuesday’s vote provides Americans our only democratic say in governance at the federal and much of the state level until the 2024 election. But rather than sell voters on why Democrats will be better representatives, the “democracy at risk” pitch pretends that electing Republicans will destroy the very democratic process the voters just engaged in. It is both silly and a circularly self-negating theory.

That Democrats decided to rest on this theme, then, shows they know that on the substantive issues they have nothing to sell the country. In contrast, Republican candidates running for everything from school board member, to state legislator or governor, to House representative or senator are hammering the harm that has befallen our country since Democrats took over less than two years ago.

Inflation, high gas prices, still-rising interest rates, and a recession represent the pocketbook issues voters place atop their list of concerns. The open border, high crime rates, and the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, which has siphoned off billions from U.S. taxpayers, add to the anti-Democrat sentiments. A lack of standing in the world, first seen following the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, accelerated in recent months with Biden’s outreach to Saudi Arabia and the man Biden promised to make a pariah. After fist-bumping with the Saudi leader, Biden suffered the humiliation of OPEC moving to further tighten the oil supply in response to the president’s entreats to pump more oil.

And while Democrats thought the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe provided them a

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