Democrat Advertiser Uses Crude Racial Slurs to Attack Newly-Elected Hispanic Republican Mayra Flores, Calling Her “Miss Frijoles”

The thought of what is likely to happen to them in November has Democrats scared to death. And when they get scared, they run back to that old tried and true playbook. 

That’s what appears to have happened in a strange case in Texas, involving newly-elected Hispanic Republican Rep. Mayra Flores, Democrat Congressman Vicente Gonzalez, and a left-wing blogger called Jerry McHale. 

McHale, who was paid by Gonzalez for campaign advertising, has repeatedly attacked Rep. Flores as “Miss Frijoles” and called her a “cottin-pickin’ liar.” 

The hot water has Gonzalez (D-TX) racing to put some space between himself and attack blogger Jerry McHale.

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Racist And Sexist Blog Posts

McHale is a local Texas blogger that other Democrats have used for advertising purposes. The highly offensive posts began to appear on his blog page roughly three days after the Gonzalez campaign paid McHale $1,200 for “advertising services,” according to the Federal Election Commission.

Besides the obviousness of  “Miss Frijoles,” the “cotton-pickin liar” reference intentionally or unintentionally hit home for Flores, whose has stated that she picked cotton with her parents, who are immigrant farm laborers. But it appears McHale has not found time to “advertise” for Gonzalez – begging the question of whether or not the payments were really for advertising or political hit pieces.

Gonzalez, himself Hispanic, has denied that any of that was his intention. McHale has not, saying, telling NBC “I am a liberal Democrat. And it’s war against the Republican … I’m going to be merciless with her.” 

Flores responded by trying to turn the tables. After all, frijoles – refried beans in English – are delicious. 

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Just The Beginning

Mayra Flores may have to put up with the likes of Jerry McHale and his offensive blog for a while. Flores won a special election last month to complete the term of Rep. Filamon Vela (D-TX), who resigned to take a job with a lobbying firm. 

Flores will be up for reelection in November and will face Gonzalez. That may be more of an uphill battle. November’s election will be held with new district lines having been drawn for Texas’ 34th Congressional District. The new district leans more heavily Democrat.

And while Vicente Gonzalez says he did not have anything to do with the demeaning blog posts, in an interview with Newsweek after Flores’ win, he said, “I wasn’t born in Mexico …  I didn’t come here through chain migration, I didn’t come through asylum or amnesty or whatever.” Gonzalez also called Flores “unqualified,” a dubious claim coming from a party starring the likes of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

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Democrats In Big Trouble With Hispanics

The wheels may turn slowly, but a large number of Hispanics are beginning to realize that the Democrat Party does not reflect them or their values. While support for President Joe Biden remains high among black voters, among Hispanics it has plummeted to around 26%. It has also fallen among Asians to around 55%.

Hispanics are increasingly falling victim to the same treatment that black Republicans receive when they stray from the groupthink demanded of them by the Democrat party.

Mayra Flores herself listed the attacks she has received from Democrats and the liberal media:

Others are calling out Democrats for as usual, doing what they accuse Republicans of doing:

And one more example of “tolerant” Democrats engaging in debate with their opponents. Caution here on some offensive language. But it is what Democrats do.

Christina Pushaw, spokeswoman for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, had some advice for Mayra Flores.

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