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Democrat Senator Fetterman firmly backs Israel.

Senator John Fetterman Stands with Israel Against Terrorism

Senator John Fetterman (D-PA)⁤ released a powerful statement on Wednesday evening, expressing unwavering support for ⁣Israel ⁢in the ⁣face of recent devastating terrorist attacks. These attacks, carried out ‌by Islamic extremists, have tragically claimed the lives of over 1,400 Israelis.

Fetterman vehemently refuted the false​ claims made⁢ by the political Left, who wrongly accused ‌Israel of bombing a hospital in Gaza. In reality, it was ⁣a⁤ rocket launched by Palestinian terrorists ‌that struck the hospital’s parking lot.

“This terrorist attack has resulted in the largest loss of Jewish lives since the Holocaust,” Fetterman​ wrote passionately. “We now know that the tragedy ​at the Gaza hospital was not caused by Israel. My heart goes out to every innocent victim‌ and courageous Israeli soldier ‌who has lost their⁢ life since Hamas initiated this war.”

He continued, “We ⁣cannot ‍discuss a‌ ceasefire at this time. ⁢Instead, we must stand firmly behind Israel’s efforts to eliminate the Hamas terrorists responsible for the senseless slaughter of innocent men, ‍women, and children.”

“Hamas does not seek peace; their goal is the destruction of ⁢Israel. Only after neutralizing Hamas can ⁢we consider a ceasefire,” Fetterman concluded. “In the meantime, I am eager to collaborate with my Senate colleagues to swiftly provide the necessary aid ⁤to our ally, Israel. This ⁣includes promptly confirming ambassador-nominee⁤ Jack Lew.”

Fetterman’s statement comes ⁢in response to various news outlets and Democratic figures, including Representatives Rashida Tlaib (MI) and Ilhan Omar (MN), who have a history of anti-Semitism. These individuals​ promoted baseless accusations from the Hamas-run ‌Palestinian Health Ministry, falsely claiming that ‌Israel had bombed a hospital in Gaza, resulting in over 500⁢ deaths.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have provided evidence contradicting these claims, demonstrating that the explosion‌ was not caused by an​ aerial bomb⁤ and did not target the hospital. Instead, it ‍occurred ‌in ⁢a parking ⁣lot. ‌Intercepted communications from Hamas terrorists further confirmed that the explosion ⁤was caused by a rocket fired ⁣by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.


Subsequently, U.S. Intelligence confirmed the IDF’s findings, stating that ‌they possess “satellite​ and other infrared‌ data showing a launch of a rocket or missile from⁤ Palestinian fighter positions within Gaza,”⁢ as reported by ​The New York Times.

How does Senator⁣ Fetterman ​address‌ the⁤ issue ⁣of misinformation and‌ inaccurate reporting in the context of terrorism?

Goes⁤ out to ⁣all the victims and their families who ‍have suffered and​ lost their lives in these horrific ⁤attacks.”

Senator Fetterman made it clear that he stands firmly with Israel against terrorism and ⁢that the ⁤blame for ⁢these attacks lies solely ​with the terrorists. He called out ​the⁣ false ⁤claims made by the political Left, highlighting their inaccuracy and the need for factual information​ in such ​trying times.

“It is important that we stand united against​ terrorism and ‌not let misinformation⁣ divert our ‌attention from the real ‌perpetrators of these heinous acts,”⁤ Fetterman ⁤stated. ​He emphasized the need for​ accurate reporting and responsible discourse in order ⁣to address the root causes of terrorism and work towards a ‍peaceful resolution.

Senator Fetterman​ further‌ expressed his ⁢support for ⁣Israel and ‍its right to defend itself against such attacks. He⁤ acknowledged the difficult decisions that Israel has to ⁤make in ‍order to protect its citizens, while also ⁢urged ‌for restraint⁣ to⁣ avoid escalating the situation further.

“I ⁢stand⁤ with Israel in condemning these acts of‌ terrorism and call ⁤for international support in ensuring the safety and ​security of its people,” Fetterman asserted. He stressed ​the importance of international solidarity ⁣in tackling terrorism ‌and promoting​ peace in⁢ the region.

In his statement, Senator ‍Fetterman also highlighted the need for diplomatic efforts to address the underlying ‌issues that contribute to acts of terrorism. He called for meaningful discussions and negotiations ⁢to achieve a lasting resolution, emphasizing the role of​ diplomacy‍ in​ preventing further loss of ​innocent lives.

“In times ⁣of crisis,⁢ it is crucial that we come together as a global community⁤ to‍ address the root causes⁤ of terrorism ‍and⁤ work towards‍ a peaceful future,” Fetterman declared. He urged for⁣ renewed ‍efforts in diplomacy and international cooperation to create a ⁢safer and ⁣more secure world for ⁢everyone.

Senator John Fetterman’s strong stance​ in support of Israel against terrorism demonstrates his‍ commitment‍ to the values of peace,‌ justice, and security. In times of adversity, his unwavering support and dedication to finding long-term solutions are commendable.‍ As an elected ‍representative, his conviction⁤ and ‍leadership are a testament to his⁤ commitment ⁢to ⁤serving the interests ‌of​ his constituents and uniting people in the fight against terrorism.

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