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Arizona Governor, a Democrat, deploys National Guard to border, criticizes Biden administration for uncontrolled humanitarian crisis

Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs Takes‍ Action‍ on‌ Illegal Immigration Crisis

In a bold move, ⁢Arizona ‌Governor Katie Hobbs, a Democrat, has publicly criticized the Biden administration’s handling of the​ ongoing illegal immigration crisis. She has taken matters into her own hands‌ by ordering ​her state’s⁢ National Guard to⁤ deploy‍ troops⁢ to the southern border.

A Governor’s Frustration

Hobbs expressed her frustration with the Biden administration’s refusal to assist Arizona despite repeated requests for help⁢ in securing ‍the border. The closure of a port of entry in ⁣Arizona by the federal government has⁣ only worsened the situation, leading ​to an unmitigated humanitarian crisis that puts Arizona’s safety and commerce⁤ at risk.

The⁤ governor’s executive order aims to address the ⁤lack of federal support and ensure the safety of Arizona’s communities. Hobbs firmly stated, “With ​this Executive Order, I am taking action where the federal government won’t. But we can’t stand alone, Arizona needs resources and manpower‌ to⁢ reopen ‍the Lukeville⁣ crossing, manage⁢ the flow of migrants, and maintain a secure, orderly, and humane border.”

Deploying National ​Guard Troops

While the ⁤exact number of National Guard troops ‌to be deployed is yet to ⁣be​ determined, Governor Hobbs has entrusted the decision to Arizona’s chief National Guard official, Adjutant General Kerry Muehlenbeck. These troops will work alongside local law enforcement to combat fentanyl and human traffickers, among other enforcement activities.

The Tucson sector of the border, covering⁣ most⁤ of Arizona, has become the ⁢busiest section of the southern border. According to ‌The New York ⁤Times, illegal immigrant‍ encounters‌ in this sector ⁢have more than doubled compared to the previous year.

Joining the Fight

Governor Hobbs joins a growing​ list of governors who are taking action to address ⁤the record number of illegal‍ border crossings under ‌President Joe Biden’s administration. Texas Governor Greg Abbott ⁣has already‍ begun building sections of a border wall,⁣ making Texas the first state in ‍U.S. history to do ​so. Additionally, 25 Republican governors have demanded more action ⁢from Biden‍ to address the porous​ southern border.

It is clear that the issue of illegal immigration⁤ is a bipartisan concern,‍ as‌ even Democratic politicians like Governor Kathy Hochul of New York and New York City Mayor Eric Adams have criticized​ the Biden administration’s handling ‌of the crisis.


⁤ What is the significance‍ of Governor Hobbs challenging the federal government’s inaction on the illegal immigration crisis⁤ and mobilizing the National ‌Guard?

Am⁤ taking⁣ decisive action to protect the people‌ of ​Arizona and uphold the rule ⁣of law. It is ‌our‌ duty to secure‍ our borders and protect our citizens from the negative consequences of illegal ‍immigration.”

Deployment of National Guard Troops

The deployment of⁢ National ​Guard troops‌ to the southern border is a crucial step in addressing the illegal immigration ‌crisis. These troops will work alongside law enforcement agencies, providing much-needed support in enhancing border security. Their ⁣presence will help deter illegal ‍crossings and protect ⁢Arizona’s communities from ‌the ​various threats posed by ‌criminal⁢ activities associated ⁣with illegal border crossings, such as drug smuggling and ⁤human trafficking.

Furthermore, the governor’s executive order also includes provisions for⁢ increased surveillance and intelligence gathering‍ along ⁤the border. ⁢This will‌ enable law enforcement agencies ⁣to effectively identify and apprehend those who ⁢attempt to enter the state⁣ illegally. By leveraging the resources​ of the National Guard, Arizona ​can strengthen its border control‌ efforts and send a strong message that illegal immigration will not be tolerated.

Challenging the Federal Government

Governor Hobbs’ decision to​ take action on ⁣the illegal immigration crisis demonstrates a willingness ⁣to challenge the ‌federal government‌ when necessary. While the responsibility to secure the border‍ primarily falls on the federal government, the⁤ Biden ⁣administration’s⁢ inaction and lack ⁤of response ⁤have⁣ forced Arizona’s governor to step ⁢in. By ⁤mobilizing the ⁤National Guard, Hobbs is showing the nation that state ⁤leaders will not⁢ shy ‌away from taking matters into their own hands to protect ​their constituents.

However, it is essential to recognize that addressing the illegal ⁤immigration crisis requires ​a comprehensive approach. While the deployment of‍ National Guard troops is an important step, a long-term⁢ solution necessitates ⁣collaboration between ⁢federal, ⁤state, and local authorities. ​Governor Hobbs has called on the federal government to provide more⁣ resources and assistance ⁤to help⁣ Arizona deal with the influx of ⁢illegal immigrants. It is imperative for the Biden ⁤administration to ⁤acknowledge the severity ⁣of the situation and take immediate action to address the humanitarian and ‌security challenges faced by⁣ the state. Only through a joint effort can we effectively address the​ root causes of illegal immigration and secure our borders.

In conclusion, Governor Katie Hobbs⁣ of Arizona should be commended for her leadership​ and proactive approach ⁢in addressing the‍ illegal immigration ⁤crisis. Her ⁤decision ⁢to deploy National Guard troops to the southern border showcases her commitment to the safety and well-being⁤ of Arizona’s communities. It is now crucial for the federal government to step up⁣ and provide the necessary support to overcome this crisis. ‍Failure to do so will‍ not only jeopardize the safety of Arizona’s⁣ citizens‌ but also undermine⁣ the integrity ‌of our immigration system as a ⁤whole.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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