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Biden’s Troubles Worry Democratic Insiders: ‘It’s Grim

Democratic Insiders Are⁤ Sounding ‍the Alarm About Biden: ‘This Is ⁢Grim’

Has the ‌Democratic Party ‌been saddled with a‍ doomed⁣ presidential candidate?

That’s the question party elites⁣ are raising about President⁢ Joe Biden less than a year⁣ before the 2024 election, according⁤ to⁤ The New York Times.

The Times’ Thomas⁢ B. Edsall said ​Biden is in “a dangerous situation” as voting blocs⁢ that Democrats usually have firmly in hand ⁣start to slip from their grasp.

A poll conducted ⁣by Stan Greenberg and James Carville’s Democracy Corps found that‌ “the base of Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, LGBTQ+‍ community, Gen ⁤Z, millennials,⁤ unmarried and ⁤college women give [Donald] Trump higher ⁢approval ratings than Biden.”

The ⁤poll also places Biden in a 5-point hole‌ in the crucial swing states likely to determine the outcome of the 2024 election.

“This is grim,” Greenberg⁣ said of the results.

In what Edsall described as another “body blow” for ⁢Biden, recent NBC News ‍ polling showed that Democrats and ‌Republicans are​ now⁣ almost tied among voters on middle-class ​issues, with Democrats​ clinging to a 2-point lead.

Biden’s ⁤Democratic detractors are also pointing to‍ his shaky standings in polls forecasting ‌a rematch with Trump.

The president currently trails Trump by 2​ points in the Real Clear Politics aggregate ‌ of polls.

By contrast, Biden handily led Trump ‌in nearly all 2020 polls — ​projections that Trump ultimately outperformed, despite losing the ⁢election.

One November poll showed that a generic Democratic ‌candidate would have better standing in⁤ the 2024‌ election, with voters ‍giving an unnamed Democrat a 6-point​ edge over Trump.

Biden’s polling‍ woes ⁢haven’t ​escaped⁤ the notice of other Democratic elites.

Former⁣ Obama administration adviser David Axelrod said a recent survey that showed Trump leading in ⁢five battleground states would “send tremors of doubt [through] the party.”

Axelrod questioned the 81-year-old Biden’s chances in 2024, pointing out that “the age arrow only points in one direction,” and seemingly urged him to ‍consider dropping out of ‌the race.

“The⁤ stakes of miscalculation⁣ here are​ too⁣ dramatic⁣ to ignore,” Axelrod posted on X.

The president allegedly responded by calling Axelrod a‍ “p***k” in a ‍private conversation.

Biden ⁤is all but guaranteed to be the Democratic ‍Party’s nominee, with the Democratic National Committee having sidelined primary challengers by refusing to schedule debates.

The post Democratic Insiders Are Sounding the Alarm About Biden: ‘This Is Grim’ appeared first ‌on The ⁢Western‌ Journal.

‍How does ​Biden’s current standing in swing states impact his chances of securing ‍another ​term in office in the 2024 election

Viser ‌David Axelrod expressed concern ‍about Biden’s declining poll numbers,⁤ stating, “It’s alarming when you look at the numbers and realize that Biden is losing⁤ ground to Trump, despite his previous lead in the 2020 election.” ‌Axelrod emphasized the importance of recognizing the warning signs⁢ and taking necessary steps ⁤to address them before it’s too late.

These concerns are echoed⁣ by​ other Democratic insiders, who fear that⁣ Biden’s⁤ current situation could have far-reaching consequences for‌ the party in the upcoming 2024 election. The Democratic Party ⁢traditionally relies⁢ on‍ support ⁢from diverse voting blocs, such as Black, Hispanic, Asian, LGBTQ+, ​and younger voters. However, ‌recent polling conducted by⁢ Democracy Corps has revealed that these⁢ groups are giving Donald Trump higher approval ⁢ratings than Biden. This development is particularly alarming, as it indicates a shift in the Democratic ​Party’s stronghold ‌on‌ these⁣ key demographics.

Furthermore, Biden’s standing in swing states, which will play a crucial role in determining ​the‌ outcome⁢ of the 2024 election, is also cause⁤ for concern. He currently finds himself in⁣ a 5-point hole according to⁢ the ​aforementioned poll by Democracy Corps. This ‌is a significant ‌setback for Biden and​ his ⁤chances of⁣ securing another term ⁢in office.

In addition to these ​challenges, recent NBC News polling demonstrates that Democrats and Republicans are nearly tied among voters ⁣on middle-class issues, with Democrats clinging to a slim 2-point lead. This⁢ further underscores the difficulty Biden and the Democratic Party face in maintaining support and⁣ enthusiasm from the middle-class segment of the population.

The situation becomes even more dire‍ when considering Biden’s polling in a possible rematch with Trump. According to the Real Clear Politics aggregate of polls, Biden currently trails Trump by 2 points. This reversal ‌of fortune is notable, considering Biden’s previous lead over Trump​ in⁢ the 2020 polls.

It is crucial for ⁤the Democratic Party to address these​ concerns promptly to prevent further decline in public trust and⁣ support. The‌ November poll mentioned earlier even suggests ‍that ​a generic Democratic candidate would fare better than Biden in the ​2024 election, which ⁤raises​ questions about Biden’s ability to secure another term.

The Democratic Party must rally behind its candidate and work diligently to regain ground, ⁤particularly among key demographic groups and in swing states. This will require ‌significant efforts in messaging, policy proposals, and building‌ connections with voters who are currently showing​ higher‌ approval ratings for Trump.

While it is‍ too early to determine the outcome of the 2024 election definitively, ⁢the warning signs mentioned above cannot be ignored. Democratic insiders are sounding the alarm, urging ⁤the ⁢party to take immediate action. The ​future of the Democratic Party and its chances of success ⁢in future elections rely on ​addressing these concerns ⁤and finding strategies to counteract⁣ the current downward trend. The fate of Biden⁢ and ​the Democratic Party rests in their ability to adapt and⁤ reconnect with their base.

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