Washington Examiner

Democratic lawmakers are becoming less enthusiastic about the White House’s suggestion of geoengineering as a solution to climate change.

Democratic ‍Lawmakers Reject‍ Geoengineering as a ‍Solution to Climate Change

Democratic ​lawmakers have firmly rejected the ​idea of using‌ geoengineering to address climate change, ‍despite it being ​suggested ⁤by the ⁤White House. ⁤In⁢ June, the ⁢White House ‍released ​a report advocating for further ‌exploration ⁤of‌ solar radiation ​modification, a‍ concept that involves blocking or limiting the sun’s rays ⁣from reaching Earth. However, this⁢ idea⁤ has⁣ faced ⁢increasing⁢ opposition from Democratic ⁢lawmakers.

Concerns ‌Over ⁢Complicated ‌and Potentially‌ Dangerous Solutions

Senator Sheldon⁤ Whitehouse (D-RI) questioned the need ⁤for ⁤a‌ complex and‌ potentially hazardous solution when a more obvious one ‍is readily available. He emphasized the importance ‍of ⁤exploring alternative ⁤approaches. Representative Zoe Lofgren⁤ (D-CA), the​ leading‍ Democrat on ⁣the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee, ‍expressed concerns about⁤ the potential “catastrophic” ​consequences of ⁤manipulating the ⁤climate.

Some Democrats ‌have taken action ⁢to prevent any ‍attempts at‌ implementing ‌geoengineering. Senator Ed ‌Markey (D-MA)⁤ and ⁢Representative Debbie ​Dingell (D-MI) introduced legislation⁢ last year to​ block funding⁤ for solar ‌radiation modification.

White⁤ House Report Sparks Debate

The White⁣ House report,​ which merely suggested further study of geoengineering, is ‌unlikely​ to sway‌ the ⁤skeptical ⁣Democratic⁣ lawmakers. The debate surrounding this controversial ‍concept⁣ continues, with​ Democrats advocating‌ for caution and ​exploring‌ alternative solutions ​to combat climate change.

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