The federalist

Democrats fear Trump will retaliate as they have done to him

A Warning of‌ the Dangers Ahead if Trump Wins

A new set of ⁣anti-Trump talking points has been⁤ cropping up in the corporate press recently, warning of the horrors that ⁤will come to pass if Trump wins the election. Most‍ of it ‌is shameless fearmongering, but there’s something else going on too.

Democrats are afraid that if Trump is elected he’ll do to them precisely what they’re currently doing to him. When Trump fearmongers in the media cry out with⁢ one voice that Trump will weaponize ⁣the Justice Department⁢ and the courts, rig our elections, and shred the Constitution,⁣ it’s pure projection. Because that’s exactly what they’re‍ doing right now in ​a desperate bid to ⁤prevent Trump from winning office again.

It should⁣ go without saying that this ‌suddenly ubiquitous media genre ‍is extremely ‍dangerous. As my colleague Mollie Hemingway‍ aptly put ‍it in response ⁣to⁤ a⁣ hysterical Trump-as-dictator piece by Robert Kagan in The Washington​ Post, ‌you might as well call ⁢it “assassination prep.”

The Republic at Stake

That’s according to their own logic. ‍After all, these people claim the⁣ republic itself is at stake and that we’re ‌about to descend into autocracy. Liz Cheney went on NBC News over the weekend to flog her new book and‌ warn in ⁣dire tones that‍ in a second Trump term there’ll be “no​ guardrails that can stop ​him.” She says⁢ if Trump wins he’ll become a fascist dictator, never leave office, and plunge the United States‍ into tyranny.

She’s not alone in this absurd ‌belief. The prospect ⁤of dictator Trump is more or less ⁣the ⁣entire theme of a new‌ special edition of The Atlantic, ominously titled “If Trump ⁣Wins,” for‌ which the magazine’s ‍writers⁢ dutifully churned out two dozen essays fantasizing about the⁤ hellscape America will​ become if ⁤Trump is ever allowed back into the Oval Office. Nearly ​every facet of our national life would be left in ruins, they​ say, and America will be changed forever.

CNN’s ⁤Jake​ Tapper was apparently so scared out of his wits by these ⁢essays, he brought some of the writers⁤ and editors onto his show to talk about their prognostications of doom for the republic under Trump — including, Tapper said with a straight ​face, “how women could be targeted” under a Trump “retribution presidency.”

Atlantic Editor-in-Chief Jeffrey Goldberg replied to Tapper that a second-term Trump would be “bent on​ revenge,” because he “knows how he was thwarted” the first time. Well, yes — but not necessarily in the ⁤way Goldberg means it.

The ‍Real Thwarting of Trump

Trump was certainly thwarted the first time around — not ‍thwarted in some dictatorial scheme but in the normal exercise‌ of ⁤his office. A deeply corrupt media​ establishment —⁤ including the likes⁢ of Tapper and Goldberg — worked hand-in-glove with anti-Trump elements in the federal bureaucracy to peddle the Russia-collusion hoax in an unprecedented attempt to oust him from ⁣office or, failing that, undermine his presidency. During the ⁢2020 election, many of these same elements succeeded in suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop story. And after Jan. 6, 2021, they‍ have cheered on the blatant weaponization of the justice system unleashed‌ by Biden and the ⁣Democrats.

You almost⁣ have ‍to admire the audacity of Democrats actively doing to Trump everything they say Trump will do to them if he regains the White House. You can’t get more on-the-nose in this regard⁣ than a triple-bylined piece that ran in The New York ​Times on Monday warning, ‌“Mr. Trump’s vow to use the ‌Justice Department to wreak vengeance against his adversaries is ⁢a naked challenge to democratic ⁣values. Building on how he tried ‍to get prosecutors to go after ‌his enemies⁢ while in office, it would ⁢end the post-Watergate norm of investigative independence from White House political control.”

It’s almost ​like the⁢ Times is trolling its ‍readers with ⁣this. ‌Surely⁢ the reporters ‌and editors behind this laughable piece of agitprop know that this is exactly what the Biden Justice Department and powerful Democrats nationwide are now doing to Trump. The idea that Merrick Garland is some sort of straight-shooting attorney ​general is a joke. Not one person in America really believes ⁤it.

So what ⁣do Democrats and their media courtesans ⁣do? They lean into the gaslighting, claiming over and over in the most outlandish terms that a second Trump term will⁢ bring about everything⁤ that’s ⁤happening now under President Biden.

The Desperation for Power

Why? Because they’re desperate. They know that‍ owing to the⁣ weakness and corruption and unpopularity of the current president, there’s a chance Trump just might win next year. That’s why Democrat‌ attorneys general and federal prosecutors want⁣ so desperately to convict him of a crime, any crime, and why editors ⁣and writers at the ⁣Times and The Atlantic will say almost anything to scare voters with horror stories about what will ⁢happen if Trump wins.

They also crave power. For people like Cheney and Kagan and Goldberg and every‍ other establishment player, Trump’s great crime wasn’t anything he did or said on Jan. 6, ⁢it was that he won the election in November 2016. That wasn’t supposed to ‍happen. Democrats and the permanent regime in Washington‌ were supposed to remain in power forever.‍ Trump had the audacity ⁢to win, and they can’t let it happen again.

In that effort, they’re ⁢willing⁢ to do and say almost ⁣anything. Throughout Trump’s stint in office,‍ Democrats, establishment Republicans like Cheney, and⁢ nearly every major media outlet​ worked overtime to trample norms, bend the rules, break⁣ various laws, and undermine a duly elected president simply ‌because ‌they were incensed that they weren’t in power.

Remember that when they say what​ Trump will do‌ in a second ‍term. They’re doing it right now.

How have the Democratic ⁣Party ‍and ⁣the media weaponized the justice system and‌ courts against Trump ⁤and his allies?

⁣ E article‌ are aware of the irony in their words. They ​accuse‌ Trump of threatening democratic values ⁣and using the Justice Department⁣ as a weapon, while conveniently ignoring the fact​ that this‍ is exactly⁤ what they have been doing for the past⁣ four years.

This hypocrisy runs deep within ⁢the Democratic Party and⁢ the media. They claim to be⁤ defenders of democracy, but their actions speak louder than their words. ​They have weaponized the justice system ⁣and the courts ​to target Trump⁢ and his allies. They have suppressed stories and information⁤ that could be ⁣damaging to their own agenda. And ‌now, they ‌warn of the dangers of Trump doing the same if he⁤ is reelected.

But what these fearmongers fail‌ to realize‍ is that ​their tactics only⁤ further‍ divide the country and undermine ‍the very foundation of democracy. Their ⁢relentless attacks ‌on Trump and his supporters have ⁢created a toxic political climate ⁢where dissenting opinions are ‍silenced and ‍demonized. They have sowed distrust in our institutions and eroded the public’s​ faith in the electoral process.

If Trump wins, it will not be because he rigged the elections ​or shredded the Constitution. It will be because the⁢ American people⁢ have⁢ grown tired of the double standards, the hypocrisy, and the constant ⁢barrage of attacks ​on their⁣ chosen leader. ⁣They will have voted for a candidate who promises to put America first ⁢and restore ‌integrity‍ to our government.

So, let this be a warning‌ to⁢ those who continue to peddle fear and division. The ‍American people are ​not ⁣blind to your tactics. They see‍ through‌ your ‍thinly veiled attempts ​to undermine ⁣the democratic process. And if Trump wins, it will be a resounding rejection of your fearmongering and a⁤ testament to the strength of democracy.

In⁢ the ‌end, it is up​ to the American people ​to​ decide the future of our country. ‌They ⁣have the power to see through the lies and⁤ the hypocrisy. They have the​ power to ⁣choose a leader who will unite us, ⁢rather than divide us. And they ⁢have the power to ensure that the dangers ahead, if any, are‌ not brought about⁣ by the actions of a single individual, but by the collective‍ will of the American ​people.

So, let us put aside the fear ⁣and the division. Let us come together as a nation ‌and embrace the​ principles that have‍ made us​ strong. And let ⁢us remember that‌ our⁣ democracy is not defined by the actions of one person,‌ but by ​the will of the people.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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