Washington Examiner

Democrats dealing with no Kamala Harris DNC convention bump – Washington Examiner

Following the recent ​Democratic National Convention, Vice President Kamala Harris has not experienced the typical post-convention ‍polling boost associated with presidential campaigns. Despite this, the race⁤ against former President Donald Trump remains closely contested. ​In current national polls, Harris marginally leads Trump by about 1.9 percentage points, which⁤ is consistent with her numbers prior to the convention.

Pollster Patrick Murray notes that Harris initially saw a bump‌ in support when President Joe Biden withdrew​ from ⁣the 2024 race, solidifying her position as the Democrats’ nominee. However, veteran Democratic operatives express concern ⁢over Harris’s lack of significant momentum following the convention, highlighting the high stakes of the ‌upcoming election.

Both candidates ‍are preparing ‍for their first presidential debate on September 10, which many anticipate will be a pivotal moment in the campaign. ​Strategists suggest that ⁤the race is unlikely to shift significantly in the upcoming weeks, predicting a tight contest in key battleground states. Despite recent polls showing Harris in a favorable position nationally, her ‍odds in electoral models have slightly ⁣declined, indicating a competitive landscape that could change depending ⁤on upcoming events.‌

both Harris and Trump are engaged in a closely fought contest with little movement expected in their support bases and significant attention now focusing on the ​upcoming​ debate.

With no convention bounce, Harris has limited chances to pull away from Trump

It’s been more than a week since the conclusion of the Democratic National Convention, and one thing seems clear: Vice President Kamala Harris isn’t seeing a post-convention polling bump typical of most presidential campaigns.

Still, the race remains remarkably tight. Harris marginally improved her numbers before the Aug. 19-22 Chicago confab. She is virtually deadlocked with former President Donald Trump in any number of national polls with operatives expecting that to remain the case through November.

Patrick Murray, director of The Polling Institute at Monmouth University, told the Washington Examiner that Harris saw her bump before the convention after President Joe Biden ended his 2024 bid on July 21 and Democrats quickly united around Harris as his chosen successor. 

“We have an unprecedented situation here, where we have a candidate who was just announced as the candidate a month before the convention, and quite frankly, that’s when she got her bounce,” he said in an interview Tuesday. “What we’re looking at with polling since the convention is that she held on to it.”

The RealClearPolitics average of national polls on Tuesday has Harris leading Trump in a head-to-head matchup by 1.9 percentage points. That’s virtually unchanged from Aug. 19, when Harris was ahead by 1.5 percentage points. 

A handful of veteran Democratic operatives with close ties to the Harris campaign voiced some anxiety to the Washington Examiner about the current state of the race.

“It certainly would have been nice to see a bump,” one such operative stated. “The stakes are so high, you’d hope that the vice president’s message and demeanor alone would be enough to cut through the negative attacks and lies coming from the other side, but that’s just the current state of politics, I guess.”

The next major moment for Trump and Harris to capture a large national audience will be Sept. 10, when the two will face off for their first, perhaps only, presidential debate at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  

“I’ve said this before, but it all comes down to September 10. Trump’s main critique of Vice President Harris has been that she’s slow-rolling her presidential agenda,” a second operative said ahead of the upcoming debate. “She’ll lay it all out on that stage. I just hope people will go into the night with open minds and think about who we want running the country: a woman who will fight like hell to actually help real, American families or a felon who only cares about himself and his cronies.”

National polls are one thing, but the election will likely be decided by the results of just seven battleground states, where, again, Harris and Trump remain extremely competitive.

Morgan Jackson, a Democratic strategist based out of battleground North Carolina, told the Washington Examiner that, given how entrenched both candidates’ bases were, he didn’t expect Harris to sustain a significant post-convention bounce.

“I didn’t think we’d see a ton of movement, and I don’t think within any demographic cells, whether it is women, African Americans, young voters, seniors — whatever demographic cell we want to talk about. I think my gut is this race is not going to move very much in any of those individual cells or overall,” he explained. “I think at the end of the day, this is a 47-48 race — somebody’s going to get 48 and somebody’s going to get 47 or potentially both get 48 in some degrees, right? I think that’s where we’re headed in this race.”

The historic, truncated 2024 race seems to have some polling experts confused as well.

Pollster Nate Silver wrote Tuesday that while his polling average shows Harris leading Trump in national polls, his electoral odds model still presents her as an underdog, though that might change in the coming weeks.

“Harris’s odds have declined slightly over the past two weeks, as she’s gone from roughly a 55/45 favorite to a 45/55 underdog. It’s not a huge change. Probability calculations can be highly sensitive just to either side of the 50/50 mark,” Silver writes. “If the New York Knicks make a buzzer-beater just before halftime to go from trailing the Boston Celtics 61-60 to leading them 62-61, they might tick over from ‘underdog’ to ‘favorite’ in a win probability model. But it isn’t as though the game has been fundamentally transformed.”

Murray predicted that, even with the upcoming Harris-Trump debate on Sept. 10, polling “margins stay fairly close,” but due to the “unprecedented” nature of this election, he “also won’t be that surprised if something moves them a few more points.”

“The thing that we have with Harris is that it’s a situation we’ve never faced before, so who knows what this means,” Murray said. 

While polls don’t necessarily grant Harris a post-convention lift, she has improved since last month in less tangible ways.

A poll published over the weekend by ABC and Ipsos found that Americans on both sides give Harris better marks than Trump for how her campaign has been run to date.

More than half of all respondents, including 93% of Democrats, 56% of independents, and 24% of Republicans, say that Harris is running an “excellent” or good “campaign.”

By comparison, just 41% of respondents, including 79% of Republicans, 38% of independents, and 13% of Democrats, said the same of Trump.

Meanwhile, that same poll showed Harris opening her previously 6-point lead among women up to 13-points.

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One Comment

  1. Legacy of Daltism
    Biden / Harris Legacy let’s take a quick snap shot of their last four years in office. Afghanistan withdrawal, nightmare costing us American lives and Billions of your tax payer dollars, Removing Top Secret papers and storing them in his garage, China Town, University board closets, hiring Ghost writers, who had no Security clearances, for a book because he can’t get past “don’t and no” conversations to questions. Total Family corruption taking in millions in from the Communist Chinese party for personal financial gain. War between Russia and Ukraine because a “small incursion” is no bid deal. War between the Tunnel people and our American Allie Israel then funding both sides to play it safe. Then there is the VP who went along with all anti American activity including attacks on our Constitution, our established laws, allowing open borders with murder, drugs, rapes, crimes raging in every America city now, Both keeping our Country in Trillions in debt and can’t wait to make that amount even higher. Now Harris wants another four years of this BS and reckless spending, driving the tax payers in to more poverty, then the illegals she is pissing away your tax dollars on. This is a Legacy of failure, corruption and Word Salad Harris would put the rest of the World at War and bankrupt our Country.

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