Democrats Forced Joe Biden To Drop Out. How Did They Do It?

Gov/sites/” target=”_blank” rel=”noreferrer noopener”>the⁣ Biden​ family’s shady business dealings

Given the‍ evidence of corruption within the Biden family, ‌it⁤ is not a stretch⁤ to imagine that top Democrats could have used​ their⁢ knowledge of these activities as a means of leverage to convince Joe ⁤Biden to drop out of the 2024 presidential ⁣race. If Biden did not comply with their demands,⁢ they could have threatened to expose ⁢the corruption and bring legal‍ consequences to the family. This​ would have been a powerful motivator for Biden to step aside without having to resort to a public 25th Amendment removal. 


The details surrounding Joe Biden’s decision to drop out of the 2024 presidential‌ race ‍remain murky, but the threats made against him by top Democrats indicate that there might have been underlying reasons beyond his dwindling poll numbers. The possibility ⁢that party leaders would resort to blackmail or ​coercion to remove a sitting president raises serious⁢ concerns about the state of American ​politics⁤ and the extent to which corruption ⁤may be influencing decision-making at the highest levels of‍ government. The American people deserve transparency and accountability from ‌their leaders, not backroom deals and power plays. It is essential that these allegations‍ be thoroughly​ investigated and⁤ addressed to restore faith in our democratic institutions.

A letter posted on President Joe Biden’s X account Sunday announced his withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race, reversing what Biden and other Democrats were insisting mere days ago. It’s obvious that something happened to change Biden’s mind and force him out. No one with a brain thinks Biden, who has made a career of politics for 54 years and until Sunday was insisting that only God could convince him to step aside, would willingly give up another shot at the presidency.

We know leftist power players, including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, all reportedly pushed Biden to step down from the campaign.

“Nancy Pelosi dumped him. They all dumped him,” former President Donald Trump said in a press call on Tuesday. “They said, ‘Either you get out nice or we’re going to go after you.’ That’s what happened.”

“Nancy made clear that they could do this the easy way or the hard way,” one anonymous Democrat insider told Politico. “She gave them three weeks of the easy way. It was about to be the hard way.”

Democrat operatives apparently removed a president of the United States from his reelection campaign in a soft coup. Was that the “easy way”? What was the “hard way”?

Republicans must demand the preservation of any records and communications that might relate to potential deals or threats that Democrats extended to Biden to secure his exit from the race. Further, they should prepare to subpoena such records. Until Americans get to the bottom of how the coup happened, they have good reason to doubt that Washington elites are doing anything in the interest of the voters whom the president is supposed to represent.

A Setup

Democrats pressured Biden to drop out for weeks, causing the president “anger, paranoia and frustration,” according to the New York Post. He insisted on staying in the race, despite the mounting pressure. So they orchestrated a “palace coup.”

Powerful figures set Biden up to fail at his debate with Trump in June, according to the New York Post, hoping to convince Democrats he could not run for president. Biden froze up, stuttered, and acted visibly confused during the debate. He performed so poorly that afterward, even corporate media turned on him. Just like Biden’s adversaries planned. 

Still, Biden would not drop out. 

“The debate was really his ending,” Trump said.

Polling numbers from battleground states last week showed Biden trailing not only in those states but in states that reliably vote blue, according to Politico. It appeared it would be nearly impossible for him to beat Trump. 

According to the New York Post, Democrat leaders threatened to eject Biden from office. An unnamed Biden insider told the Post that Democrats threatened to invoke the 25th Amendment, which allows removal in case a president is “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office,” unless Biden dropped out. 

“They told him to ‘Get out, you’re not going to win,’” Trump said. “They gave him a chance, and they said, ‘If you don’t get out now we’re going to go after you.’ And that was it. He got out.”

If true, using the 25th Amendment to blackmail a sitting president is nothing less than a coup. Was that the easy way or the hard way? What other means might party leaders have leveraged to convince Biden to get out?

Did Democrats Threaten to Go After the Biden Family Business?

The Biden family has largely escaped accountability for their influence-peddling business. What kind of influence could top Democrats exert on the Biden family if someone threatened to stop turning a blind eye? 

When President Barack Obama was in office, then-Vice President Joe Biden peddled political influence in exchange “for payments to his family members,” with a “cut of the cash” going to himself, as The Federalist previously reported.

At the center of the operation was Hunter Biden, who appears to have acted as an unregistered foreign agent for Ukraine and China. Hunter sat on the board of Burisma Holdings, from which he allegedly “coerced” $10 million for himself and his father. Hunter, the president’s brother James Biden, and James’ wife Sara Biden all played key roles in funneling money from China to Biden bank accounts.

Joe Biden claimed in 2019 that he had “never spoken” to Hunter Biden about his overseas business dealings. But according to the House Oversight Committee, Joe Biden interacted with his son’s business associates including “Russian and Kazakhstani oligarchs, a Burisma executive, and Chinese nationals.” They “spoke by phone, attended dinners and meetings, and had coffee.”

In addition to influence trading, Hunter allegedly engaged in sex trafficking — which the Department of Justice “ignored,” according to the House Oversight Committee. He has used cocaine often, which mysteriously appeared in the West Wing of the White House last year. 

A jury found Hunter guilty on three firearms charges in June. But he, his relatives, and his father have so far evaded accountability for most of their alleged wrongdoings.

Did They Bribe Him with Cushy Incentives?

According to an FBI confidential human source’s account, Burisma executive Mykola Zlochevsky said “it cost 5 [million dollars] to pay one Biden, and 5 [million] to another Biden” to buy political favors. What kind of incentives might it take to get him — and Hunter and Jill— to give up a chance at four more years in the White House?

Were Jill and Joe Biden offered lofty board positions or other sinecures, complete with generous salaries and security details? What about donations to Biden’s presidential library?

Now that they’ve pushed Biden out, Democrats have disingenuously praised him as a wonderful president who ushered in unparalleled wealth, peace, and safety. Pelosi gushed that he was on the “right side of history.” Were those praises part of the deal?

Assurances to financially take care of the Biden family — including Hunter Biden and James Biden, now that their bargaining chip is headed out of office — might be convincing.

On the other hand, Biden’s withdrawal was announced on National Ice Cream Day. Perhaps Democrats offered him a scoop of “chocolate-chocolate chip.”

Logan Washburn is a staff writer covering election integrity. He graduated from Hillsdale College, served as Christopher Rufo’s editorial assistant, and has bylines in The Wall Street Journal, The Tennessean, and The Daily Caller. Logan is originally from Central Oregon but now lives in rural Michigan.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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