Washington Examiner

Democrats silent on Biden’s participation in 2024 debates.

MILWAUKEE — Democrats Make Their Case Against Republicans Ahead of Debate

The Democratic⁤ National Committee (DNC) held an engaging afternoon press conference at a Milwaukee ⁢hotel to discuss crucial issues such as abortion rights, climate change, and⁤ the economy.⁤ While they openly criticized the Republican⁤ candidates who will ⁤be taking the stage for tonight’s‌ debate, ​they⁣ were less forthcoming about their own candidate.

President Biden’s ‍Debate⁣ Plans Remain Unclear

During⁢ a ‌Q&A session‍ following the press conference, a reporter asked if President Joe Biden plans to​ make his case directly in​ the‌ general election​ debates. However, DNC senior adviser Cedrick Richmon did not provide⁢ a direct answer.

“We have not had a conversation about that,” he said. “I’m sure one day ⁣we will, but it’s not today, and I don’t have any news ​on ‌that.”

This response aligns‌ with comments made by Biden⁣ campaign⁣ communications director Michael Tyler during a recent press call,​ where he ‍stated that there have been no substantive conversations about‍ Biden debating.

It’s worth noting that Biden’s 2020 opponent, Donald Trump, made headlines by skipping the Milwaukee debate, although not all Republicans agreed with his decision. Former Trump White ‌House press secretary ​Kayleigh McEnany⁢ even mentioned the potential consequences of Biden ⁤following suit.

“You are⁤ giving Joe Biden a card to‌ say,‍ ‘I’m going to⁣ use the⁣ Trump debate standard and not⁢ show⁣ up because ⁢I’m so ahead in my internal polls. I’m just not coming,'” ⁢she said. “So you’re giving a card ​to​ your opponent that he could⁢ pull if he tried.”

Both‍ Biden ⁢and Trump currently‌ hold significant leads‍ over their primary rivals, which is one ⁢reason why they have⁤ declined primary debates thus far.‌ Trump​ maintains a⁣ 41-point lead over his nearest competitor, Gov.⁤ Ron DeSantis (R-FL), ​while Biden is 60 points ⁢ahead of Robert ⁤F. Kennedy Jr.

Republicans have ⁢been ⁣attempting to make⁣ Biden’s age and perceived decline a ⁤campaign issue, but⁤ it‍ may be more challenging ⁣to attack if Biden refuses to debate his GOP opponent next year. However, Richmond emphasized⁣ that their ⁢primary focus at the ​moment is governing.

“What we’re going to continue to⁣ do ⁣is continue to govern,” he said. “Vice President [Kamala] Harris and President Biden have a job to do, and they take it seriously.⁤ When we have news on that, we’ll let you know.”

For ⁣more‌ information, ‌ click here to read more from The Washington Examiner.

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