The federalist

Dems Praise Veep Pick As ‘America’s Dad’ While Neutering Men

The article discusses the media portrayal of ⁤Tim Walz, ​recently announced as Kamala Harris’s ⁢running mate, as “America’s dad.” ‌Following his​ nomination, various outlets emphasized his relatable, fatherly qualities, contributing ‌to a narrative that celebrates him as a comforting⁣ figure. However, the author critiques this portrayal, arguing ‍that it starkly​ contrasts with contemporary Democratic policies‍ that promote fewer men becoming fathers,⁢ citing initiatives⁣ around abortion‌ and vasectomies as examples. They express concern about the perceived‌ hypocrisy of Democrats who advocate ​for policies limiting fatherhood while simultaneously hailing Walz’s⁣ fatherly image.‍ The piece further suggests that this dichotomy represents a larger trend of diminishing the significance of traditional fatherhood and masculinity within a growing ​government framework, questioning the authenticity of the media’s celebration of Walz amid these contradictions.

Instantly after Kamala Harris announced Tim Walz as her running mate two weeks ago, corporate media began, in unison, labeling him “America’s dad.”

“‘This is America’s dad’: Walz electrifies with introductory speech backed by powerful resume,” blared an MSNBC headline earlier this month. “‘Midwestern Nice’ and ‘Fun Dad’ posts abound after Tim Walz is named VP pick,” reported the hard-hitting and publicly funded NPR (which at this point is basically Teen Vogue for Birkenstock Boomers).

“Is Tim Walz ‘America’s Dad’? Women on TikTok See Father Figure in VP Pick,” wrote Monica Sager in Newsweek last week. “How the internet cast Tim Walz as America’s Midwestern dad,” crooned the not-softball-at-all Washington Post when his pick was announced. “The Political Appeal of the Aggressively Normal Dad,” cooed The New York Times. “Tim Walz’s “big dad energy” wins hearts across the internet,” advertised Axios. “Dad is on the ballot,” headlined The Atlantic, formerly known as an outlet for deeper takes on current affairs.

On Friday, Rolling Stone made sure we were informed that “Tim Walz Joins TikTok With a Signature Dad Joke.” Thanks, Third Estate. Super-deep reporting there on the guy who could be a heartbeat away from the presidency. The Americans who start voting in one month, especially, are indebted for your incisive work informing them what to expect from this addition to the Democrat ticket.

At this point we’re used to media outlets boosted by government censors acting as obvious propaganda machines. Matt Orfalea and Tom Elliott are among the many who constantly illustrate that in catchy videos. Here are some recent illustrations of a years-long phenomenon.

TV flacks all repeating the exact same words in unison across outlets is by now routine, likely amped by the AI and algorithms selecting everything you see on a screen. What’s different in this specific story, however, is the odd juxtaposition of lefties celebrating Walz as a father and father figure exactly as Democrats expand their efforts to make sure fewer and fewer men ever become fathers.

A highly visible demonstration of this is the “free abortion and vasectomies” truck frequenting — perhaps in a back alley? — the Democratic National Convention this week in Chicago. “Vasectomies are reportedly in high demand and there’s already a waiting list” for truck appointments, the New York Post reported Saturday. Abortion and vasectomies, as well as other forms of birth control, all prevent fathers from ever seeing the light in their own children’s eyes or feeling the flutter of a little heart and feet inside the mother of their child.

After the Supreme Court allowed states to determine their abortion laws in overturning Roe v. Wade in 2022, corporate outlets reported increases in vasectomies, especially among younger men and even in blue states where abortion laws were largely unchanged. Nearly half of Americans younger than 50 who are childless recently told Pew Research they don’t ever want children, a historically unpredecented attitude obviously driven by decades of the left’s anti-child propaganda.

So it’s extremely disorienting, if not completely unbelievable and a little terrifying, to hear the same Democrats pushing sterility cheer on Walz as a “fun dad” and “everyone’s Midwestern dad.” Walz’s fatherhood is something their efforts will make sure fewer and fewer Americans ever experience.

Some of the eerie comments leftist outlets record reveal the real play here: to hollow out the reality of fatherhood — which requires, you know, physically making a baby and then parenting that child with all your might for that child’s entire life — while using this hollowed-out, primal archetype as a big-government skinsuit. The Independent’s U.S. edition quoted women on social media describing Walz’s “dad vibes” as replacing their very own flesh-and-blood fathers: “Young liberal voters love Tim Walz. He’s a reminder of the dad they lost to partisan division.”

The article, and another like it from The New Republic titled “Tim Walz Is the Perfect Antidote to the Brainwashed Fox News Dads,” quotes young women gushing over Walz for reminding them of their dads, while maintaining leftist views like them. These young women tell the world on social media how rotten their own dads are for watching Fox News and voting for Donald Trump, and how they wish their dads were cool — meaning, Democrats — like some total stranger running for vice president.

Imagine the sheer hubris, not to mention the deep psychological denial, involved in repeatedly shaming your own father for his personal beliefs before the whole world while believing that you are the completely righteous and fully justified person in this relationship. The woman featured in The New Republic not only made a documentary about her dad enjoying Fox News, but installed a child lock on his TV so he could only watch leftist cable news until he relented and watched MSNBC and CNN! Excuse me, who is the deranged person here?

Furthermore, it’s impossible to really celebrate fatherhood without also celebrating the authority that comes with it. Fathers aren’t awesome for the soft things Democrats accented in relation to Walz, like making bad jokes and checking your tire pressure. They are awesome because of the unique things that male biology brings to the table in contrast to women’s unique offerings: their physical and emotional strength, their protective instincts, their primal urges to protect and provide.

Democrats call these aspects of masculinity toxic. As Matt Taibbi pointed out, the left only calls men manly in a positive sense when those men are acting like women:

Recapping: as a white heterosexual who served in the military, coached football and hunts, Walz might “not seem like the epitome of positive masculinity”! But since he’s also comfortable showing “more traditionally feminine traits” and “letting women take center stage,” Walz might represent a net-positive new archetype.

What’s more emasculating than, well, sterilizing your man parts? That’s the core definition of emasculating! Clearly, Democrats aren’t interested in fathers. What they want is to replace fathers with government while obscuring that’s what’s going on. They are working to detach people from their own families and attach the feelings that belong to family instead to government, a process the Independent and New Republic articles illustrate is well underway. 

Democrats are both saying that Walz being a father is a good thing that should create warm feelings for him and that fatherhood is icky, disgusting, troublesome, and toxic. The evidence for which one of these they really believe in and which is a big, fat propaganda operation is right there amid the cut male genitals inside that DNC sterilization van and at Planned Parenthood gender clinics all across the country.

Joy Pullmann is executive editor of The Federalist. Her new book with Regnery is “False Flag: Why Queer Politics Mean the End of America.” A happy wife and the mother of six children, her ebooks include “Classic Books For Young Children,” and “101 Strategies For Living Well Amid Inflation.” An 18-year education and politics reporter, Joy has testified before nearly two dozen legislatures on education policy and appeared on major media including Tucker Carlson, CNN, Fox News, OANN, NewsMax, Ben Shapiro, and Dennis Prager. Joy is a grateful graduate of the Hillsdale College honors and journalism programs who identifies as native American and gender natural. Joy is also the cofounder of a high-performing Christian classical school and the author and coauthor of classical curricula. Her traditionally published books also include “The Education Invasion: How Common Core Fights Parents for Control of American Kids,” from Encounter Books.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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