The Daily Caller

Dems Previously Rushed To Defend Biden’s Mental Fitness. But What About After His Disastrous Debate?

Democratic Representative Dan Goldman‍ of New Jersey ‍praised President Biden, describing ‌him as sharper than anyone else he has spoken to. As of September 2021, Dan Goldman ⁤is not listed‍ as a‍ Representative ‍from New ⁢Jersey. Dan Goldman is known for serving as the lead counsel for ‌the Democrats during the‌ first impeachment trial of‌ President Donald Trump. It is ​possible ⁤there might be a misunderstanding or a change in information since then.

If Goldman did make a ​statement‌ praising President Biden, he might have commented on Biden’s acuteness in policy discussion, decision-making abilities, or his overall political insightfulness. However, without direct quotes or a specific context from Dan Goldman regarding this matter, the details might remain⁣ speculative.

For accurate and up-to-date information about political statements or endorsements, checking reliable news sources ‍or direct communications from the politicians involved is advisable.

Democratic Rep. Dan Goldman of New York insisted that Biden was “sharper than anyone [he’s] spoken to”

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