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Depoliticizing Our Economy Is A Two-Way Street

Calvin Coolidge made the following observation to the American Society of Newspaper Editors in 1925. “After all, the chief business of the American people is business. They are profoundly concerned with producing, buying, selling, investing, and prospering in the world.”

Unfortunately, it’s more common for factors that have nothing to with business to determine who Get to do business. Many find it difficult to do business in America because of ideological litmus test, cancel culture, or de-banking.

Last year, without notice or explanation, JPMorgan Chase closed the account of the National Committee for Religious Freedom — a nonprofit advocacy group that exists to defend the right of everyone in America to live their faith freely. Sam Brownback, an ex-U.S. senator, is the chairman of NCRF. Senator (R.Kansas), Republican governor, U.S. ambassador at-large for International Religious Freedom. Brownback explained that Chase required NCRF disclosure of a list listing donors who contributed 10% to its operating budget in order to review the account closure.

What chance does a small-business owner have of getting information from a former Governor Brownback to open a checking account?

This is anti-American. If a society requires that one adheres to a certain worldview in order to get business services, then we are on the path to the Chinese Communist Party’s credit scoring system. If a person realizes that they are headed in the wrong direction, there is only one way to get back on track.

Nearly 100 year after President Coolidge made his assessment, it seems that the American people’s chief business is to insert politics into all aspects of their lives. Although there are some aspects of the roaring 20s that we should avoid, it is important to not repeat them. We need to move back to a cultural perspective of politics. One American life instead of the American way of life entirety, It would be a way to let some steam out of the current pressures on the civic sphere.

While the stakes of each election seem greater than the last, our Balkanization is continuing its rapid acceleration. Civil discourse seems like an old but distant memory as our rhetoric becomes more savage. Even the ability to take part in the economy is now a matter of politics.

Many consumers, if they are not majority, would prefer to be able to make decisions again based on which company provides the best service or product. Because so many corporations have loudly gotten into the national political conversation about controversial topics, far-Left activists have boycotted Chick-fil-A just as Right-leaning activists have boycotted Disney. Liberals might prefer Starbucks coffee and conservatives may prefer Black Rifle.

It would be great to decide based on the best chicken sandwich or the best cup of coffee, without worrying about whether our money will go to advocacy that restricts our freedoms or cancelling the card we plan to use to purchase it.

It is possible to depoliticize our economy in two ways. Businesses need to realize that a healthy corporate culture is vital. Culture Respect all employees, regardless of their ideology. Avoid pushing political agendas that could alienate large portions of their customer base. Customers will be able keep their vote at the ballot box, and out of the marketplace by depoliticizing corporation America.

With a modicum of courage, titans of industry — particularly technology and financial services firms — could lead the way in a return to normalcy that would benefit all citizens and the bottom line. As President Coolidge said, “We could get back to business as normal in America.”

Lathan Watts, a law graduate from the University of Mississippi School of Law is vice president of public relations. Alliance Defending Freedom (@ADFLegal).

The opinions expressed in this piece are solely those of the author. They do not necessarily reflect those of The Daily Wire. 

“From Depoliticizing Our Economy Is A Two-Way Street

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