Washington Examiner

DeSantis campaign sells mug showcasing bond with Iowa governor amidst Trump dispute.

EXCLUSIVE: ⁢Gov. Ron‍ DeSantis’s Presidential Campaign Takes ‌Advantage of ⁢Relationship ‌with Iowa Governor

Gov. Ron DeSantis’s (R-FL) presidential campaign‌ is seizing an opportunity that⁢ sets him ⁣apart from former President Donald Trump: his close ties with the highly popular governor of Iowa.

The campaign is introducing a special edition mug,​ gifted to DeSantis by Gov. Kim Reynolds (R-IA), ⁣which boldly reads “Get S*** Done.”

Behind the Scenes: DeSantis and the⁤ “Get S*** Done” ⁣Mug

During a visit to ⁤Iowa⁢ for a “Freedom Blueprint” event in ‍March, ⁣Reynolds⁤ presented one of⁣ these mugs to DeSantis, describing it⁤ as⁣ a‌ symbol of his successful term as governor.⁣ She emphasized that if anyone deserves it, it’s him.

Recently, DeSantis was⁤ spotted with the mug ⁣in behind-the-scenes footage of an interview with Megyn Kelly.

The replica⁢ mug being sold by ‌DeSantis’s campaign also features the⁣ phrase “No Excuses” on the⁢ back, along with a copy of the Florida governor’s signature.

A Commitment to Results: DeSantis’s Pledge

During a town hall in Texas, DeSantis expressed ​his unwavering commitment to‍ delivering results. He stated, “We don’t just do this so that we get a good‍ news ⁣cycle out of ‍it.⁣ We do⁢ it because we intend to follow through‌ and actually produce the results. No excuses. We will get ‌it done.”

Highlighting ⁢the DeSantis-Reynolds‍ Connection

By⁣ selling the “Get S*** ⁢Done” mug, DeSantis’s campaign‍ aims to​ underscore his strong bond with Gov. Reynolds.⁢ While ‍Reynolds‌ has pledged to remain neutral until Iowa’s first-in-the-nation caucuses, DeSantis has strategically leveraged their positive relationship to his advantage. Reynolds enjoys⁤ immense popularity among ‍Iowa Republicans.

During a recent campaign stop, DeSantis even mentioned the‍ possibility of Reynolds as a potential running‌ mate, praising her as ⁢one ‌of the ⁣top public⁣ servants ⁢in America.

Contrasting DeSantis with Trump⁣ in Iowa

This⁤ merchandise further distinguishes DeSantis from Trump in the Hawkeye state,⁤ as Trump recently engaged ‍in a‍ public feud with Reynolds. Trump criticized ⁣her‌ for staying neutral during the​ campaign process and⁣ took credit for her election‌ as governor.

Trump’s attack on Reynolds ⁢resulted in the loss of an endorsement from ⁣an Iowa state lawmaker, who then threw his support​ behind DeSantis. The lawmaker⁣ cited Trump’s⁣ criticism of Reynolds as the reason ‌for his change of heart.

While ⁢Republican strategists and leaders in Iowa were ⁢uncertain about the‌ impact on Trump’s‌ support in the state,⁣ a pro-DeSantis PAC, Never Back⁤ Down, ‌ensured ⁢that the news reached voters. ‌The PAC made‌ a significant ad buy in Iowa, featuring a 30-second‍ spot highlighting Trump’s criticism of the⁢ governor.

Capitalizing ⁢on Trump’s‌ Mistakes

The sale of these mugs represents DeSantis’s⁣ latest move to⁣ capitalize on Trump’s missteps in Iowa and keep ​the spotlight on his attack against‌ Reynolds. The campaign aims to gain traction in‌ the state by ensuring ‍voters ‍remember these ⁤events.

In a recent Fox Business ⁢poll of Iowans, Trump garnered support ​from 46% of likely Republican caucusgoers, while DeSantis received​ 16% and Tim⁤ Scott had 11%.


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