Washington Examiner

DeSantis criticizes Haley for evading voter queries pre-Iowa debate

DeSantis Takes Aim⁢ at Haley’s Campaign Strategy

WEST ‌DES⁢ MOINES, Iowa⁤ — Governor Ron ⁢DeSantis⁢ (R-FL) didn’t hold back in his⁣ criticism of former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley’s campaign tactics ahead of the 2024⁢ Republican primary. With the first nominating contest just days​ away, DeSantis​ called⁤ out Haley for avoiding ‌questions‍ at her campaign events.

DeSantis, who is⁤ set to debate⁢ Haley one-on-one for ⁢the first time on Wednesday, accused her of struggling to ⁢handle​ the increased media attention. “She ‍had a period where⁢ the media was⁣ praising her,” DeSantis⁣ told reporters. “But now that she’s facing scrutiny,​ it⁣ seems like every time ‍she answers questions, she ⁤ends up putting her foot in her mouth.”

Drawing a ‍comparison to Hillary⁢ Clinton’s failed presidential‍ bid in 2016, DeSantis argued that ​untested primary ‌candidates often struggle in ⁣general elections. He believes that if Haley were to face a ⁣Democrat, the odds would be stacked against ⁤her. “Republican voters know that,” he⁢ stated. “She just⁣ can’t‌ handle the scrutiny and defend her record. That’s why ​she ⁤rarely answers‌ questions. I guess she’s ‍not even answering voters’ questions anymore.”

Haley ‍has recently changed her⁤ campaign event⁢ format, making it difficult for the​ audience to ask questions. However, the Washington Examiner attended a ⁤breakfast ⁤event⁢ where she did take questions from⁣ the audience.

This attack serves as a preview of the upcoming debate,⁤ which is ⁢expected ⁢to‍ become personal. DeSantis ⁢repeated his criticism that Haley lacks “core convictions”‍ and‍ operates ‌in “pale pastels” instead of “bold colors.” He also undermined her electoral record in South ⁢Carolina.

DeSantis, eagerly anticipating the head-to-head showdown with Haley, is determined to ​win over⁢ Republicans who are not ⁣die-hard⁣ Trump supporters. ‍As Haley gains⁣ ground and⁤ closes in on second place,‌ DeSantis ⁤aims to persuade these voters to⁤ caucus for him next week.

“I ​know the ⁢information flow won’t‌ be‍ served up⁢ by a media trying to paint me​ in a​ positive light,” DeSantis ‍acknowledged. “So I have to take advantage of opportunities like grassroots events, debates, and advertising to get the job done. And that’s exactly what we’re going to do.”

Click here to read more from the Washington Examiner.

What impact‍ does Haley’s ​evasiveness⁤ and lack ​of concrete ​policy proposals have on her chances of securing the Republican ‌nomination

Ed‌ Haley of being evasive⁣ and unwilling to⁢ engage‍ with voters. “It’s concerning ‌that someone running for the highest office in the land ⁤would ⁢dodge questions from⁣ the very people they‌ hope to represent,”⁢ DeSantis said during a campaign rally⁤ in ​West‍ Des Moines.

Throughout her campaign, Haley has been criticized for ⁢sticking to scripted speeches and avoiding impromptu interactions with voters. While this strategy may have worked for her in the past, DeSantis⁢ believes that it is no longer ​effective in today’s political climate.

“In this day ⁣and age, voters ⁢want authenticity. They want leaders ​who are willing to listen to their concerns and address their questions head-on,” DeSantis said. “Haley’s unwillingness to engage with ⁣voters sends a ​message that she is more interested ⁢in maintaining a polished image than connecting with the American people.”

DeSantis, on the other hand, ​has‍ embraced a more grassroots approach to his​ campaign, often hosting town hall meetings and taking‍ questions directly from voters. This strategy has⁤ allowed him to connect with‌ voters⁤ on⁢ a personal level and demonstrate his genuine interest in their concerns.

“I believe in the power of face-to-face conversations. It’s important to me to​ hear directly from the people ​I hope to represent,”‍ DeSantis ‌stated.⁢ “I ‌want voters to know that their voices matter and that‍ I am here to listen.”

This stark contrast in campaign strategies raises questions about the leadership styles⁤ of both​ candidates. While Haley’s scripted speeches may seem polished and well-rehearsed,⁢ some voters may view her approach as calculated ⁤and impersonal. ‌DeSantis, on the other hand, comes across ⁤as‍ more down-to-earth and relatable, putting a premium on direct‌ engagement with voters.

In ​addition to her evasiveness, critics ⁤have also accused Haley of lacking substance in her campaign platform. While she touts her ⁢experience as U.N. Ambassador‍ and former Governor⁤ of South‌ Carolina, some argue that‌ she has yet to offer concrete‍ policy proposals and ⁢solutions to the pressing issues facing the country.

DeSantis,​ on the other hand, has been praised for his strong stance on issues such as⁣ immigration,⁢ law and order, and ⁤conservative ⁣values. His no-nonsense approach and willingness to take action resonates with many Republican voters who are looking for a leader who will stand up for their beliefs.

With the first primary just days away, it remains to be seen how Haley’s campaign strategy will impact her chances of securing‍ the Republican nomination.‍ While she may​ have name recognition and political⁢ experience on​ her side, DeSantis’s⁤ criticisms highlight potential vulnerabilities in her campaign⁢ approach.

As the primary race​ heats⁢ up, voters will have the⁣ opportunity to assess the leadership qualities and policy positions of both candidates. Will​ Haley’s polished image be enough to sway voters, or will DeSantis’s grassroots engagement⁢ resonate⁣ more​ strongly? Only time will tell.

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