Washington Examiner

DeSantis supporters leap to his defense against Trump ahead of primary fight

Voters are getting a picture of the evil Republican presidential primary in 2024 between the front-runners, former President Donald Trump and unconfirmed governor. Ron DeSantis( R-FL )

DeSantis runs the risk of being defined by Trump as the governor and his supporters criticize the former president for his character and policy jobs amid his mounting legal hurdles, even though his supporters are now more vocally defending him. The government is not expected to declare a battle until Florida’s’s 2023 legislative session ends next quarter.


Trump super PAC MAGA Inc. debuted its further TV advert attacking DeSantis last month, alleging that he wanted Medicare and Social Security cuts in addition to trying to increase the retirement age to 70. DeSantis is already mocked for allegedly eating chocolate dessert with three fingers in a 2019 story that was reported by the Daily Beast, earning him the 30th place after bringing in$ 3 million last month.

The DeSantis-affiliated super PAC Never Again Home responded to Fox News Sunday’s’s first TV ad asking,” What happened to Donald Trump?” two days later. and urging the former president to” fight Democrats” rather than” lie” about the governor’s’s support for entitlement reform. On Friday, during a 90-second place geo-targeted to the National Rifle Association’s‘s annual conference in Indianapolis, Indiana, the group had referred to Trump as” gun magnet.”

Republican strategist John Feehery told the Washington Examiner,” About occasion.” Trump is beginning to define DeSantis in a harsh manner. It’s’s about time DeSantis began to respond.

Former Republican staff member John Pitney, a professor of politics at Claremont McKenna College, expressed skepticism about the Ne’er Back Down commercial’s’s target audience as Trump continues to command earlier polls. According to RealClearPolitics, Trump currently holds 52 % of the primary electorate compared to DeSantis’ 24 % months before the first GOP debate this summer in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Trump raised approximately$ 14 million at the same time in the first quarter of 2023, especially around the time of his March indictment.

Pitney said of President Joe Biden and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi( D-CA ),” Here is the message: Trump is stealing pages from the Bden-Pedisi playbook.” Do DeSantis supporters actually believe they can persuade Republicans that Trump resembles Biden and Pelosi too little? That seems incredibly improbable.

He continued,” This is the issue for DeSantis.” The strongest claims against Trump, according to difficult evidence, are that he is dishonest, stole official documents, and attempted to rig the 2020 election. Democrats, however, dislike those claims.

Democrats” want” the former president to be the nominee for president in 2024, according to former Texas Republican Party Chairman Tom Pauken, who no longer supports Trump. DeSantis, according to Pauken, is more likely to prevail in a general election than Trump, as he supported the governor’s’s choice to soften the original six-week abortion ban in Florida.

Well, Pauken said,” Well, it got done.” He” came down on life’s’s hand.” I am aware that there is a lot of disagreement over contraception. However, after signing the law, he is now concentrating on the issues— waking up and confronting Disney — that have really been the source of his conflict.

The advertisements highlight issues with Biden, the White House, Democrats‘ scrutiny of Republicans’ Social Security and Medicare policies, and the GOP chief between Trump and DeSantis.

The Trump places cite seats DeSantis cast in 2013 and 2015 to alter Medicare, Social Security, and the pension age while serving in Congress. He also cast vote in 2013, and 2015. Never Back Down responds by pointing out DeSantis’ statements from last month that he” won’t mess with Social Security” and Trump’s’s remarks from 2020, in which the latter stated that” he would” look” at entitlement programs” at some point.”

Republicans shouldn’t” split a single cent from Medicare or Social Security ,” Trump has said more lately. However, his presidential budgets called for cuts to the products, and in 2012, Trump claimed that Paul Ryan’s’s ideas would” save Medicare” and then-Ratchman national standard-bearer Mitt Romney.

In his book The America We Deserve from 2000, Trump stated that” we may also increase the stage for receiving maximum Social Security benefits to seventy.” ” We must permit people to put a portion of their Social Security income into real, conservative projects.” It would be beneficial for all of us to feel private.

Karoline Leavitt, a spokeswoman for MAGA Inc. who unsuccessfully ran for Congress in New Hampshire last year, possibly supported raising the retirement age and privatizing Social Security.

This was not” a sensible way for the DeSantis station to go home ,” a Republican operative supporting Trump’s’s system remarked.


The source claimed that Trump’s’s PAC official Matt Wolking used to praise him for erecting the wall and now asserts that he didn’t. ” The way they’re’re responding to this demonstrates how helpless they are in this situation.”

Wolking retorted,” Trump built some of the wall he promised, but I’m’m disappointed that, despite his admissions, it wasn’t finished.”

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