Conservative News Daily

DeSantis secretly sends aid to Israel.

DeSantis Takes Matters‍ Into His Own ⁣Hands, Arranges Secret Shipment to ‍Israel

We ⁣have‍ a commander in chief who is working to rip this country apart. It is⁤ an agenda that is forcing governors ‌to act on their ​own, as ‌if each⁣ state was its own ‌little nation.

That is ‍how Florida Gov. Ron ⁣DeSantis is behaving, and rightfully so. Stand by to ‌watch ⁤hundreds of innocent‍ Americans ​trapped in Israel die while the Biden ‍administration ⁣fails to⁣ do⁢ anything about it? DeSantis⁢ isn’t about ⁣that. ​He won’t just sit back idly.

He’s going to ⁤act, even⁤ if he has to do it​ in the⁣ dark. If it works ‌for Biden, it works⁣ for⁤ him.

Such is​ the case behind ​two cargo planes that left for Israel on Oct. 17. Believed to be carrying “medical supplies, clothing items, hygiene products and ​children’s toys” according to DeSantis’ office and CNN, it ​was the equipment not mentioned on those planes that ‌is⁢ now causing such a stir.

Drones,⁣ body armor and ⁣helmets​ procured ‍by Israel took flight as well. Israel asked ⁤Florida ​to‍ help orchestrate‌ the delivery of these for the war-ready country. ​DeSantis agreed.⁤ The additional ​equipment ⁣was⁤ confirmed by the ‍governor’s office to CNN ‍ on Thursday.

“At the request of the Israeli Consul General​ in Miami, cargo planes contracted by Florida were used to transport ⁢healthcare and hospital ⁤supplies, drones, body armor, and helmets that first ​responders can⁣ use,” Jeremy Redfern, a spokesman for the governor’s office,⁢ said in a statement.

Florida also helped to‌ coordinate the procurement of ⁢weapons and ‍ammunition by Israel,⁤ indirectly handling the delivery of these. The Republican⁣ presidential candidate just⁣ made President Joe Biden ⁢look really, really bad, not that‍ Joe needed any help‍ doing that. He’s accused ‌the president of not doing enough to help Americans ⁣stranded in Israel.

The few charters Biden sent to Israel to save ⁢Americans and land them in Europe hardly demonstrate‍ the force and⁣ concern expected of the president of the United States. It shows, once again, how weak this administration⁤ is.

It also shows how little they ⁤actually care for American lives. This isn’t a new script. We’ve seen this before with the Biden administration.

These lives,⁤ however,‌ mean something ​to their loved ones. They also mean something to DeSantis, obviously. As he​ told CNN, “When there’s no leadership, you​ have a choice: Are ⁤you ‌going​ to just kind of⁢ sit there and complain about it or are you going to step up and are‌ you ⁣going to lead?”

Known ⁤to act in times of crisis, DeSantis is living up​ to his reputation. So is President Joe Biden, ⁤whose⁤ true agenda is to ⁤keep the ⁢country in​ knots.⁣ That includes dividing the ‌people⁤ with ‍a new loaded issue to fight over.

While Biden is doing that, DeSantis ⁢has been working ​overtime to figure out how to help,‍ including ​declaring a state of emergency⁤ on Oct. 12 and securing a partnership with Project Dynamo, a nonprofit that carries out international rescue missions, ‍according to CNN.

Combining the funds with⁢ the relationship that allows for ‌the rescue of Floridians and transport of necessary supplies ‌to Israel, ⁤both DeSantis and his wife Casey have already welcomed 270‌ Floridians home. They physically greeted them on the tarmac ‍in Tampa upon their arrival.

That is what you want‍ to see from a leader. That is exactly not‍ what we are⁢ getting from Biden.

DeSantis has contracted ARS Global ​Emergency Management to carry out this initiative, one ⁣of three companies that assisted ‌him in ​the “moving of migrants” out of his state. ⁢They have since billed Florida $19 ⁣million for the required expenses⁢ to ⁤complete the Israel operation ⁢thus far.

DeSantis is able to access $500 million‌ without legislative approval‌ as a result of his declaring a state of emergency. It was⁣ a ⁤very ⁤smart move. DeSantis gets things ⁤done, while ​Biden fumbles around.

Two very different men, both demonstrating priorities and rising to the⁣ occasion. Except Gov.‌ Ron ​DeSantis is actually saving ⁢lives, while Biden is simply saving his own and growing richer ‍for it.

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What additional equipment did the cargo planes carrying supplies to Israel⁤ also bring?

We believe in the power of a ‍free and independent press, and we are committed to bringing you accurate and unbiased news coverage. Our team works tirelessly to​ ensure⁣ that our reporting is always fair, balanced, and ‌trustworthy.

In these challenging times, it is crucial to have leaders who​ are willing to take action and​ prioritize the ​well-being of their citizens. Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida exemplifies this kind of leadership. While ⁣the ⁤Biden administration fails to address the dire situation of hundreds of innocent Americans trapped in Israel, DeSantis is taking matters into his own hands.

On October 17, two cargo planes departed from Florida to deliver much-needed supplies to Israel. While the planes were said⁢ to be carrying medical​ supplies,⁤ clothing items, hygiene products, and children’s‌ toys, it has now ⁢been revealed that they also carried drones, body armor,⁢ and helmets procured by Israel. ⁤DeSantis and ⁢his office confirmed this additional equipment in a statement to CNN.

Furthermore, Florida played a role in coordinating the procurement of weapons and ammunition for Israel. This demonstrates Governor DeSantis’ commitment to assisting a war-ready nation and his willingness to go above and beyond to help those in need.

Meanwhile, President Joe Biden’s response to the situation in Israel has been lackluster, ‍sending only a few charters to evacuate Americans and leave them stranded in Europe. This not only showcases the weakness of the current administration but also reveals their disregard ‌for American lives. Sadly, this is not the first time we have witnessed such behavior from the Biden administration.

While the president fails to act decisively, DeSantis has‍ been working diligently to provide aid. He declared a state of emergency on October 12 and partnered⁢ with Project Dynamo, a nonprofit organization specializing in international rescue missions. As a result, 270 Floridians have already been safely brought back home, with ‌Governor DeSantis and his wife personally welcoming them⁣ upon their arrival.

DeSantis ⁢has contracted ARS Global Emergency ‌Management to support this initiative, and the expenses for the Israel operation have amounted⁣ to‍ $19 million so far. The governor has access to $500 million without legislative approval due to the state of emergency declaration, allowing for swift

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